And this is why FedUp contributes not one penny anymore. Also when approached, beard and all, and asked if I wanted to "volunteer" to attend the training session for kingdom hall maintenance (that's now mandatory) I emphatically said, "NO! I don't need told how to clean a toilet. And I will not be doing any janitor work on the kingdom hall in the future!"
JoinedPosts by FedUpJW
The con is completed - comments from the US branch's LDC chief
by sir82 inrecently attended a special assembly day.. guest speaker was thomas chicky, a member of the us branch committee and the head of the us ldc (which has replaced the rbcs).. the last talk of the day is scheduled for an hour.
it was the usual boring mumbo-jumbo.
he appeared to have blasted through his hour-long outline in just about 45 minutes, so he "treated" us to informal comments on recent developments.. he commented on the new wt complex in fishkill ny.. then he dropped the bomb (well, to anyone with ears and at least 2 functioning synapses).. the following is not a word for quote, but presents the gist of his comments:.
Do you believe that Jehovah is using the Organization today?
by Iamallcool inany elder has never asked me that question so far but i want to be prepared to answer that question if any of them ask me that question in the future.
i hope that they will never ask me that question.
any suggestions on how to answer that question would be very much appreciated.
He sees all revip. Be careful using his name that way.
Well of course he does, but jehoho is the happy gawd. And jehoover is the gawd of janitors.
Anyone have others?
Do you believe that Jehovah is using the Organization today?
by Iamallcool inany elder has never asked me that question so far but i want to be prepared to answer that question if any of them ask me that question in the future.
i hope that they will never ask me that question.
any suggestions on how to answer that question would be very much appreciated.
I was told once that everybody is good for something...even if it is good for being a bad example.
So yes, I believe that Gawd is using the organization today.
The Great Crowd!
by A Believer innotice the 144000 can be counted and they all come from israel.. 9 after this i saw, and look!
a great crowd, which no man was able to number, out of all nations and tribes and peoples and tongues,*+ standing before the throne and before the lamb, dressed in white robes;+ and there were palm branches in their hands.+ .
this great crowd, no man was able to number, and they come from every nation!
Steve2 The light keeps getting brighter and more will be known.
I know that has to explain all the flip-flops and changes. Why just the other day I got up and thought I saw a car parked across the street. Then as the sun slowly came up it turned out it wasn't a car, it was bicycle. But surprise, surprise, as it got even brighter out it turned out it was really the neighbors pontoon house boat. Then when the sun finally broke over the horizon I was really enlightened to see that it wasn't a car, it wasn't a bicycle, it wasn't a pontoon house was a dead squirrel!
The Great Crowd!
by A Believer innotice the 144000 can be counted and they all come from israel.. 9 after this i saw, and look!
a great crowd, which no man was able to number, out of all nations and tribes and peoples and tongues,*+ standing before the throne and before the lamb, dressed in white robes;+ and there were palm branches in their hands.+ .
this great crowd, no man was able to number, and they come from every nation!
Chapter 5 Kingdom Rules. 1879 -1935. what a mess.
Oh HELL yes. That deserves it's own thread. Nearly had a brain aneurysm putting up with THAT crap last night.
The Great Crowd!
by A Believer innotice the 144000 can be counted and they all come from israel.. 9 after this i saw, and look!
a great crowd, which no man was able to number, out of all nations and tribes and peoples and tongues,*+ standing before the throne and before the lamb, dressed in white robes;+ and there were palm branches in their hands.+ .
this great crowd, no man was able to number, and they come from every nation!
I haven't read the whole book but I thing Jehovah is showing someone what will happen and he is telling the account.
Okay, I'll bite. A believer you quote scripture, yet you are dead wrong! Go back and read with some measure of intelligence these words in Revelation 1: 1, "A revelation by Jesus Christ, which God gave him, to show his slaves the things that must shortly take place."
God may have given this to Jesus, but it was JESUS who gave it to an angel, who gave it to John. More likely John just got a hold of some real potent poppy seed though.
Kingdumb songs, will they someday make the top 25 Religious Hymns???
by James Mixon inamazing grace have been around since 1779, how great thou art 1885,holy holy holy 1826, be thou my vision (ireland) 6th century, all creatures of god and king (italy)1225. so you think one day we will hear a kingdumb song playing over the radio.
you would think surely jehovah want the world to be familiar with his hymns.... maybe they have instructed the rf to only sing their songs in the kh, only for special folks..
Kingdumb songs, will they someday make the top 25 Religious Hymns???
HAHAHAHAHHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA. Thanks for the laugh, I needed it.
What Is "Counsel" and How Does It Work?
by Cold Steel inyes, i know what "counsel" means, but it clearly has an esoteric meaning.
in the academy award winning bunker video series, the noble brother brown admits he didn't handle it well when elder ben (who was a junior elder...uh, yes, that's right) gave him counsel about a talk he'd given.
not enough use of scriptures.
Is this a common practice -- giving unsolicited advice to people?
Common practice? No. It is an unwritten requirement in order to be a "good" JDub. You must run around looking for any and all excuses to jump down the throat of your fellow "brother" or "sister" with unsolicited, unwarranted, unwanted, needless advice in the ever present agenda of control.
Sorry assholes!!
Special Talk During the Meeting Today About the Bad Press in Canada
by RobertT18 ini was invited to a congregation in ontario, canada today and as soon as the meeting opened the brother conducting the meeting said there was a very important statement coming from the borg.
this talk replaced the two last parts of "living as a christian" section.
he started reading a letter from the borg about how much they loved us.
I heard about this letter too. It would seem that some on other sites are completely deluded and brainwashed into believing nothing bad could ever happen in the bOrg. This is just one of the comments I recently "mined".
" With the Royal Commission taking up the subject again in March things could heat up again. Rest assured Jehovah will ensure that honest hearted ones are not deceived by the bias of the media and Royal Commission."
I have taken to asking why it is Satan and media bias when it brings to light pedophiles in the JDubs, and God doing when it is the same issue with the Catholic church? They just get the deer in the headlights look and change the subject.
VIDEO: Weekend Meeting 3/4 December 2016
by darkspilver inweekend meeting 3/4 december 2016. public talk: into the new world under christ’s rulership.
watchtower study: "do not forget kindness to strangers”.
(note actual meeting starts from approximately 21 minutes in).
I had to ask. The kingdumb hell where I still have to go for now has no video cameras...yet. They have just gouged the sheep for more money to buy three TV's though to replace the new screen and projector that replaced the new computer that repla...oh hell, you get the idea. LOL