Try the ouija board if you like, but from what i've read, it's like random call to any spirit that might be around. Sometimes they can stick to ya. Of course that is from other people's experience.
it's a funny ol' world.
a month ago i was mucking about with some thick fencing wire and i suddenly got the idea to bend a couple of pieces into a set of divining rods like i've seen old nutters doing on tv.
so i cut two sections of wire about 2' long and bent the ends 4" at 90 degrees to form old fashioned diving rods (twitching sticks are made of yew or hickory or something .. don't know what, if anything aboriginies used).
Try the ouija board if you like, but from what i've read, it's like random call to any spirit that might be around. Sometimes they can stick to ya. Of course that is from other people's experience.
i've been a part of this forum for about one month, and during that time i've been struck by the willingness of many so former jehovah witnesses either to ridicule the bible, or to stand by while it's being ridiculed.
so, i'm wondering how many of them while witnesses suffered through experiences so searing that they no longer believe in the god of the old testament.. who among you still believe that underneath the layers of contradictions, inconsistencies, and errors in the bible there may be found the words of a god who created the universe, and who also cares about you, personally?.
joseph f. alward.
Uncle Bruce
Ah yes, joe mcmoneagle is one of the top remote veiwers. He is married to monroe's daughter. They now run the institute.
While i can't speak from experience, bruce moen who went through nonroe inst training, wrote 3 or 4 books about his course and after course experiences. It may have been the second book where he describes dealing w what you have at you home. It's not something that any gifted person can just do.
At any rate if you want to converse, i can unlock my email for a bit, or you can.
i've been a part of this forum for about one month, and during that time i've been struck by the willingness of many so former jehovah witnesses either to ridicule the bible, or to stand by while it's being ridiculed.
so, i'm wondering how many of them while witnesses suffered through experiences so searing that they no longer believe in the god of the old testament.. who among you still believe that underneath the layers of contradictions, inconsistencies, and errors in the bible there may be found the words of a god who created the universe, and who also cares about you, personally?.
joseph f. alward.
Hey Brother Joe
Since this is your thread, will you give us a hint on where you stand on this question? If you haven't formed a conclusion, that's okay too.
Uncle Rubber
You say we might be in a similar area of the field? Cool. Have you read about, or books of monroe inst? Have you done any of their tapes?
i've been a part of this forum for about one month, and during that time i've been struck by the willingness of many so former jehovah witnesses either to ridicule the bible, or to stand by while it's being ridiculed.
so, i'm wondering how many of them while witnesses suffered through experiences so searing that they no longer believe in the god of the old testament.. who among you still believe that underneath the layers of contradictions, inconsistencies, and errors in the bible there may be found the words of a god who created the universe, and who also cares about you, personally?.
joseph f. alward.
I was trying to be as breif as possible without going into arguements to back up my beliefs.
I also said: 'The other spiritual force seems to be what some people call a 'higher self'. This seems to be the origin of the unconditional love that some experience, which they mistake for god. It is continuoussly available to help, guide etc'
Does that make you feel a little less sad for me? I used to have all the answers. They ended up not fitting reality. Up to this point, what i wrote seems to match reality. It is subject to change.
In my world view, all is ultimately saved, being back w its source. All the sufferings will be just experiences in the end, if there is one. In your christian view, i would imagine that many end up suffering undescribably for eternity, or at least lost to annihalation. So, in which view is more love shown. Keep in mind that reincarnation is part of my view. Also if you love something you set it free. In my view, freedom is total.
Of course it will confuse you because you haven't gone the path i have. My belief system is open; yours is likely closed. By that i mean, that for you doctrines must fit inside the framework of the theology based on the bible and/or your church. If it does it for you, good.
i've been a part of this forum for about one month, and during that time i've been struck by the willingness of many so former jehovah witnesses either to ridicule the bible, or to stand by while it's being ridiculed.
so, i'm wondering how many of them while witnesses suffered through experiences so searing that they no longer believe in the god of the old testament.. who among you still believe that underneath the layers of contradictions, inconsistencies, and errors in the bible there may be found the words of a god who created the universe, and who also cares about you, personally?.
joseph f. alward.
Bro Joe
I'll tell if you will.
I had to trash the bible, at one point, as much as it hurt to do so. Where does that leave me? From my readings and experiences, up to this point, it seems there are mainly two higher spiritual forces in my life.
It seems that the ultimate source, the infinite, unnamable, undescribable, which underlies all, is not personally concerned, but can be touched nevertheless. It is not personally concerned because, ultimately, all after innumerable experiences will end up back w it. So, it gives total freedom to all that is. The mystics: christian, buddhist, hindu, and taoist attempt to describe it variously as 'the way', the deep, the dark, the light, total peace.
The other spiritual force seems to be what some people call a 'higher self'. This seems to be the origin of the unconditional love that some experience, which they mistake for god. It is continuoussly available to help, guide etc. I'm not sure where or if jesus fits into the picture.
I believe there are many spirits, maybe alternate worlds on levels between matter and spirit. Monroe institute has explored some of this on a nonreligious basis.
i thought that would get your attention.. i dont know if im being perverse here, but i seem to want one last confrontation with the jws.. i am out a good while now.
long enough to stop getting hellos on the street.
what those scumbags did to me before in thier meetings (old h20ers may remember) i still want to go at them again.. i was so depressed about things i really thought about suicide.
I know your feeling, i think. Anger is a natural reaction when we are wronged. If you go at them, you still can't win, their programming is too strong. There must be another way to deal w the anger. Maybe people here have some suggestions about dealing with anger??
i picked up my 18 year old step son today, i mentioned last week that his dad threw him out because sean and his step mom didn't get along.
dad handed off luggage, etc, a hug and a reminder to "go to meetings as often as you can.".
as soon as his dad was out of ear shot sean said, "well, i'm 18 now, i have options, what would i have to do if i wanted to become catholic?".
It's an admirable thing you do. A catholic taking in a cast-off jw. Put that on a newspaper headline.
Anyway, there is a lot in him that needs deprogramming. He can do a lot himself. I'm not sugesting you do it, if you don't want to. If he got on here, he might find it interesting. One book that has helped a lot of jws is crisis of conscience. I would suggest just having one lying around. Eventually, in his curiosity, he will pick it up.
Guess i have the opposit problem. I often eat to feel better. In some churches and some of the catholic saints fasted for days. It helped them to get 'closer to god'.
i know what is missing from my life, it is an individual that deep inside i know i have been yearning to know, but never know how to ask if he'll accept me as a friend.
i do not know how to find him cos i feel so worthless inside.. how do i share my life with jesus?.
Seekers who don't experience god or jesus are left w an emptiness still. They try to fill it w words or ideas memorised, commonly known as theology. It's not spiritual. When you create a painting or something out of nothing, it is a spiritual act, perhaps similar but nanoscale compared to when the universe came to be. From where do creations originate?? Some people think from the spirit dimension. At any rate, since the infinite envelops everything, you could find 'god' in your art. IMO Of course you can always suppliment.
some will remember the 1960's wt & awake doom prophecies.
one of them was that the world was simply getting too crowded for civilization to survive.
taiwan's population density .
Good points, seeker. Also, poor, starving people have lots of kids. Rich, well educated people have only a few or none. So make sure there is plenty of education available. Affluence is a little tougher.