An article at the above address claims the us can find any enriched uranium anywhere in the world w satellites that detect 'high velocity spin off particles'.
listening to cnn and other news outlets, i find that the media pundits are making a big deal out of nuke plants vs terrorists.
in one case on cnn they are either illinformed or dishonest.. the claim was made this morning that nuke plant containments have never been tested for an airplane crashing into them.
this is false.. i posted on this topic two or three weeks ago.
An article at the above address claims the us can find any enriched uranium anywhere in the world w satellites that detect 'high velocity spin off particles'.
question to throw out to anyone who cares to answer.. what do jw's believe happens when they die.
jon always told me that when life was over, that was it, no heaven no hell just nothingness.. is that what jw's really believe?
he didn't like to talk about it with me because he thought it would upset me.. thanks for any input,.
Geez, people are posting whole books now.
The wt teaches that we are only a very complicated organic machine that is animated by an impersonal life force. As this impersonal life force leaves the body and disappears, the body becomes dead and all existence stops. No trace of any kind lives on, except that jehovah may have taken a 'snapshot' of the person so that he can create a new one if he feels like it.
it has been said that the gb are just followers of followers.. they had belived a lie all their lives and have taught others the same.. in another post i've disscussed how i'd like to know more about russell and rutherford.. were they followers of followers or corupt.. many seem to point to rutherford as the bad guy.. even in the societies own books he seems to come off as a dodgy guy.. was russell guenuine in his belief , or was he courupt too?.
so who is mostly to blame for the jw religon russell or rutherford?.
or is it ourselves ,did we just decive ourselves and seek to pass the blame when the truth dawned?.
'I'm supporting Pastor' are his exact words. I suppose i used negative words in describing it. Did i overdo it? Maybe.
'Socrates believed that the complete truth lives within each of us and if the proper technique was used, the truth could be drawn out or "educed." I don't know if I agree with that, but if he was right (or CLOSE to right) then we don't need ANY outside source to help us find our way'
This is similar to the way it appears to me. This is why i'm negative on the practice most western religionists have of turning so much control over to their group, their god, their leader. Most of us start out by identifying w groups. First our family, then maybe religious or city/state/nation group. These are phases, i believe are natural, but we should pass through them. We must individually act to reach this internal truth. Each of us has our own path to go to reach it. Teachers and books can help. When the student is ready the teacher arrives. I'm only a student. Those 2 books are broad studies of spirituality. They don't promote any one way. I believe they could be helpful for some one new to the spiritual path concept. After all, a proper technique, as socrates described it, must be found. As long as RR keeps seeking, he will find it, even without these books. The first experience is like going through a door. He has already done that.
BTW do you happen to remember in which book socrates, or whoever quoted him said that?
Thanks SS
it has been said that the gb are just followers of followers.. they had belived a lie all their lives and have taught others the same.. in another post i've disscussed how i'd like to know more about russell and rutherford.. were they followers of followers or corupt.. many seem to point to rutherford as the bad guy.. even in the societies own books he seems to come off as a dodgy guy.. was russell guenuine in his belief , or was he courupt too?.
so who is mostly to blame for the jw religon russell or rutherford?.
or is it ourselves ,did we just decive ourselves and seek to pass the blame when the truth dawned?.
Well and good for you. Really. But, a spiritual experience doesn't validate your theology. People of many different religious backgrounds have these experiences. They generally force them to fit somewhere in their theology. If it's a jw, it's anointing. If it's a pentle it's being born again. Catholic, a step toward sainthood.
If you would like to read about it, mysticism by evelyn underhill and varieties of religious experience by william james are quite good.
It's really the first step on a stairs which probably has no top.
listening to cnn and other news outlets, i find that the media pundits are making a big deal out of nuke plants vs terrorists.
in one case on cnn they are either illinformed or dishonest.. the claim was made this morning that nuke plant containments have never been tested for an airplane crashing into them.
this is false.. i posted on this topic two or three weeks ago.
The media/govt needs to keep fear of the US people at a sustained level in order to keep support/justfication for the bombing, and to convince them they need to give up more freedoms and rights. They will keep trotting out new fears as the public becomes inured to old ones.
it has been said that the gb are just followers of followers.. they had belived a lie all their lives and have taught others the same.. in another post i've disscussed how i'd like to know more about russell and rutherford.. were they followers of followers or corupt.. many seem to point to rutherford as the bad guy.. even in the societies own books he seems to come off as a dodgy guy.. was russell guenuine in his belief , or was he courupt too?.
so who is mostly to blame for the jw religon russell or rutherford?.
or is it ourselves ,did we just decive ourselves and seek to pass the blame when the truth dawned?.
I guess you still need someone visible to plod after. Heaven forbid that you would have a spiritual experience for yourself, being able to make your own judgements, think for yourself, have your own pipeline to god, etc.
Group think is for kids.
listening to cnn and other news outlets, i find that the media pundits are making a big deal out of nuke plants vs terrorists.
in one case on cnn they are either illinformed or dishonest.. the claim was made this morning that nuke plant containments have never been tested for an airplane crashing into them.
this is false.. i posted on this topic two or three weeks ago.
So do your part to save civilization. Kill a muslim today.
my daughter taught me an important lesson a couple.
years ago.
I must be still working through the 'real friends' issue. If someone mentions the idea of being my friend, i feel urged to tell him to take a long hike off a short cliff. Thirty years of thinking i had or was a real friend! Venting..
well, i'm finally reading coc, and i must tell you that despite already being an ex-dub i was *shocked*.
the thing that got me was the gb's apparently unselfconsciously acting above all the rules that they would apply so harshly to everyone else.
maybe i'm naive, but i didn't expect that level of hypocrisy.. so what did you find most shocking in coc?
What busrt my bubble about the wt being god directed, was how fred franz and his cronies basically controlled the agendas at gb meetings. The wt was ff directed.
What really made me angry was how hard they were to ones who devoted their whole lives to the wt, then shut them out totally, even in their feeble old age, leaving them to starve or rot on the ground, because of some minor doctrinal disagreement.
But i really have no respect for ray because of his begging to be allowed to stay in the org, and because he admitted preaching stuff he didn't believe at assemblies. I say he is a cowardly toad, dispite his intelligence.
given recent events, some of this is almost funny.. side one: .
side two: .
Follow the torah??!! Since when did they start stoning people dead and burning people alive? The wt soc is either a lying champ, king hypocrite, or a chameleon. gdfcspafps Those are the first letters to juicey words.