JoinedTopics Started by Sargon
JWD theme Song... with Rod's permission pending....
by Sargon inlistening to this, if rod was talking to the society instead of an unfaithful lover... this would make alot of sense:.
if i listened long enough to you,.
i'd find a way to believe that it's all true.. knowing that you lied, straight-faced, while i cried,.
Free-will V.S predestiny
by Sargon init's been a long-long time since i shared any deep thoughts on religion... so please bear with me.
i was fishing this morning...since they weren't biting it gave me time to ponder;.
one of the concepts that caused me to leave the x-tian faith is the conundrum that boggles my mind when i consider free-will.. i've made the argument in the past that adam didn't have any free-will in the garden of eden.
Revelation Warning To WTS- A Plague upon The GB
by Sargon init seems to me the wts selectively reads the bible:i am bearing witness to everyone that hears the words of the prophecy of this scroll: if anyone makes an addition to these things, god will add to him the plagues that are written in this scroll.
22:18. pretty plain language i'd say, nothing ambiguous about it.
Noah's Ark and Tapeworms??
by Sargon inthis is to anyone who actually believes this silly myth.
a few questions about parasites:.
were these gathered two by two, since in many cases only one is required to breed?.
Sargon's Laundy day windfall
by Sargon incheers all,.
gotta relate how my day's going.
woke up this morning and over coffee i decided i'd do a load of laundry(wich i only do half of it, half as often i should do it all).
Baptism Protocol
by Sargon in.
i'm wondering wether or not non-witness friends or relatives are welcome at, or invited to a baptism?
by Sargon inthis was on another thread, i though it was a great idea and i've always got lots of posts available so here goes:if you're late you have to knock on the door and be recognized through the peep-hole before they will unlock the door.. .
i'm surprised they didn't ask for a password.
perhaps you could start a thread for suggested passwords, elsewhere...
What does perfect mean??
by Sargon insupposedly adam was perfect, jesus was perfect; and witnesses hope to be perfect in the new system.
but what does perfection mean.
is it a physical state or is it freedom from sin?
second anniversary
by Sargon intommorrow is my second anniversary of being here at jwd.
to help me mark this momentus occasion i thought i'd outline my idea for a new church:.
the church of our souls.