Could not find a way to PM, sorry.
Petra, I want a nice cappuccino and those documents, and I will serve you a nice hot cup with download links.
the watchtower witch-hunters are still sending out subpoena's and closing down websites.
it is safer for simon, this board, and us if we send out internal confidential documents privately.. from time to time i will let you know something has arrived that you might want.
just send us a "pm" and we will give you the download links.. you do not need to include any personal information.
Could not find a way to PM, sorry.
Petra, I want a nice cappuccino and those documents, and I will serve you a nice hot cup with download links.
humans are basically social animals.
see most any isolated mammal, whether in a zoo or even an outcast of its pride and you'll see one mentally disturbed creature.
maybe, after this pandemic has faded and humans are able to interact once more, some jw's might think twice before being so quick to shun.
Maybe, some JW's might think twice before being so quick to shun.
Sadly I do not see that ever happening. Unless there is some financial benefit, or some other use for one another among the JW's shunning will always be the weapon of choice.
humans are basically social animals.
see most any isolated mammal, whether in a zoo or even an outcast of its pride and you'll see one mentally disturbed creature.
maybe, after this pandemic has faded and humans are able to interact once more, some jw's might think twice before being so quick to shun.
Just made a comment on another thread before I saw this. Yes, for all practical reasons JW's have disfellowshipped each other, at the instructions of the branch. They take very seriously the instruction not to go to anyone's homes.
co is coming and expecting to zoom it in july.
also there is no talk about starting to slowly go back to the hall.
like having 1 group at the hall and the rest on zoom, etc.
I think the biggest part missing is the socializing before and after meetings.
Fellowshipping and socializing have been used interchangeably by JW's in the past where I am. So with the willful lack of genuine SOCIALIZING I would say that JW's have now 90% "disfellowshipped" everyone. Other than the free for all trying to be herd (spelled this way for a reason) above everyone else for a few chaotic minutes prior to and after the zoom and doom "meetings". No real socializing or fellowship, and that suits their mentality perfectly. And no, I am not advocating for large gatherings to socialize, just that not even a one-on-one 6 feet apart visit happens, because the branch said not to visit homes of fellow JW's.
i`ll list a few things and welcome any input, comments you may have .. 1.when adam & eve "sinned" disobeyed him, surely god could have handled it better than to condemn all future generations to disease and death ?.
2.his handling of satan who supposedly seduced eve to disobey god could also have been done a lot differently with a finality to it.. 3.i find little if anything in his dealings with the patriarchs that suggests a loving god protecting them.?.
4.taking on the nation of israel and leading them as his chosen people does not inspire confidence or trust as a god of love.. 5.throughout the hebrew scriptures / old testament his chosen people were constantly at war with other nations which of course would have meant many deaths of the israelite`s during these battles .and the grief that comes with family members in those times.
Perhaps somewhat of topic, I asked someone once if God is love? Yes. Okay, then why do humans die? They sinned, so are not perfect and die because of imperfection. So did the God of love create anything imperfect? No, he could not create imperfection. So if we die because we sinned and lost perfection, and God of love cannot create imperfection why do animals die? Because they were not created to live forever. So then why did the God of love instill in humans the need for pets, and the ability to love them, only to have to face the pain and sadness of losing them when they die? I don't know, we'll just have to wait and see!
i was searching for something on the wt online library, and was struck by all the requirements a jw has in order to be "saved".. want to see a partial list?
all these found by searching for "salvation depends" on wol.
just do all 26 things, and you too can be saved!.
Salvation depends on: Obeying and being in total 100% agreement with whatever the governing body says the truth is currently, and denying that whatever they said the truth was last year was ever said, and believing that even quotes from WT that are 180 degrees from what is said this year was ever printed and are only lies by apostates.
people want to get back to work, back to "normal" in many cases (whatever normal now means).
even trump is encouraging protesters in 3 states.. but with the covid-19 thing, this is not just a matter of a person taking a risk, as a person may do who smokes, takes illegal drugs or in other ways lives an unhealthy lifestyle.
in general, most (not all, since cost of insurance and public hospitals may be involved), but generally you are not putting the lives of others at risk.
If I put myself in danger, I am agreeing not to expect treatment.
And of course when smokers choose to put themselves at risk you would be fine if they refuse any treatment for lung cancer, right?
the pandemic has put a stop to the activities of one of the nation’s most visible religious groups, jehovah’s witnesses.. read more:
I heard a couple days ago from a friend via email, "This is so exciting. A Bethel speaker just said that this pandemic is the soft start of the GT!"
So yes, the spin cycle is starting.
2020-04-15 english encouragement for elderly.
2020-04-17 spanish .
If JW's really want to be "no part" of the world, then how many will refuse their stimulus check and rely on Jehovah to provide for them?
None of them. They will yap on about how "it is Gee-HO'-Vuh who provided it." Just like they flap their gums about how wonderful the governing body are to provide the letter from Gee-HO'-Vuh about how to stay healthy through the COVID-19 season. Never mind they did nothing other than cut and paste what the government already had printed several weeks earlier!
i support local and state and federal government’s power to safeguard the public.
i wonder is it getting to a point where we will be told we can’t go out anymore, can’t use your phone or computer anymore because of the viruses that we can get, etc.
are we prolonging this virus at all ?
I would rather die standing up for myself, than live kneeling for the government!