This reminds me, I want to do a companion piece on the Israelite trek, regarding the nations they defeated.
*** Coming soon ***
so, in a couple weeks, the jws move on in their bible-reading slog to the book of deuteronomy.. take a gander at deuteronomy 23:12,13:.
a private place should be designated for use outside the camp, and there is where you should go.
13 a peg should be part of your equipment.
This reminds me, I want to do a companion piece on the Israelite trek, regarding the nations they defeated.
*** Coming soon ***
in the latest jw broadcast, anthony morris the turd gives a talk about donations.
to camouflage this, he starts and ends the talk by saying that isn't actually what he's doing.
first he starts with the usual disclaimer, 'wt has never begged for money like christendom and we never will', you know the drill.
That was such a bizarre presentation.
He seemed to be stepping on eggshells, tip-toeing about so as to not give the whiff of a hint of a trace of possibly maybe making some wealthy JW feel bad for not donating - "it's all a personal decision".
In the next breath, he says that the poorest of the poor JWs should be contributing to the WTS. He didn't much care about them feeling guilty for not donating their last 12 cents to the WTS.
It was a muddled message, to say the least. "We need money. If you're wealthy, it's a personal decision, maybe think about donating, if it's not too inconvenient. If you're poor, give give give give give."
I get the impression that someone gives him a topic to develop and present but his addled brain can't form complete or coherent thoughts to communicate. Surely other people notice it as well, but who's going to give counsel to any GB member, let alone the surliest one?
i thought jiles grey response to this question was interesting:.
"i think that it demonstrates just how ineffective the jehovah’s witnesses’ door to door evangelising is.. in 2019 there were 303,866 people baptised.
this was during a year when the preaching work was in full swing.. in 2020 there were 241,994 people baptised.
As noted above, probably most of the dunkees are kids of JWs. That certainly is the case in wealthier western lands.
The 241,994 figure is for the "2020 service year" (September 2019 - August 2020). That was 6-7 months pre-pandemic, so you'd expect the numbers to have been pretty "normally" for over half the year.
In addition, there were still a bunch of "Bible studies" in the pipeline to get baptized, especially in poorer countries where people still respond. From initial call to final dunking will always take many months, probably not unusual for it to take a couple of years.
The entire "2021 service year" (September 2020 - August 2021) was conducted in full-blown pandemic.
Absolute 0 door to door, absolute 0 cart witnessing. 100% phone calls and letters.
The numbers for the 2021 service year ought to be ready in 3-4 months. I would be willing to bet large quantities of candy corn that the number of baptisms reported will be much much lower than even the low number for the 2020 service year - maybe even under 200,000.
And if pandemic restrictions continue for a large chunk, or even all, of the 2022 service year (already started), the number reported will drop again - even more.
i have been out of the borg for years!
do circuit overseers still visit the congregations?
via zoom?
Yes, since March / April 2020, all CO visits everywhere have been via Zoom.
this experience was posted about a year ago.
it seems like a crackpot co was giving his prediction of what "might possibly happen in the future" .
now it seems like he wasn't such a crackpot after all.. quote.
Here's what I think:
If the CO really said these things, he's goofier than a froot loop.
If I had a nickel for every nitwitted story rife with speculations about "no really, now we're in the last part of the last days" from some frooty JW I'd be able to buy, I dunno, Australia, and still be richer than Jeff Bezos & Bill Gates combined.
I.e., this is just some combination of desperate wishing for "the end to come" and a pathetic need to be viewed as having "special insight" and thus worthy of praise & honor.
To answer your specific question: crackpot.
who of those passed away jwd/jwn members, do we think of??.
oompah and the lady from australia, are there more??.
We never heard anything "official", but he must be gone by now: Maximus.
minimus former jw, prolific poster on jwn died.. minimus.
joined 19 years ago.
started 4,139 topics.
Sorry to hear this.....but TBH, "Six Screens" has been, shall we say, less than reliable on certain other occasions.
If true, it is a loss for this board and all who knew & loved him.
a few months back, one of my uncles who was an elder, asked the co, why jehovah would allow the door to door preaching work, to come to an abrupt end.
this was when my uncle was starting to have serious doubts about the organization.. the co told him to be patient, and hang in there, because the governing body was on top of things and in time would explain what is happening regarding the preaching work.. my uncle asked; “what do you mean?”.
co said; “focus on the wt study articles in the coming months” .
I think they play with the counting.
Of course!
You're supposed to put the number attending after your name, so when others view you on Zoom, they see something like:
Bonehead Family (5) indicate 5 members of the family are "attending".
Of course, the 3 kids are all playing video games, dad's watching pre-season football and mom's posting pictures on Instagram. But "5 attending", right.
a few months back, one of my uncles who was an elder, asked the co, why jehovah would allow the door to door preaching work, to come to an abrupt end.
this was when my uncle was starting to have serious doubts about the organization.. the co told him to be patient, and hang in there, because the governing body was on top of things and in time would explain what is happening regarding the preaching work.. my uncle asked; “what do you mean?”.
co said; “focus on the wt study articles in the coming months” .
how did the ministry increase
Again - very easy to believe.
As I noted earlier, "hours" is probably the most significant "spirituality marker" in use - more hours, more spiritual, full stop, the end, nothing more to it.
It has never been easier - in 140+ years - to get your "hours" in.
Sign onto your Zoom field service meeting, gossip with your friends about Brother Goober and Sister Rotund, drink your coffee, wear your shorts & flip-flops (no one sees below your shoulders on Zoom), every 10-15 minutes write a line or 2 of a letter, then back to gossip, coffee, oh, time for a donut break....
Add to that the elimination (until further notice) of any hour requirement for pioneers....
Well of course there's going to be record numbers of "pioneers" and "hours" and whatnot.
a few months back, one of my uncles who was an elder, asked the co, why jehovah would allow the door to door preaching work, to come to an abrupt end.
this was when my uncle was starting to have serious doubts about the organization.. the co told him to be patient, and hang in there, because the governing body was on top of things and in time would explain what is happening regarding the preaching work.. my uncle asked; “what do you mean?”.
co said; “focus on the wt study articles in the coming months” .
he talks about meeting attendance, the ministry, (how its increased during Covid)
Not hard to believe at all.
In my earlier post I talked about how judging others based on what they appear to be doing is the very essence, the very soul of being a JW.
Meeting attendance is another easy marker for judgment. If "Person X" attends 98% of the meetings while "Person Y" attends only 75%, "Person X is automatically, fully, undoubtedly, without hesitation, more "spiritual" than "Person Y". Full stop. The end. Reasons for attending / not attending are less than irrelevant. Attending meetings = "being spiritual".
It has never been easier - literally - never, in 140+ years - to appear "spiritual" by attending Zoom meetings. Sign on, wave hello to everyone, turn your camera off, go watch TV & drink beer for 2 hours, while the little black screen with your name on it remains on the Zoom meeting, and it looks like, as far as everyone else can tell, you are sitting on the edge of your seat, eagerly hanging on every word dribbling from Elder Blowhard's mouth.
Easily, week after week, meeting after meeting, 60, 70, 80% of the attendees have their screens off the entire meeting. For the past 18 months.
In circumstances like that - it looks like you are attending the meeting, but no one can tell if you're watching "The Walking Dead", or scrolling thru Twitter, or snorting a line of coke - of course "meeting attendance" is going to skyrocket.
You get free "spirituality points" just for the 2 minutes effort it takes to sign onto the meeting, then leave.
I would be shocked if "meeting attendance" were less than 150% of pre-pandemic levels, given the situation I just described.