Anyone who thinks some historical grievance for things that didn't even happen to them makes murder OK is a racist asshole.
here is the young man who was murdered with a knife by a racist antifa member last night in austin texas.
rip harrison brown!.
Anyone who thinks some historical grievance for things that didn't even happen to them makes murder OK is a racist asshole.
this is a great video!.
Nothing can grow and flourish in a sterile environment. I was struck by how cold and sterile everything looked in the home, the KH, everything.
No wonder the son got out. Staying in that sterile environment would have killed him sooner or later.
blondie’s comments you will not hear at the april 30, 2017 wt study (february 2017) (who is leading). .
excellent general website: .
Cast lots….? What is that, did they believe god controlled how the lots (like dice) fell?
I've often wondered about that myself. The "explanations" trotted out by WT never really made sense to me. IF they PRAYED for HS why was their decision negated by Saul's conversion? No holy spirit? Were they not really guided by holy spirit after all? If THEY were wrong as the proclaimed first century governing body why should the present day governing body be any better?
“teachings of the apostles” not the teachings of the Christ?
The word rendered “remember” can also be translated “mention.”
I must be looking in all the wrong places. I haven't found that definition yet.
battery technology has been making leaps and bounds in affordability and energy output throughout the past decade.
while pure electric cars currently have limited range, the near future holds prospects for longer ranges.
hybrids, and recently plug in hybrids, have a mileage of up to 50 mpg* giving them a range of 500 miles from a ten gallon gas tank.
Have I missed the promotional materials touting the benefits of electric vehicles that can pull 32' fully loaded private gooseneck trailers at reasonable highways speeds over a 2,000 mile trip? Or the OTR long haul semis?
at last night's clam the circuit overseer made this comment, "we elders sometimes have to act as judges in the congregation.
but we (the elders) are imperfect, and so cannot know everything about judicial matters.
that is why we (the elders) have the biblical rule that there must be at least two witnesses to wrongdoing.
At last night's CLAM the circuit overseer made this comment, "We elders sometimes have to act as judges in the congregation. But we (the elders) are imperfect, and so cannot know everything about judicial matters. That is why we (the elders) have the biblical rule that there must be at least two witnesses to wrongdoing. Sometimes though it is impossible to have two witnesses to a sin, and we (the congregation) may feel that a sin needs to be addressed instead of left in Jehovah's hands. But we need to remember what we read here in (Jeremiah 29:23) . . .“‘“I am the One who knows, and I am a witness,” declares Jehovah.’”
So he concluded that we must support the Two Witness Rule and know that, "eventually Jehovah will address any wrong in his perfect manner."
I guess someone has been asking him about JW policy about pedophiles and he is trying to suppress any questioning.
after ban, jehovah’s witnesses in russia harassed by police during religious services.
by jason le miere on 4/25/17 at 4:48 pm .
So why not gather as families only using the bible,
They will say for the same reason it is claimed that Daniel defied the kings order and prayed on his rooftop(or whatever). Appearance. The public "knows we congregate at kingdom halls. If we start meeting subtly at our homes as families or in small groups of friends for a meal it might APPEAR that we have quit."
Gotta keep up APPEARANCES. That's what the JW's are all about, as we know.
greetings, my aging friends:.
it's not really a funny subject, our getting old and our bodies falling apart.
sure, as the saying goes, hard work won't kill you, but it can wear out your body.
I know this isn't really a funny situation, but laughter sometimes helps.
Some years ago I lost the ability to have a " normal erection" , I`m still waiting for that to remedy itself .
Grandpa and Little Johnny were out in the yard one day and grandpa wanted to keep Johnny occupied. So spotting a worm on the ground he told Johnny he would give him a $10.00 bill if he could stick the worm back in the hole in the ground. Try as he may Little Johnny just couldn't get the worm back in the hole. Suddenly his eyes lit up, and into the house he ran. Shortly he came out carrying grandma's can of hair spray. He sprayed the worm with it, held it for a few minutes until the hairspray had stiffened, and into the hole he sticks the worm. True to his word grandpa gave Johnny a crisp, new $10.00 bill
The next morning at the breakfast table grandpa hands Little Johnny another crisp, new $10.00 bill. Johnny says, "Grandpa, you already gave me $10.00." Grandpa just smiled and winked at little Johnny and replied, "That $10.00 is from grandma!"
i'm a little dumb struck to see that donald trump's first cross word against russia are in support of the jws..
is this because trump genuinely values freedom of religion?
or is it because his son in law jared kushner has financial dealings with the jws?
Kushner even appeared heavily in a JW video (he probably had the most speaking time for any "wordly person" in all their videos). He's featured quite heavily:'s the $$$$$.
i'm a little dumb struck to see that donald trump's first cross word against russia are in support of the jws..
is this because trump genuinely values freedom of religion?
or is it because his son in law jared kushner has financial dealings with the jws?
All the JDuya's I know are pretty well having orgasms over this news. "Armageddon just has to be right around the corner now! The 'King of the South and the King of the North' are pushing each other again! Just a few more months until October, and that is when all important things happen. By the way did you see the WT with the soldiers and machine guns? We better go out in service! "
Stupid sheeples have lit up the internet and their out-of-date "smart" phones, like a whore house on payday, trying to see who can be the most insanely prophetic about this news blurb.
Excuse me while I go throw up.
next weeks watchtower.
'who is leading god's people today' is quite incredible.
i am so looking forward to blondie's comments on this one.
The Governing Body is neither inspired nor infallible. Therefore, it can err in doctrinal matters or in organizational direction.
But remember, even IF we err in a doctrinal matter and get it completely f--ked up, and even IF you know it is completely f--cked up you MUST swear allegiance to whatever OUR current interpretation of scripture is this week under penalty of "spiritual" death! Damn you independent, intelligent thinkers.