Yeah, well, get a group of firearms buffs together, and we could easily go on all day about the benefits / shortfalls of the various types of guns, rifle calibres, cartridge loads, bullet types and similar such matters. (Particularly if alcohol is also being consumed during the course of these discussions!).
One thing that does need to be said, however, is that even the humble shotgun should never be treated as a joke. For example, these have been used to effect in warfare, with one such case being during the Malayan Emergency (1948-1960)
They must have done something right during that twelve-year long struggle, as it is one of the very few Communist Insurgencies which was defeated by the Western powers. (In this case, Britain and its Commonwealth).
PS: I don't now intend to enter into any sort of debate about the merits of this or that type of firearm (whether or not alcohol is being consumed!).