a while back i posted a thread called "3 meetings per week not 5"; here's something to think about:(if ive already posted this info but have forgotten because i'm drunk please tell me!)
can't remember the scripture but i have to get this down before i lose my enthusiasum(?). isn't there a scripture about jesus going into the syndicate of gog(synagouge?) on the saboth(SATURDAY?)to read from isaiah as was his custom? do you get it? jesus had the custom of going to his place of worship 1 day per week; not 3 days for five meetings!
JoinedPosts by sawthelight
one scriptural meeting per week!!!
by sawthelight ina while back i posted a thread called "3 meetings per week not 5"; here's something to think about:(if ive already posted this info but have forgotten because i'm drunk please tell me!).
can't remember the scripture but i have to get this down before i lose my enthusiasum(?).
isn't there a scripture about jesus going into the syndicate of gog(synagouge?
Making Jesus Say More than he Said.
by Thirdson infarkel wrote an excellent piece (as always) on matthew 25 and the wts version of what jesus meant as if jesus meant something he didnt say.
this is a similar subject and takes a piece from the greatest man book which for some reason i found myself flicking through again.
(i previously posted a short piece on the prodigal son) it is sad in a way, i kept this book thinking it may have some value as a commentary on the life of jesus but on rereading sections of it i feel inclined to toss it away.. so many times the book interjects its interpretation of what jesus meant and in chapter 63 there is a contradiction in the line of reasoning.
can't remember the scripture but i have to get this down befoer i lose my enthusiasum(?). isn"t there a scripture about jesus going into the syndicate of gog(synagouge?) on the saboth(SATURDAY?)to read from isaiah as was his custom? do you get it? jesus had the custom of going to his place of worship 1 day per week; not 3 t days for five meetings!
JW Jokes, If easily offended DO NOT OPEN THREAD!!
by Brutus inwhat do you get if you cross a jehovah's witness with an agnostic?
someone who calls at your door, but doesn't really know why.
feel free to add others!
a variation on one of the above:
two dubs knock on a householders door. when he answer's the door, dub ask's if he would like to become a jehovah's witness. house holler says that he can't because he didn't see the accident ;however, he would be happy to give some blood! -
by TweetieBird inwhen i was first having doubts about the organization, i stumbled across the following site.... .
it really opened my eyes, because i have a mother-in-law that tells me constantly that the witnesses are the only ones that bear god's name.
i believe the etemology for JEHOVAH is something like this:
tetragramaton uses only 4 consonants YHVH which were changed in germanic languages (like english) to JHVH. the vowels came from the word (i believe it is latin) ADONAI (pronounced ah-don-eh?), which means lord in english. this adonai is descended from the earlier BAAL. so, it would appear that YHVH's has had his name combined with BAAL (i'm sure the witniesses must have his everlasting gratitude for this bit of publicity) -
Wow! Pioneering's in Trouble!
by metatron inapril service report 88,735 pioneers (u.s.).
may service report 86,515 pioneers.
i know they'll pick up a couple thousand suckers in.
the money also goes to real estate aquisition and buiding projects large and small.
is that your real pic?
US Law & Presidency
by Amazing inus law & presidency .
many non-american people as well as many american citizens do not fully understand the legal premise of our system, nor how the system is designed to function.
because so many have a hazy idea, they often make mistakes in voting and involvement in the political system.. the presidency: the office of the us president was designed to be weak and largely one of administration.
Bravo amazing
as a canadian i'm green with envy that you yanks have a REPUBLICAN form of government and we canucks are stuck with the parlimentary democracy where the prime minister can actually decree some things into law by order of his personally hand picked cabinet. the us system with all of the checks and balances is truly brilliant.
for everyone who still cling to the idea that gore won, you must remember that both men new the rules before the contest and as late as 1 week before the election is was believed that bush would carry more of the popular vote and gore the electoral college. i believe that high profile dems like james carvel liked the rules at that point. also, if the pres was elected by direct popular vote, both candidates would have campained differently ignoring FLa., Penn., etc., in the final days of the election and concentrated on the most populas state of Calf.(largely ignored by bush because he knew that he had no chance to outpoll gore there and would therby lose all of the the electoral colege votes for that state) this would have undoubtedly have changed the outcome of the popular vote in some way.
finally amazing, i once heard on the radio show "the rest of the storey" that john adams was sworn in as vp 9 days before washington was sworn in as pres. and that one of the vp's duties is to carry out the office of president if the elected pres is unable. since washington had not taken the oath of office adams was president for those 9 days making washington president no. 3.
Wow! Pioneering's in Trouble!
by metatron inapril service report 88,735 pioneers (u.s.).
may service report 86,515 pioneers.
i know they'll pick up a couple thousand suckers in.
the us and other western nations matter most to the gb because they contrbute the most money
White House Lunatic Imperils Us All.
by Englishman innot just content with attempting to scuttle the kyoto accord by claiming it was anti-american, bush has now pulled the usa out of an international agreement on tightening up controls on chemical warfare, citing almost exactly the same concerns.
can't you blokes across the atlantic impeach this lunatic?.
..... fanaticism masquerading beneath a cloak of reasoned logic.
to all americans
McCain was never a serious contender for pres: he isn't a descendent of the british royal family.
don't forget what the left wing media did in the florida pan-handle, declaring the winner before the poles closed. bush probably would have carried that state by 100 000. the election would have been over the 1st night and nobody would care about the popular vote nation wide
homophobia is a mis-nomer
by sawthelight insince phobia means "afraid of", i think the term homophobia should be clarified.
to most people i would be considered homophobic, howeve, i'm not afraid of homos, i just don't like them.
first trans-atlantis broadcast- marconi, from glace bay NS to ireland.circa 1905.
first radio broadcast some electrical engineer; before 1900 words- heinrich hirz i will look up date later and post if i don't run out of free internet time this month.