@ hoser
I wish I could smash the thumb up a thousand times for our comment.
2025-01-15-ages for ministerial servants and elders.. see page 2. .
https://pdfupload.io/docs/1b0b5c00 .
@ hoser
I wish I could smash the thumb up a thousand times for our comment.
from my experience within the jw organization, i understood that salvation meant a person accepted the teachings of the wbts without question as the "faithful and discrete slave," thereby placing their trust in them, not jesus christ.
salvation consisted of being found "righteous" by jehovah and resurrected to everlasting life in an earthly paradise.
to obtain this salvation, one needed to obey the organization's teachings, remain a faithful jw, and lead a moral life.
How Do JWs Understand Salvation & What Is Needed to Obtain It?
Most important, does he want to become one of Jehovah’s Witnesses?
*** w89 1/15 p. 15 par. 1 How Baptism Can Save Us ***
Jehovah has specific requirements for those seeking salvation. They must acquire accurate knowledge, exercise faith, repent of their sins, be converted, make a dedication to God, and undergo baptism as believers. They must also understand that dedication and baptism identify them as Jehovah’s Witnesses.
Baptism serves to identify him as one of Jehovah’s Witnesses. It also puts the one baptized in line for eternal salvation, provided he remains faithful to Jehovah.—Matthew 24:13.
A few Watchtower quotes inform how JWs believe one obtains salvation.
You must become a JW. That includes obeying the governing body mandates
about your dress, grooming, dietary habits, medical choices, employment
choices, education choices, marriage choices etc. without question even
if they are 180 degrees different than they were last year, and even if
they seem impractical.
now that we have the tick-a-box field service reporting method, how are brothers measured fit for an appointment as a ms or elder?
has there been clarification in any of the recent elders schools or in meetings with the co?.
How are Brothers measured fit for an appointment as a MS or Elder?
Old elder: Young brother still wet behind the ears, can you step into the library for a moment?
Youngster: Sure brother Older than dirt.
Old elder: Drop trousers.
2nd Older elder: Yep, he's got a twig and berries. And he is a good brown noser. Appoint him.
here is my story of becoming a missionary after having kin suen (pronounced “shin”) as my circuit overseer.
my father wanted me to go to college, but since he wasn’t a witness, i knew he just didn’t understand how close we were to the end.
i had actually become a circuit overseer!
The elder body hardly preached, they didn’t care. I did care and I kept trying.
As my dad said and a saying I adopted, "It's tough to be smart in a world of dumb people!"
the governing body are proud to announce... can you finish off the line for them - the more outrageous the better,, .
The Governing Body Are Proud To announce..
. . .that Bibles are now banned in kingdom halls. Any choosing to use a hard copy will be judicially marked and announced as no longer one of jehovah's witnesses for refusing to obey the governing body.
14 a husband who physically or verbally abuses his wife needs to take additional steps to repair his relationship with jehovah and with his wife.
what are these steps?
first, he recognizes that he has a serious problem.
@ touchofgrey
So she was the perfect JW wife then it would seem. At least from my own personal experience it sounded like you had been reading my mail.
jehovah’s witnesses boast that theirs is a “spirit-directed organization”.. see w88 3/1 pp.
10-17 (my life in jehovah’s spirit-directed organization).
they believe that their deceased founder, charles taze russell (who faced legal action by his wife for inappropriate behavior in his maids bedroom), is directing the modern-day work of jehovah’s witnesses.. after the founder, c t russell died, it was stated that he was still directing the work from heaven.. "though pastor russell has passed beyond the veil, he is still managing every feature of the harvest work.
And two sentences later they put out this little nugget of ( well you can fill in THAT blank).
*** w17 February p. 26 par. 12 Who Is Leading God’s People Today? ***
Of course, Jesus did not tell us that his faithful slave would produce perfect spiritual food.
I thought a perfect Jesus would lead his "slave" to produce perfect food, not imperfect garbage. So where are they getting that food. The nearest alley garbage dumpster?
You must eat the food we shovel out on you, even if it has passed the expiration date and spoiled! Now chow down peons!
i was once was told by an jw elder it was a rule not to gossip or swear as it could harm someone, but i guess the new light allows this.
it was bad enough when they were calling people worldly now i heard a jw gossiping about someone and it was mean.just another reason i would never go back.
they said they would not correct it. I had to "wait on Jehovah
I heard that B.S. more than I care to remember.
Elders have to back elders even when they are wrong.
My now deceased father was an elder in the manner of what some have termed a JW heavy. He was not typical though. He was one that the other elders hated because so many of the lowly and downtrodden would come to him for help when they were mistreated. He also was not afraid to refuse to back any elder at any level in the JW's if they were wrong. as he taught me "There is no wrong way to be right, and no right way to be wrong". I still have people come to me and tell me how he helped them.
My opinion: if I were twice the man I am, I'd still be half the man he was. And that wasn't because of any JW beliefs, it was because that's the kind of man he was by nature.
i was once was told by an jw elder it was a rule not to gossip or swear as it could harm someone, but i guess the new light allows this.
it was bad enough when they were calling people worldly now i heard a jw gossiping about someone and it was mean.just another reason i would never go back.
The largest driver of gossip amongst the JW's in my opinion is the fact that Not. One. Single. One. of them has the remotest clue what personal space is, or any respect for another persons boundaries.
If you try to keep even a small amount of your private life private then YOU WILL be the subject of gossip wondering what secret sin you are guilty of hiding and when you will be found out, even IF you are completely in compliance with The Bible. And if you are innocent of any sin they will make one up that will eventually be gossiped about to the elders and any denial or proclamation of innocence will be considered proof you are not repentant.
So glad I no longer run their hamster wheel.
watchtower put out some highlights for the 2024 service year:.
average publishers: 8,828,124. peak publishers: 9,043,460. a 43.2 percent increase in "those who returned to jehovah", meaning 65,816 were reinstated.
baptized: 296,267. memorial attendance: 21,119,442. missing stat: number of partakers .. womp womp.
I've never heard of having to download a specific app to report it though. Not here in the UK anyway.