Thanks for the explanation of your views. It helped me clarify what it was about all of this that bothered me. The fact is that you're right, ID cards wouldn't have any significant impact on stopping terrorist activities; it would be childishly simple to forge such cards. I think the main thing that bothers me about it all is that, once we have em, we ain't anever gonna get rid of em!! And while I agree that the worst case scenario most likely would never come to pass, it is still rather chilling to consider that this could be one step along that road. A step I am not willing to take. If I could see that such a route might be effective in halting such actions on the part of terrorists, I might be willing to forego a bit of my freedom, you know for the "greater good"...but what's the point? And I don't want to give up any more of my personal power than I absolutely have to.
Eman, thanks for that example. There is already too much of my personal information and activities 'out there'; why would I want to increase that??! At this point in time, I see ID cards as a step backwards, not forwards, as regards freedom. Until I have hard evidence to the contrary, I will have to say 'thanks, but no thanks' to this issue.
America was a democracy in the 50s, yes? Ask a black person living in the south what it was like.
Amen! Freedom in our democracy has not always been distributed evenly, nor is it now. I fear that an ID card would be abused the same way. Perhaps not right at first, but eventually? Worrisome.