'welcome to the GT' Just keeping the candle burning.
Holding breath S
as i was in the dentists chair this morning, i got the news and my heart just sank.
i think of all those poor people and their grieving families, and my heart goes out to them.. well, you know, i have to say this: money is on you.. i think you nailed it this time.... what is the verse about them "growing faint out of fear"???.
all i can say is..stay guys ain't seen nothing yet..... the fun begins when the terrorists are identified and recompense is sought by the united states.. oh, and not to mention the ramifications in the global markets..... yep, like i said folks...."welcome to the gt.....and the finale is the big a"... this is a day that will go down in world history.. chipster
'welcome to the GT' Just keeping the candle burning.
Holding breath S
Fire by night, pillar of smoke by day, it's got to be the fire elemental yhwh. Ya gota be careful when you approach burning bushes. Once those fire elementals are given power, they can be real mean. This one is still around.
they have been able to name all 19 terrorists within days, their addresses and other particulars.
they have also linked them directly and/or indirectly to bin laden.
they have been able to trace hire cars used and flight schools.........all within days.
Well, the big picture is that this exactly what the american govt and israel needed to get them what they want. The israeli army can now kill every one of those pesky palistinians, down to the last little baby girl and her dolly.
Investigations closing in on W are stopped.
The american military, with nato, and most other countries, even china following along, can stomp to powder any islamic countries that the US chooses to label 'terrorist'. Heck, islam and arabs are pain in the ass anyways.
Increase of spending budgets all around. Every body is happy, right? Maybe. It will take some time to see how many of the freedoms we presently have will remain.
are you buying into the terrorist attacks?
not me.. tr
Christians think of the illuminatti like jws think of us 'apostates'. Just as most orthodox jws don't really know what we apostates are about so christians don't really know about the illuminatti or illuminated ones, but are, nevertheless afraid of them and wish to limit their activity. They like to blame all kinds of things on them. As always ignorant people fear what they don't understand.
Adam wisehupt started this movement in germany as a group within the freemasons. The movement, in its early history fragmented and reformed spontaneously. These were ones who felt they had spiritual enlightenment. They agitated against the catholic church and govts in whatever country they were. They felt that spiritual or illumined ones should not need tyrannical bodies such as govts or religions to dictate to the masses. In other words, their message was the same as christs. Laws of the law coveneant led to harm. Truly spiritual people understand that one should endeavor to treat others as themselves as what one does to others comes back to the originator. Simple, no? But all govts and of course the catholic church felt threatened naturally, since it was their continued existence that was challenged.
Today protestant born again types of organized churches are promoting basically the same need to be illumined or born again, yet most fear to take this to it's logical conclusion since this would mean their own dissolution. People, for the most part have an emotional need to belong to groups. Belonging brings security. Safety in numbers. Churches, governments, corporations, races, cities etc. These aren't wrong. 'Apostle' paul said that babies think as babies. It's a natural stage. Few people in civilization are able to grow up to be able to think as individuals. The 'babies' of course feel threatened when there protections are shaken. I used to be a baby, but i have grown a bit.
There are loose associations in the world that are very intelligent, very powerful and probably a good understanding of the spiritual forces. These loosely connected groups understand mass psychology. They are able to percieve what is the popular opinion and manipulate it. They know the value of societal shocks to ready the public for the measure to be implimented. As jws are sheep following blindly their leaders, so the masses are mostly like sheep. Every day they recieve their dose of conditioning from the popular medias. The media also keeps them occupied, can't have time for thinking. A world full of aristotles or einsteins would be ungovernable, uncontrolable. The media managers have studied and understand history quite well. They know that public opinion is very important.
If only all were illumined.
are you buying into the terrorist attacks?
not me.. tr
Well, this shows once again that christians really don't believe or want freedom of religion. You're into the occult, sorry, death and hell for you. It's a good thing the founding fathers: franklin, madison, jefferson and their freind thomas paine weren't christian, there would have been an american fascist christian police state instead of what it is. The founding fathers were dieists, by the way. They were into education. You should get a little bit of it yourself.
apart from the noble imperatives of christian charity, the society's rather tepid response to the need for emergency assistance in the aftermath of the wtc tragedy across the harbor illustrates how calcified the thinking of their leadsership has become.. i know, they've accepted a few overnight jw guests and accommodated some others, but when measured against the magnitude of their resources, these meager photo-op and pr-op gestures are tiny.. by failing to sieze the moment, they blew a priceless opportunity to cut a a firebreak across what they must know will be a maelstrom of publice outrage and criticism when the dateline story runs.
Do you have more specific information about the instructions to refuse hospitality that the wt gave? What was the name of the city, congregation etc? We should document these events, as the wt will be manufacuring a historical record of how sacrificially they helped in this disaster. Please collect, keep and spread. Thanks
My reaction to the video was, how fucking nice!
The wt has waited for years for jehovah, the jewish war god , to kill everybody. They have predicted time and again that he would. Now, when a bunch of people get killed right on their door step, they are toungue tied. Tail between their legs, no hundred pound hail stone messages. What a bunch of shit-headed prophets they are. Everybody knows what is going through the minds of these puke-face jw's they are interviewing, but they have been fed all these nicey nicey words that they are regurgitating. I'm fucking pissed off. Those bunch of two-faced fucking politically correct cowards. I'd like to fill this page with expletives fuck fuck fuck
apart from the noble imperatives of christian charity, the society's rather tepid response to the need for emergency assistance in the aftermath of the wtc tragedy across the harbor illustrates how calcified the thinking of their leadsership has become.. i know, they've accepted a few overnight jw guests and accommodated some others, but when measured against the magnitude of their resources, these meager photo-op and pr-op gestures are tiny.. by failing to sieze the moment, they blew a priceless opportunity to cut a a firebreak across what they must know will be a maelstrom of publice outrage and criticism when the dateline story runs.
Here is the url from which my previous post was taken.
apart from the noble imperatives of christian charity, the society's rather tepid response to the need for emergency assistance in the aftermath of the wtc tragedy across the harbor illustrates how calcified the thinking of their leadsership has become.. i know, they've accepted a few overnight jw guests and accommodated some others, but when measured against the magnitude of their resources, these meager photo-op and pr-op gestures are tiny.. by failing to sieze the moment, they blew a priceless opportunity to cut a a firebreak across what they must know will be a maelstrom of publice outrage and criticism when the dateline story runs.
For those that missed it, here is an account of bethel locking its doors at noon to keep out strangers. This is on another thread, It can be found, The 3 'worldlings' that they gave coffee and sandwiches to must have staggered in befor noon, when jehovah locked the ark doors.
I give the wt a couple of weeks to manufacture an account of how they were at the forefront of an unprecedented outpouring of humanitarian aide.
outcast Taken from Great Crowd.
Rebekah called us at 6 AM and it was
very clear that she was traumatized by this event. It
was 9 AM there ..only 15 minutes after the first plane
hit the first of the twin towers. She was telling me
how they all heard the first plane hit the first
tower. She and three other sisters who were working on
the 28th floor of the 90 Sands building ran to look
out and could see that the tower was on fire. One of
the sisters turned on the TV in the room in which they
were standing. And they alternately looked at the news
and out at the burning building. they were
looking out the window they saw the second plane fly
close to the second tower and were stunned when that
second hit came! Keep in mind....what they saw was not
far away, and, their view was opposite of what we are
all seeing on TV. They could see the plane approach
from the left (our view on the TV has the plane flying
in on the right), and then they could see how the
pilot aimed dead center and hit the building...whereas
we see on the news, the plane disappears behind the
first tower and you see the resulting fireball out to
the left. Bethel had any workers who had jobs on the
12th floor or higher, come down and work below the
11th floor. ALL the factory workers have been
evacuated. At lunch, the governing body made a special
announcement that all the Bethel shuttles were not
going to be running. All Bethelites were to 'stay' in
the building they were in until it was time to go
home. Until walking between the buildings
and all buildings are locked down--for security. (They
had one man on the street run in for 'safety'...and
they don't want any 'strangers' coming in!). You know
how Bethel keeps everything so clean? Well, there are
crews of brothers doing clean up detail outside.
Paperwork from the offices in the WTC are floating
down like confetti...many spattered with blood. If
nothing else, maybe people who have not yet listened
to 'the message' will be able to see how 'normal' life
can change in a heartbeat! Love and hugs,
Donna and Mike
it's comforting to know that our religious nuts are taking a positive spin .
virginia beach, va. -- religious broadcaster pat robertson said tuesday's terror attacks occurred because americans have insulted god and lost the protection of heaven.. "we have imagined ourselves invulnerable and have been consumed by the pursuit of ... health, wealth, material pleasures and sexuality," robertson wrote in a three-page statement issued thursday by his christian broadcasting network.. "it (terrorism) is happening because god almighty is lifting his protection from us," said robertson.. you christians sure have some wonderful leaders!
Jesus said the kingdom is within us. So you already have it hidden within you, you only have to find it. It can be a lonely road, but many have done it. The book mysticism by evelyn underhill is a study of some that have. It's a hundred years old book, not just about catholics. Actually, many who find this internal divine quality rise above religiosity. Often they come into trouble with the group they may have started with. It is an individual trip between what you presently consider yourself to be, your internal self and whatever god is; jesus, if you want. Whatever god is, is not offended by your efforts, even if they are in a wrong direction. It (god) will gently direct you to where you should go. Have no fear.