I managed to force myself to endure about 1 minute of the above link. They could just as well substituted the words "governing body" everywhere they stuck in the name Jesus. At least then the song would have reflected what they REALLY believe and teach!
JoinedPosts by FedUpJW
Do JWs Get Excited About WT Publications Any More?
by NotFormer inmemory from long ago: my old mate from high school lived next door to a jw and was often "treated" to the latest jw literature.
when the "you can live forever in paradise on earth"* book came out, this neighbour waxed lyrical about how good this book was and how powerful the message was.
he acted really keen about it, like it was the greatest thing since sliced bread.
A Real Man
by Vanderhoven7 inthe meaning of true love from a man.. by elizabeth rossi, freelance writer .
i hate to say this but most women will go their entire lifetime and never experience the meaning of actual true love.. it's even slightly depressing to think that most people will never understand how powerful this picture actually is; a prime example of how men should be treating their partner with everyday that passes.. we unfortunately live in a generation with men who have no idea what it takes to be a real man.. let me give you a couple examples of a real man ....... a real man asks about your day and genuinely cares about the answer.. a real man respects your boundaries and never forces you to anything you're not ready to do.. he makes time for you, and takes that time to learn and understand who you are as a person.. a real man consistently shows you the definition of effort with every day that passes.. he will call you randomly throughout the day just to check on you and your mental health.. a real man is undeniably committed to you and looks for new ways to fall in love with you with every day that passes.. he makes protecting your heart a number one priority.. a real man never makes permanent decisions based on temporary emotions.. he never confuses you on where you stand in his life.. a real man apologizes when he is wrong and stays true to his character.. he doesn't mind hurting other people's feeling to protect yours.. a real man gives you affection without sexual expectation.. a real man refuses to entertain any women that isn't you.. he has genuine intentions with you from day one and shows you how it truly feels to be a priority rather an option.. a real man will help you heal from the trauma that nobody apologized for.. a real man values you and would never put themselves in a position to lose you.. take my advice and wait for the man that never let's you fall asleep at night questioning your own self worth.. .
A "real" man is someone willing to be a demanding, self-centered, egotistical female"s door mat is what I am reading here in this list created by a . . .female. That list works both ways equally.
Now go ahead a click the down votes, IDGAS.
by stephenlettclownface ini apologize if this post ends up in the wrong place.
i have been a lurker here for several years.
i thoroughly enjoy this site, have for years, and read something or another on this site many times a week.
God said: "This is my Son. LISTEN TO HIM" So simple, but of course JW's, just like the Pharisees, miss the point of it all. Of special note, to me at least, is that Jesus only gave his followers 2 commands:
Yet WT leaders of today with their books full of rules and regulations are exactly like the Pharisees of Jesus day and fit this scripture to a "T". (Matthew 23:4) They bind up heavy loads and put them upon the shoulders of men, but they themselves are not willing to budge them with their finger.
Today Dr. Peter McCullough said 'conspiracy theory' (which is in the April 2024 Watchtower) is a propaganda term! 😲
by was a new boy in"misinformation, disinformation, science, this antiscience, uh conspiracy theory, these are propaganda terms.".
'don't use them' he says.
@ 19:33. https://youtu.be/miauulndllq?t=1173.
Its a well known fact that Big Pharma manufacture and promote dangerous medicines.
Just read the list of dangerous, and sometimes fatal side effects that every. single. new. drug on the market have.
Watchtower Campus
by Gorb ininformation about the new watchtower campus, ready in 2027.. https://www.brplusa.com/projects/watchtower-bible-tract-society-new-headquarters-campus-development.
Sounds innovative... and a bit costly.
Look at the progress we are making in taking care of Jehovah's creation with our innovative construction. It will be a costly project, so make sure to show Jehovah how much you appreciate this project and send your $$$$$ to us.
And remember we looovve
yeewwwyour money! -
Wanting advise on a draft copy
by joe134cd ini’m just curious what you think.
this is in its draft stages.
so excuse the mistakes and grammar.
I remember the strong anti internet warnings too.
Likewise. Remember the Awake about the internet? Huge cover page splash picture of an Ethernet cable with the connector on one end and a venomous snake head on the other.
What's the Worst Advice You Heard of an Elder Giving Someone?
by Sea Breeze ini believe an an elder told someone who's daughter (14 yo) became sexually active with a 26 year old in the neighborhood, that maybe they should get married.
so, they did... with parental consent.
he turned out to be a ex-convict who shot his first wife in the face with a shotgun.
I fellow I know well was told when his adulterous wife left him and filed for divorce that he HAD to counter-sue her or he would not be free to remarry. He did as he was told which really p---ed off his soon to be ex. So in her anger instead of just divorcing him and going off with her new partner with what property was hers she fought like a wildcat and took everything from him. All she left him with was an old car, a rented efficiency apartment, and nearly $250,000 in maxed out joint credit card debt she incurred in his name without his knowledge prior to the divorce being finalized.
Then when he took on more work to repay the debts he was soft shunned for missing meetings and low field serve us hours. That's when he left the JW's. I should have followed him out then instead of running the hamster wheel for a few years more.
Do JWs Really Say This?
by NotFormer ini stumbled, via a google search, upon a part of jw space that is usually heavily defended against outsiders like my good self.
in a discussion, someone started their post with "i (started doing x)... when the slave began to suggest doing so"*.
do pimis really talk that way?
I didn't think that the R&F would copy them and use it in general conversation.
Where I am located everyone seemed to use that term like some kind of verbal talisman. It was always "The Slave" this, and "The Slave" that. Before I walked away from the hamster wheel I would always correct them, just to piss them off and say, "You mean the governing body!" They hated that because it reinforced they were lower than a slave (servant) and obedient to a governing body of rule makers, not being looked after by some mysterious "slave".
Murderous Jehovah's Witness bludgeoned female customer before leading meeting. Spiritual paradise?
by Balaamsass2 in1/31/2024 in the strange but true category.
confused holy spirit appoints killer servant.
"" a twisted jehovah's witness bludgeoned a woman he rowed with over incomplete building works to death with a hammer, then merrily whistled as he packed up his tools and went to lead a service at the church where they met.
You just wonder what in the world it could possibly take to make people at least question the appointment arrangement when something like this happens.
They don't question it. The stock "go to" answers are, "Holy Spirit allowed him to be appointed as a test to see if JW's would be loyal and obedient to the organizations arrangement," and, "He met the qualifications at the time he was appointed, but free will let him change AFTER the appointment," Then they stick their fingers in their ears and run away.
Super Duper Awkward
by Slidin Fast indid anyone else find the teen section on the meeting tonight massively cringeworthy?
i saw two kids who will be laughing stocks for life after their world wide exposure.
complete exploitation in my opinion, unforgivable..
Regardless of what they claim, JW's are the most sex-crazed idiots around. They talk about it (sex bad), they think about (must confess to sinning in my heart), they think everyone is doing it like rabbits (we don't though, we run away), and the most ridiculous one of all (everyone wants to have sex with us anywhere, anytime, because we be JW and we be so chaste and guud).
I'm old enough to remember all the sex talks in the old service meeting. That's where I learned all about oral sex, anal sex, fornicating sex, sex with animals ad nauseam.