The Borg doesn't care if you have to drive 1000miles anywhere in any direction. Just as long as your behind is in those seats and keep on pushing door bells.
And they mustn't forget to keep pushing those $$$$$ into the "contribution" boxes.
during the height of the pandemic all elders had to report to the co anyone who was struggling with bills or who couldn’t pay the rent.
the co reported it to the branch.. i don’t know what happens next.
do the branch help at all?
The Borg doesn't care if you have to drive 1000miles anywhere in any direction. Just as long as your behind is in those seats and keep on pushing door bells.
And they mustn't forget to keep pushing those $$$$$ into the "contribution" boxes.
during the height of the pandemic all elders had to report to the co anyone who was struggling with bills or who couldn’t pay the rent.
the co reported it to the branch.. i don’t know what happens next.
do the branch help at all?
This is from the letter posted here a few weeks ago. The letter itself was 7 pages long. As you can see WT passes the responsibility off to other true charities, and to government agencies. Damned hypocrites!
United States – Resources for Distressed Households
As of February 06, 2023
The branch office does not endorse any of the following programs. Do not post this document publicly on any website, social media, or sharing service. The links will take you to various available resources including nonprofit and government agencies. Family heads will need to use discernment and carefully research these resources to determine whether the program is appropriate for their households and decide if they will avail themselves of such programs.
i came across an xjw post on redditt from a rn.
she states that nearly every jw she ever treated was on anti-depressants or anti-psychotic drugs:. i once read somewhere that 1 in 5 jw's were on anti-depressants, but i couldn't find any documentation.
So I wonder how much of the depression and illness is the result of abusive home life.
Perhaps a pretty fair amount, but I would hazard a guess that there is as much or more depression and illness as a direct result of and abusive RELIGIOUS life. Always being goaded to do and give more. . .More. . .MORE!
my big one was: .
20: 5 "but the rest of the dead lived not again until the thousand years were finished.
That one about the bloke that tried to steady the ark of the covenant
Or when that pillar of righteousness David took a census, and instead of paying the penalty himself 70,000 innocent people died.
Why does this description of the future Paradise limit it to just "for a while"?
Because after a while the wolf will kill and eat the kid.
not a hint of a new date for the great tribulation.
the attitude of jw is that they expect it immediately although the inter-lapping anointed allows for any additional extended time.
given the time of the end, the end comes after the good news is preached in all the inhabited earth for a witness to all the nations with the internet and 108 years and tons of publications even in finnish.
This system is obviously on its way out very, Very, VERY soon!
We can narrow it down even closer. This system is in the last nano-second, of the last seconds, of the last minute, of the last hour, of the last day, of the last week, of the last month, of the last year, of the last decade, of the last century, of the last millennium.
If an exact WHEN is needed I predict it will happen on October 1st of 2222, at 2:22 A.M. eastern time in New York, USA. That is soon in the grand scheme of time.
thank you very much atlantis for all your hard work and for emailing a letter written by the watchtower (coming from the german branch possibly) to be read out to congregations by elders.. there is so much wrong in this letter.
maybe some of it is due to being lost in translation but since the watchtower is predominantly english, it doesn't seem likely.
the letter is as follows -.
JW News on JW Org no longer carries their story announcing the tragedy. It's been removed and there is no mention whatsoever on JW Org.
Because they are preparing pleas for what is stated below.
Likely the the next step is to announce that funds can be donated to the World Wide Work.
Remember, WT does nothing out of genuine love for fellow man/woman or without ulterior motives. It's going to be milked for all the $$$$$ they can guilt members into parting with.
jws see shunning as a loving provision.
but if a mennonite gal is shunned by her parents and friends for converting to jwism, would this be seen as a loving provision or as evidence of persecution?
how about parents beating a daughter who converted to jehovah's witnesses?.
Why can WatchTower call the expulsion of Mennonites cruel while calling expulsion of JWs a loving provision?
"Rules for thee, but not for me!"
i overheard my wife listening to '2023 governing body update #2, presented by kenneth cook jnr.
a few points i got from it.. new hour requirements.
quote "with the new hour requirements for pioneers, many us us can share in the pioneer work.
Quote "with the new hour requirements for pioneers, many us us can share in the pioneer work." Let's read between the lines on that.
Okay. Let's read between the lines on that. Quote "with the now minimal hour requirements for pioneers, all of you must now take up your share in the pioneer work. Those who rebelliously choose not to will be judged as 'not of our sort' and shunned accordingly."
I heard that type of comment in passing by a still-in JW who said, "With those low hours NO ONE who is faithful should not be pioneering now that we are soooo close to Armageddon!"
during the massacre of many witnesses at a kingdom hall in germany the other night, where was jehovah's holy spirit ?
some said "perhaps they had a secret Achan..that blocked god's holy spirit.
Yeah, kind of like when they intimated on their broadcasts when the COVID Plandemic was getting up to speed that following all the orders and mandates of the governing body would protect JW's from getting COVID.
jws often try to justify their religion as being the only true religion.
questions like.
which other organization is doing this or that?
So, it doesn’t matter what you personally believe; preach what the people expect from you, preach what the society asks.
My answer to that would have been: 2 Timothy 4: 3-4, "For a time is coming when people will no longer listen to sound and wholesome teaching. They will follow their own desires and will look for teachers who will tell them whatever their itching ears want to hear. They will reject the truth and chase after myths."