Thanks for posting those. Comparing his pyramid to the other humble gravestones, suggests that russell was held in high regard by the masons. Very interesting.
Madapostate, you will want these.
Thanks for posting those. Comparing his pyramid to the other humble gravestones, suggests that russell was held in high regard by the masons. Very interesting.
Madapostate, you will want these.
my grandfather is turning 100 yrs in december.
my aunt, to whom i am practically a stranger, has invited me to the party.
she has had many confrontations w my jdub mother, her sister.
My grandfather is turning 100 yrs in december. My aunt, to whom i am practically a stranger, has invited me to the party. She has had many confrontations w my jdub mother, her sister. My aunt explained to me that the birthday party was their way of honoring their parents. Had i still been jdub, it would have meant nothing, but now, it speaks volumes.
I thought of my disintigrated family. My own alienation from both my parents; one a dub, one not. How different it could have been if birthdays had been used as an occassion to practice honoring others?
While i may not attend, it's 3000 miles away, i'm certainly going to send flowers, card and gift(s), and start up communication from my end as well.
Any other positive aspects about birthdays anyone would like to share? This was inspired by farkels post on christmas.
in the "christmas" thread, aroarer asked this:.
: ...have researched christmas in a new way and have come to realize it is not as evil as wt teaches.
the real ugliness is the wt.
Funny, i experienced some similar things in my school years. Seriously though, your account was very moving and analyzed accurately. I think the bithday issue may be similar.
SS .
ultrasound 'melts' away fat without surgery or dieting .
by lorraine fraser, medical correspondent.
That's a good question. Doc. The fat has to go somewhere.
'the united states army has flicked the switch on the world's largest intranet -- a giant computer network that will connect more than 1 million soldiers, support personnel and veterans all over the globe.'.
isn't this similar to what the wt should be doing if it really had all that truth.
'The United States Army has flicked the switch on the world's largest Intranet -- a giant computer network that will connect more than 1 million soldiers, support personnel and veterans all over the globe.'
Isn't this similar to what the wt should be doing if it really had all that truth. Gods chariot like org is being passed by newer modes of transport.
i cannot forget this little girl.. ezekiel 34:12 this is what the sovereign lord says: i am against the shepherds and will hold them accountable for my flock.
i will remove them from tending the flock so that the shepherds can no longer feed themselves.
i will rescue my flock from their mouths, and it will no longer be food for them".
You're taking a big bite. Who can chew all that? Are there any groups that are working on those problems? Greenpeace? Indymedia? Different groups do different things. This group has its work cut out for it. Maybe you could get into politics. Many of those problems are political.
Just some suggestions
some years back i moved into a new house on a new estate, quite near to where my mother lives, and even closer to where radar lives now.. we were one of the first to move in, and, after several weeks, our first neighbours began to arrive.
they were a family comprising husband, wife, 1 son and 3 daughters.
we exchanged greetings and each family showed the other around our new houses which were of the linked to each other design.. a week or so later, i noticed my mother pulling up outside in her car, but, instead of coming to my home she got into a long conversation with my new neighbour who was tending to his front garden.
Jeepers. The invasion of the mind snatchers. Waiting too.
this was written by izzat majeed, a pakistani writer, with slight changes made by yours truly.
the words ring so true with those changes in defining the intransigence of the wts, though:.
"we muslimsjehovah's witnesses cannot keep blaming the west satan the devil for all our ills...the embarrassment of wretchedness among us is beyond repair.
You are right, the wt is evolving a lot faster than islam has.
Are you still an elder or jw? Just wondering. Bet you're glad to tell this story to someone.
the prep and publishing of the dead sea scrolls is finally finishing.
they date from 250 bc to 70 ce.
out of a total of 52 volumes, jesus christ is not mentioned even once.. _________.
'If Jesus didn't exist....the Pharisees and their religious descendants, the rabbis of the Mishnah and Talmud, never made that argument' I didn't either. I find it remarkable that there is so little mention of jesus in secular history. Nothing at all contemporary to his life. Why didn't he write something himself? Josephus wrote, and so no one argues if he existed or not. It was paul, an outsider who got the christian ball rolling, not the 11 apostles.
The essenian apocalypticism is remarkably close to that in the nt. Were they linked? Where the essens resided was considered 'the wilderness'. Jesus spent a month 'in the wilderness'. Hmmmm
The talmud claims jesus was fathered by a roman soldier. If he was half roman and paul was a roman agent, then as baigent and leigh claim, christianity could have been a weapon devised against the jews of the time. Interesting that 300 years later, christianity became the roman state religion.