“Three people can keep a secret only if two of them are dead”.
Benjamin Franklin.
i was once was told by an jw elder it was a rule not to gossip or swear as it could harm someone, but i guess the new light allows this.
it was bad enough when they were calling people worldly now i heard a jw gossiping about someone and it was mean.just another reason i would never go back.
“Three people can keep a secret only if two of them are dead”.
Benjamin Franklin.
extreme hair styles can easily lead one into a trap of the devil also, and cause others to stumble.
for example, a young man in the united states was making fine progress in his study of the bible, and he was moved to share with an experienced witness in preaching to others about the good things he was learning from the bible.
from early youth he had let his beard grow, and since some in the business community wore beards, he felt that his wearing one in preaching to others would be acceptable generally.
Back in the day, we all heard that story. Whether it actually happened, of course, is another matter entirely.
If W. Schnell is to be believed (as he claims in 30 Years a Watchtower Slave) this thing they had about beards was all just a power trip. Many had taken to imitating CT Russell by wearing a “goatee” type beard. After Russell’s death Boozerford Rutherford forbade beards, just to remind the rank-and-file that he was now running the show.
beninu andersen.
i am not aware of how many of you are familiar with the danish case of a jehovah's witness who was hospitalized after a tragic accident where he fell several floors from a scaffolding where he was working.. the patient was admitted to the intensive care unit and was conscious (albeit somewhat confused) for the first three weeks.
This is not terribly different from a first-aid situation.
If the patient is conscious, then the first aider must obtain the injured person's consent to give treatment. However, if the casualty is unconscious, then the situation of "implied consent" becomes applicable - in which case first aid treatment may be given without obtaining the consent of the patient.
evolutionists can change their model, and invent stories whenever they want to accomodate data.
biblical literalists are stuck with just one model, one account, and are unable to change it.
Once again, well said - particularly when dealing with a non subject matter expert!
those who say they are christians or follow christianity needs .
1. father .
2. jesus .
Even if he does (which I doubt), it won’t be the end of the matter. A bit like a game of “Whack a Mole”, there will be scores there to take his place.
those who say they are christians or follow christianity needs .
1. father .
2. jesus .
An argument which has been going on now for over 1500 years is unlikely to be settled anytime soon!
hello!i am an independent scholar and researcher with a deep curiosity for ancient cultures and texts.
i do not adhere to any religious tradition, but my passion for understanding the mysteries of our past has led me to explore biblical stories in depth.
my particular interest lies in the original hebrew text of the bible, which i find fascinating both as literature and as a source of historical riddles.i recently completed a study that might change the way you perceive some well-known biblical stories.
Thanks once more, Kaleb, for setting the discussion fairly and squarely back on the ground!
evolutionists can change their model, and invent stories whenever they want to accomodate data.
biblical literalists are stuck with just one model, one account, and are unable to change it.
Thanks as always for your input. It is always interesting to hear things from a Jewish point of view. A point of view, which, I hasten to add, should always be considered - as after all, it was your people who compiled the writings of the Old Testament. (Something, which, in the “Fog of War”, seems to have completely lost sight of!)
is it just me or has there been a massive change in jws of late?.
when i grew up in the cult they had a real sense of urgency and would do an hour minimum, these days it’s not even ten mins before coffee break.. same goes for everything else, it’s half hearted .
Since before COVID, the only ones who have knocked on my door are from the LDS
my grandmother, an immigrant from austria, was.
two of my aunts, their husbands, both elders, various cousins and two of my sisters are witnesses.
so is my grand uncle.
According to Raymond Franz, in Crisis of Conscience, the then president of the Watchtower Society once even volunteered that the JWs do not care for the welfare of their rank and file members. Furthermore, he (Nathan Knorr) then went on to admit that such groups as the LDS do a much better job of that than the Witnesses.
What else is there to say?