This truth sets us free.
Interesting questions
would you join a religion which punishes you if you later on change your mind and choose to leave it?.
would you join a religion which claims to be the only one guided by god and yet has always got their prophetic utterances entirely wrong?.
would you join a religion which changes its beliefs every few years?.
This truth sets us free.
Interesting questions
if god’s people can’t see anti-god verses in the bible, how can they be god’s people?.
jehovah is the “god of the gentiles also” and “there is no impartiality with god,” says the bible.
(romans 3:29; deuteronomy 10:17).
Interesting observation: “Religion is law. It kills one way or another. So we have to leave religion to live well. That’s what l decided.”
God started human family on earth. As Father being the head of the family, no one felt the need to worship their Father. Later distortion started--some felt the need of introducing the subject of worship with a higher class of people taking lead over the lower class—thus exploiting the lower for the livelihood of the higher class. Exploitation in the name of God resulted in some abandoning faith in God. So you are right—religion kills the faithful.
if god’s people can’t see anti-god verses in the bible, how can they be god’s people?.
jehovah is the “god of the gentiles also” and “there is no impartiality with god,” says the bible.
(romans 3:29; deuteronomy 10:17).
If God’s people can’t see anti-God verses in the Bible, how can they be God’s people?
Jehovah is the “God of the Gentiles also” and “there is no impartiality with God,” says the Bible. (Romans 3:29; Deuteronomy 10:17). People are judged on the basis of how humane they were, not on the basis of worship (Mathew 25:31-46) because of the simple truth that everyone is a child of God. This would mean many are anti-God verses in the Bible. To mention a few:
1) Phinehas who performed a double murder when a Jew married a Gentile is praised by Moses. (Numbers 25:6-13)
2) Moses is shown as exalting one nation over others (Deuteronomy 28:1, 10, 13) and even authorizing them to own Gentile people as their slaves "for ever" (Leviticus 25:44-46.)
3) Woman is spoken as the property of men in 1 Corinthians 14:34-35:
“Do not think that I have come to abolish the Law or the Prophets; I have not come to abolish them but to fulfill them. For truly I tell you, until heaven and earth disappear, not the smallest letter, not the least stroke of a pen, will by any means disappear from the Law until everything is accomplished.” (Matthew 5:17-18)
According to Jesus, Jewish laws that include laws about woman such as the above should remain until "heaven and earth pass".
People who claim to be God’s own would shudder at such anti-God verses found in the Bible. Yet JWs have no problem in treating each verse of the Bible as inspired of God.
no ego and no agenda--and yet--a thinking-out-loud tour of what the lasting value ofbiblical teaching might mean.
His explanation, on the basis of Jung's studies, about dreams makes sense. I too came to believe in soul and God because of the wonderful mechanism, called dream, within me which happens without my conscious mind being involved.
Interestingly, our actions are intertwined by conscious and sub-conscious mind activities, and it is like we learn driving--we consciously do it while learning driving then we switch to unconsciously driving later. Just like unconscious mind creates motion pictures called dream, it also created my body which is a micro universe--just like the Supreme Soul created the macro universe.
That means through the mechanism called dream, God has provided proof very intimately, in very personalized way, to every human being that there is proof for immortal soul and immortal Supreme Soul, if anyone wants proof.
Good video
most of the people with skin problems have something in common.
they feel their individuality is being threatened somehow and others have power over them as though they are feeling thin-skinned or things as tending to get under their skin.
it is under the skin that our nerves function, and skin is the largest sense-organ which is like a blanket over the whole body, hence is a symbol of protection.
Thank you Ruby456,
Bible speaks about God’s “tender mercies”—an expression I liked very much for which we find proof in the abundant provisions for enjoyment of life. However, such characteristics of God are clouded under the abundance of human inspired verses in the Bible. People who had to replace their damaged organs/limbs with some artificial organs/things in their bodies would remember how nice and at easy they felt when they were with their original organs--as though they were all originally designed with so much care and tender affection.
i know a lot of people might not want anything to do with any religion and i can sympathize, the bible an ancient collection of books compiled by the catholic church authorities and the some what restricted version by protestant movement we have the less voluminous of collected "holy" books call the king james.
which i think we have a lot to learn from them if we look at them from a more psychological point of view and not force them to be literally understood.. i think it is the same with these sutras, what is it telling us about the mind?
what can we expect from certain meditative practices.
The wise have always understood the wisdom of looking beyond thoughts which are just chattering of the internal mouth called mind. (Luke 17:21) “The beginning of freedom is the realization that you are not the thinker.The moment you start watching the thinker, a higher level of consciousness becomes activated. You then begin to realize that there is a vast realm of intelligence beyond thought, that thought is only a tiny aspect of that intelligence. You also realize that all the things that truly matter – beauty, love, creativity, joy, inner peace – arise from beyond the mind. You begin to awaken.”-- Eckhart Tolle
JWs would never understand this. For them emptying the mind means inviting demons--demons who were originally presented as personification of vices for the sake simplicity and clarity, hence never exist as person.
i was talking to my sister in law the other day about death, and i mentioned something about the afterlife, i don’t remember what i said but it was nothing shocking .
but she squealed, “we don’t believe in the afterlife!
!” and i reasoned, well we kinda after death is the after life..and she just insisted no no it’s not the same thing.
It is about such practices Jesus said: "You blind guides, straining out a gnat and swallowing a camel!"--Mathew 23:24
in 1935 there were 63,146 who attended the memorial and 52,465 partook.
(proclaimers book page 717).
according to the bible teach book on page 78, it says, “since the days of the apostles, god has been selecting faithful christians in order to complete the number 144,000”.
Very solid point!
most of the people with skin problems have something in common.
they feel their individuality is being threatened somehow and others have power over them as though they are feeling thin-skinned or things as tending to get under their skin.
it is under the skin that our nerves function, and skin is the largest sense-organ which is like a blanket over the whole body, hence is a symbol of protection.
Most of the people with skin problems have something in common. They feel their individuality is being threatened somehow and others have power over them as though they are feeling thin-skinned or things as tending to get under their skin. It is under the skin that our nerves function, and skin is the largest sense-organ which is like a blanket over the whole body, hence is a symbol of protection. When reeling under the heavy-handedness of somebody/some cultic organization, skin feels the weight of it, and when prolonged it expresses itself as some of form skin dis-ease—from minor to major depending upon the degree of control being felt from others. And it is also observed and when a person takes back his own power, and begin to nurture himself saying in his mind “I love myself, and I am by own boss, I abandon beliefs thrust upon me …etc it is observed that skin feels at ease and restores its normalcy.
This shows the very design of our body rules out validity of cultic organizations that thrive on their mind-control practices. No wonder one ancient proverb says “mercy is the supreme form of righteousness” which lays down natural behavior pattern that should exist between humans! Interestingly, Jesus is quoted as telling a cultic organization of his time: “Go and learn what God meant when he said, “I desire mercy, not sacrifice” (Matthew 9:13; 12:7; Hosea 6:6) which his half-brother James later extolled it as supreme quality when he wrote: “Mercy triumphs over judgment.” (James 2:13) It means no one can value “being right” even more than showing compassion or mercy—which is at the root of phariseeism, an inordinate love for being right which results in the practices of even shunning towards those who disagree. In shunning, the supreme quality, compassion, is also being shunned, which means compassion and mind-control are mutually exclusive.
in exodus 20:3-5 god is depicted as saying: “you should have no other gods” and worshipping them would bring ‘punishment for three to four generation’ and worshipping me would bring blessings for “a thousand generations.”.
the sentiments behind this command is same as the one that was displayed by othello who punished his wife desdemona all because of a handkerchief (given to her by othello on their honeymoon) that was happened to be found with someone else.. if it were the real god, he would have said something like this: “you are my children, and you should not worship me.
how can father accept worship from his children?
That is an interesting summing up, Diogenesister,
Very few people only attempt to read between the lines. When I read the Bible, I read it like a witness—as a totally dispassionate observer which makes me discriminate between essence and human thinking. For example, when God says something, it should be befitting to His stature. Instead of God asking us to avoid worshipping other gods (which means He hates them) as Almighty, He can easily exercise the easiest option of not permitting a situation where rebels disturb the peace of Himself and of others and thus first save Himself by ridding Himself of hatred—a deep negative emotion if found among humans ‘would cause many diseases’. Hatred (from the Hebrew root, Yiddish, Haete, meaning “that never goes; to remain rooted”) has a strong, negative implication.
Scriptures are the product of human thinking; and thinking is internal talking (of the mind) just like external talking (of the mouth). Thinking leads at the best to the opinion, not necessarily to truth. In fact it often veils the truth. One can realize the truth only in the space of consciousness, free from thoughts—something Jesus implied when he said “Kingdom of God is within you.” (Luke 17:21) If one has chosen to bind himself to human thinking (own or of others), it means he is free to sever that bondage too.