Few people commenting? Could it be that the "normal" WT goes something like this:
Conductor Boring: Brother Mumble-mouth will now read the next paragraph.
Brother Mumble-mouth: When Jehovah created all things one of His first sons held a special place. He was the First Born of all creation. His name was Jesus.
Conductor Boring: Thank you Brother Mumble-mouth for that fine reading! Okay, friends. This is a short paragraph, but let's see what we can glean from what "The Slave" has provided for us. The question on the paragraph is, "What was the name of Jehovah's first creation?" Umm...let's see...sooo many little hands to choose from...how about little Brother Two Year Old Who Screams In The Microphone?
Brother Two Year Old Who Screams In The Microphone: GEE'-ZUSS!!
Conductor Boring: THANK YOU! That was a fine comment. Now to go a little further, "What is another way Jesus has been referred to? Umm...let's see...how about Sister Dumb As A Rock?"
Sister Dumb As A Rock: As the paragraph brings out when Jehovah created all things one of His first sons held a special
place. He was the First Born of all creation.
Conductor Boring: That was a fine comment Sister Dumb As A Rock.
And that is what is considered for nearly one hour a week as "Bible Study" using the WT.