My non-JW dad tried to get one of my sisters and I together when he found out she'd shunned me for fifteen years. He phoned her and then said she's fine about talking to you now. I doubted it very much but did as he asked because my mother had died and he wanted us to make up.
She said, Dad doesn't understand the situation. Her whole tone was, you know why we're doing this to you and you should understand you deserve it. I lost it and said how could he understand, how could anyone understand, what you're doing in cruel and unusual punishment! She said I was criticising her religion and slammed the phone down.
Her husband has cancer so I've heard on the grapevine. Will she realise how cruel she's been if he dies and she becomes a widow too? I doubt it somehow. I'm afraid I will not comfort her, I'm not a Christian, I don't forgive seventy times seven times.