Remember in 2021 when the memorial was at their homes (on account of the pandemic) and elders letter said if there's no anointed people present you dont even need the actual emblems?
I mean, why bother even having it?!!
Or, the other extreme:
Whether there were anointed or not, most every congregation I know of told their members to have the emblems in their own house for Zoom.
What do you think happened after the final "amen" and buffoonish waving and the Zoom session ended?
Guar-an-TEED that 95% of the JWs chugged back the glasses of wine & got out the smoked salmon & cream cheese for the bread.
In other words, "partaking" of the very same emblems, just 15 minutes later when it somehow "didn't count".
And JWs mock Catholics for "pointless, stupid rituals".