It seems to occur to nobody inside the organisation that this kind of material could trigger fear, deprsssion, anxiety, stress.
I respectfully disagree. They know EXACTLY what they are doing. The more depressed, the more anxious, the more stressed one can keep others the more easily they can be manipulated. (IMO) Depression causes a loss of hope among other symptoms, and then WT fills that void with their "hope". Anxiety has a negative effect on a person, and along trots WT with their version of the "cure". And of course they have the WT mantra of, all your stress will be gone "soon" when you are petting cobras and lions in the nu-wurld.
All a person has to do is listen to them talk. Everything these days is gloom and doom, and poor pitiful persecuted us. They can see no light, no good, and nothing positive anywhere in their daily lives. If you do you will be treated like a leper because you just HAVE to have lost your "faith" and fallen prey to the wicked world if you do not buy into their daily ration of misery.