The fact that many people today divorce and don't see marriage as anything more than a piece of paper is a sad commentary on the problems plaguing society today. Maybe I am old fashioned but there is something to be said of a marriage that lasts 40 or 50 years, unlike the marriages you hear of that last a mere few months.
It is true that people who are married tend to try to work out problems more so than those who are not. Maybe that is what is missing today in many relationships, the commitment factor. Anyway, marriage is not only common in Christian beliefs but also in your 'pagan' religions as well. It is universaly accepted.
Home and Dry... Try to understand your father and where he is coming from. The fact that he accepts you and speaks to you speaks volume on his part. Don't spoil a good thing. Enjoy your father and mother while you still have them, for one day they will be gone. My sister and my dad had a rift develop between them right before he died, this pains my sister to this day several years later. DO NOT let that happen. You may not agree but you can at least relate and get along.
Also if you are waiting for lots of money to get married and have a big wedding, it may never happen. Perhaps examining your priorities might be in order.
Just my 2 cents.