Kushner even appeared heavily in a JW video (he probably had the most speaking time for any "wordly person" in all their videos). He's featured quite heavily:
Yep...it's the $$$$$.
i'm a little dumb struck to see that donald trump's first cross word against russia are in support of the jws.. http://fox-news24.com/trump-warns-russia-over-jehovahs-witnesses-ban-and-urges-members-to-seek-asylum-in-the-us/.
is this because trump genuinely values freedom of religion?
or is it because his son in law jared kushner has financial dealings with the jws?
Kushner even appeared heavily in a JW video (he probably had the most speaking time for any "wordly person" in all their videos). He's featured quite heavily:
Yep...it's the $$$$$.
i'm a little dumb struck to see that donald trump's first cross word against russia are in support of the jws.. http://fox-news24.com/trump-warns-russia-over-jehovahs-witnesses-ban-and-urges-members-to-seek-asylum-in-the-us/.
is this because trump genuinely values freedom of religion?
or is it because his son in law jared kushner has financial dealings with the jws?
All the JDuya's I know are pretty well having orgasms over this news. "Armageddon just has to be right around the corner now! The 'King of the South and the King of the North' are pushing each other again! Just a few more months until October, and that is when all important things happen. By the way did you see the WT with the soldiers and machine guns? We better go out in service! "
Stupid sheeples have lit up the internet and their out-of-date "smart" phones, like a whore house on payday, trying to see who can be the most insanely prophetic about this news blurb.
Excuse me while I go throw up.
next weeks watchtower.
'who is leading god's people today' is quite incredible.
i am so looking forward to blondie's comments on this one.
The Governing Body is neither inspired nor infallible. Therefore, it can err in doctrinal matters or in organizational direction.
But remember, even IF we err in a doctrinal matter and get it completely f--ked up, and even IF you know it is completely f--cked up you MUST swear allegiance to whatever OUR current interpretation of scripture is this week under penalty of "spiritual" death! Damn you independent, intelligent thinkers.
i was thinking about this.... in my congregation, i was literally the only one with universitary education, out of a cong from around 110 people.... and we're very close to a very big university, which makes it even weirder.. on the other hand... sooo many here with their own business, mostly small cleaning businesses.
cleaning windows, or cleaning somewhere else... painters.... all have jobs that do not require any education level, cos they never had a decent education.. how is the composition of the jw people/congs that you know about?.
how many painters... cleaners... compared to people with jobs that require higher education?.
@Blondie - Education is no proof of high intelligence.
That is very true. Some years ago I heard a comment made about a college educated engineer which described the guy to a tee. "He was educated far beyond the level of his own intelligence."
He was pretty book smart, but he was as dumb as a box of rocks when it came to practical smarts.
what's a polite way to ask a man to keep his hands to himself while conversing in a group with you?.
this neighbor of mine and i were sitting in chairs on the deck with other people.. he always touched me whenever he said anything to me or i said anything to him.. it was as if he was using touch like an antenna to send and receive signals.. i didn't know what to do, so instead of risking embarrassment for us both, i did nothing but stand up and step away.. i stepped away after he attempted to caress my hamstrings on one leg.. *shudder*.
wonder why 60+ year old men think that a woman being nice to him means she's hot for him.. also wonders why it's only the smoking, beer guzzling, scrawny, bony, and smelly old men who do that.. .
Wonder why 60+ year old men think that a woman being nice to him means she's hot for him.
Also wonders why it's only the smoking, beer guzzling, scrawny, bony, and smelly old men who do that.
IDK...maybe for the same reason that most women seem to think that any kind gesture from any male means the man wants in the woman's pants?
And I have seen more than my share of smoking, vodka swilling, fat, waddling women who do that.
Now let the bashing begin.
i'm new here; one of my relatives was a member on this forum a few years ago and told me about it.
anyways, as a sister who has been in the org since childhood and now in her late 40's (plus as a woman of color), i have noticed that a number of brothers have an ageist attitude.
they are very accepting of young women under 26 and rejecting women over that age, particularly those in their 30's and over.. is this an unspoken mindset from wthq (specifically from bethel), or is it that quite a number of males (sorry, i'm not sexist here) have this type of mentality?
I had no intention of settling for brothers who were unattractive or downright crazy, even though other sisters did!
I agree, as a man I have no intention of settling for a "sister" that is unattractive or downright crazy. Sadly those two drawbacks seem to apply to more than 90% of JDubya females. In fairness though the Witless religion is mostly built on plainness of dress and grooming, and that is enough to make anyone crazy.
this was the first memorial that i declined to do any work for the memorial.
i was assigned as a parking attendant after getting downgraded from doing the sound and had no intention of doing either task but i had to attend for my family and continuation of my fade.
i sat there last night listening to the talk and couldn't help but shake my head as my brain attempted to process the bs.
@kpop - Were you in the same hall I was? You described it perfectly! SSDY. (Same s--t, different year)
Of course there was the obligatory and shameless promotion of jay double you dot org
like the question asks: if you could relive any one day of your life, any age, any place and remember everything about it afterwards, would you be willing to live one year shorter at the end of your life?
one day for one year?.
i realize that someone well on in years would think twice about it, but, what about you younger ones?
Under the strictest confines of the question...HELL NO!
Remember it asked about "relive" one day. There was no stipulation that the one day could be changed in any way. Who knows what I may experience in that one year of life I traded away? Besides, everything I have done in my life makes me who I am today, and I am just fine with that person.
blondie’s comments you will not hear at the april 9, 2017 wt study (february 2017) (purpose).
excellent general website: www.jwfacts.com .
...only white shorts on the platform at assemblies and conventions,
I know this was a typo...but thanks for giving me a great laugh this morning in an otherwise pretty serious day. The only draw back is I now have to clean coffee out of my keyboard!
an innocent picture of a city in my country, spain.
the pic says everything.
many jw are really disgusted about everything, even their new preaching cart.
For two years the cart that the local congregation paid for has sat in the un-opened shipping box. First behind the literature counter, then in the mechanical room, now being used as a shelf to stack paint cans on.
At least it is getting some productive use!