Yet, believe it or not , JWs were told that these government-sponsored gift boxes were evidence of Jehovah taking care of them.
Kind of like this email I received less than two months ago (sent to the entire contacts list of an eldurr):
"You can follow the link in the email and order 4 free COVID home test kits. It is nice to know that The Slave is always watching out for us. While it is a decision that each family head should make please remember that this is another way we can show our respect for life, and our obedience to The Slave."I wonder what the government had to do with this? I was able to get the same exact home test kits across the counter at the local pharmacy, and was told to feel free to take as many as I wanted. I also got a "visit" from another local eldurr last night informing me that, "We have been permitted by the governing body and The Branch to resume in person meetings at the kingdom hall just in time for the memorial and special talk. I am sure YOU will want to be there!" Then I was reminded of the mask mandate, the distancing mandate, and the other rules for anyone to be there in person and I told him that if it was still that dangerous to be there then I would decline to attend. His reply? "All of us must be ready to obey any instructions we may receive, whether these appear sound from a strategic or human standpoint or not."