Next time a JW says that to me, I will ask him to read the following from "What Does the Bible Really Teach":
Watchtower itself uses this illustration. So why is it that they throw apostates out of the congregation?
next time a jw says that to me, i will ask him to read the following from "what does the bible really teach":.
watchtower itself uses this illustration.
so why is it that they throw apostates out of the congregation?.
wolves use their "loyalty" questions to trap others - "do you believe we're living in the last days/this is god's organization/faithful slave?
" - yet resolutely avoid discussing topics which put their org in a bad light, my "loyalty" question to them would be - "do you accept literature truth over bible truth?
" they will either run or be forced to ask for examples of alleged differences.any other suggestions for "loyalty" questions?.
I haven't been in this situation yet, but these are the things I would say. Of course in a humble, gentle, non-confronting tone:
"The GB says in the February WT that they are not inspired. They also said that they are not prophets, and that the GB consists of imperfect men. Yes, I agree with all they said about themselves!
(But I'm interested in how exactly the GB is led by Jehovah. They do pray for the Holy Spirit, don't they? And can't I pray for the Holy Spirit too? So where is the difference?
And if an other religion changes its teachings or makes mistakes, we point out that therefore they cannot have been led by God. But if a householder brings up that we have changed our teachings, we say that it is New Light. Can't those other religions say the same about themselves? How can we show the householder the difference?)"
Another idea:
"What do we need to understand the bible?" - "The right attitude and the Holy Spirit. Oh, and the Faithful and Discreet Slave." - "In what organization was Russel? Who helped him understand the bible?"
trump’s son-in-law buys watchtower hq, has big, beautiful plans for it.
10 " any israelite or any alien living among them who eats any bloodi will set my face against that person who eats blood and will cut him off from his people.
12 therefore i say to the israelites, "none of you may eat blood, nor may an alien living among you eat blood.
15 'anyone, whether native-born or alien, who eats anything found dead or torn by wild animals must wash his clothes and bathe with water, and he will be ceremonially unclean till evening; then he will be clean.
study edition.
january 2017.
(can someone put up a link please?).
another talk from my channel.. gerrit lösch - what the near future holds.
apparently, jehovah god has "revealed" the future to us... unfortunately in 2008 when this talk was given he didnt reveal to them the mass downsizing of bethel staff and buildings, the child molestation payouts and many many changes to doctrine..
i think all of us on this forum would like to welcome all the newbies that have joined in the last six months or so ,if i`m not mistaken there seems to be an influx lately.. elders , ms ,and sisters.
speak up and make a comment , are you happy you came here ?.
we`d love to here from you.. smiddy.
i decided to join this forum as have been lurking awhile.
there are lots of interesting topics on here that appeal to me.. i have been a witness for almost 3 decades and am very disillusioned with the organisation at this time.
i am beginning to see it in a new light as i am getting older.
in many countries around the world the realization of how reckless the jws can be towards child endangerment and, more broadly, family safety, has started to take hold.
the results from the preliminary findings of the australian royal commission and the case being made in the united kingdom - which may remove the watchtowers tax exempt status - are both prime examples of this.
unfortunately, as the wt is headquartered in the united states any actions taken against the society will ultimately be limited in scope for such outside countries.. however, if hillary clinton should become president, i think there's a very good chance the wt could face serious and very far reaching legal action.
If Hillary becomes President, many JWs will be convinced that the Great Tribulation is about to begin. One of them sent me a link to a catholic news article where it was told that she wants to ban religion or so. (Of course, it's nowhere in the Internet, but ONE article is enough for them to proove the end is very near and to spread it amongst Whatsapp groups.)
when you were "in" did you ever actually enjoy the ministry?
and i made no secret about it.
instead i would joke about me feather knocking, and made sure i had my bible in hand so as they come to the door they know what im about so they can shut me down before i even start.. i always wondered how or why there were people who enjoyed it.