As usual, the voice of reason; did I tell you that is one of the things I admire about you?
This is the second time today I find myself agreeing with one of your posts!
Tell me one thing: how can you be _proud_ of being an American? I can fully understand being proud of an _accomplishment_: leading a good life, raising kids, learning a language, inventing cold fusion or just being nice to your neighbour. I can understand being proud of shaping a nation's course in some way. I can understand being grateful for being born in the first world, in a free and wealthy land.
But how, precisely, can one be _proud_ of being born in one particular area of this planet? To me, that's just totally silly. It's exactly as silly as being proud of having a white skin
I don't think the accident of my birth in this country makes me a better person; I used to argue the point of the accident of being born with a penis somehow meant a man was superior to a woman with my elder ex-bro-in-law...not to any avail, mind you, but it seemed so patently ridiculous to me. I am happy to be an American and I think for all of our flaws, we also have some great strengths. I am happy that my children have been born here but only recently, and due entirely to the people I've met on this board, I am becoming aware of my own ignorance and lack of understanding about the rest of the world. I have been offended a few times (not recently) by generalizatons about Americans; I still think that broad, sweeping statements are rarely, if ever, true...but I have to agree that in my experience, many of the people I know do not feel the need to look beyond our culture to educate themselves about other lands. And I have been just as guilty of this myself.
I did not take your comments as bashing America; merely your observations which you have every right to hold and express. I don't think there is anything at all wrong with taking pride in oneself and one's accomplishments; where the problem comes in is when one somehow feels superior to others because of an accident of birth. Just my half dollar's worth (inflation, yaknow!)
"A single event can awaken within us a stranger totally unknown to us. To live is to be slowly born."
Antoine de Saint-Exupery