He is really exceptionally dull and uninspiring , with no noticeable empathy or warmth though
I'm pretty sure those are exactly the qualifications for "GB member". He'll fit right in.
apparently 4 new gb helpers as per reddit.
1) paul gillies.
2) johnathan smith.
He is really exceptionally dull and uninspiring , with no noticeable empathy or warmth though
I'm pretty sure those are exactly the qualifications for "GB member". He'll fit right in.
phone call to us.
attend meeting, wear mask, distance, get shots.
every one was said to be nobodies business.
any potential cold or flu symptoms disqualify people from attending JW meetings at a Kingdom Hall
Or if you've been "exposed" to the virus in the past 10 days.
"Sorry, brother, since a significant number of those infected with COVID are asymptomatic, I cannot confirm I have not been exposed to it in the past 10 days. So, out of an abundance of caution and concern for the brothers, I'll be staying home from the meeting."
Repeat every week until they stop asking.
behind the doorshe was a small girl wearing an old-fashioned bonnet.
like something out of a victorian painting.
her eyes were cast downward as she spoke to the psychologist; sometimes glancing at the scribbles the doctor made in response to certain words.behind her, in the hall, a tall, stout policeman near retirement age leaned in to catch what the girl was saying.
Help me understand so I can rest my mind.
Where was the girl standing when she opened the door for the first time? In the basement, or outside the basement?
It's a really well-written story.
now they start inviting to their "commemorate the death of jesus" event.
it always makes me a bit sad.
i don’t think i could endure to watch it myself today.
Remember in 2021 when the memorial was at their homes (on account of the pandemic) and elders letter said if there's no anointed people present you dont even need the actual emblems?
I mean, why bother even having it?!!
Or, the other extreme:
Whether there were anointed or not, most every congregation I know of told their members to have the emblems in their own house for Zoom.
What do you think happened after the final "amen" and buffoonish waving and the Zoom session ended?
Guar-an-TEED that 95% of the JWs chugged back the glasses of wine & got out the smoked salmon & cream cheese for the bread.
In other words, "partaking" of the very same emblems, just 15 minutes later when it somehow "didn't count".
And JWs mock Catholics for "pointless, stupid rituals".
https://www.msn.com/en-us/lifestyle/home-and-garden/jehovahs-witnesses-to-resume-in-person-services-opt-not-to-resume-door-to-door-ministry/ar-aavnxv0 .
so apparently robert hendricks the spin doctor of the wt society has been proudly telling news channels how wonderful the wt org has been during the 2 years of the pandemic, checking in with each and every member to meet their needs on a weekly basis.. except, based on the comments of former jw friends on facebook, it's news to most of them since they are screaming out that they were totally neglected by the elders/ms throughout most of that period.
a couple even said that because of being ignored by the congregation during this time, that they have walked away completely.
Regarding groceries, in the US, there was a government-sponsored program of distributing boxes of food in the early months of the pandemic.
JWs were among dozens or maybe even hundreds of organizations that participated.
Yet, believe it or not , JWs were told that these government-sponsored gift boxes were evidence of Jehovah taking care of them.
Still not clear if the other thousands of non-JWs receiving the identical products from non-JW distribution chains were also experiencing "Jehovah's loving care".
https://www.msn.com/en-us/lifestyle/home-and-garden/jehovahs-witnesses-to-resume-in-person-services-opt-not-to-resume-door-to-door-ministry/ar-aavnxv0 .
so apparently robert hendricks the spin doctor of the wt society has been proudly telling news channels how wonderful the wt org has been during the 2 years of the pandemic, checking in with each and every member to meet their needs on a weekly basis.. except, based on the comments of former jw friends on facebook, it's news to most of them since they are screaming out that they were totally neglected by the elders/ms throughout most of that period.
a couple even said that because of being ignored by the congregation during this time, that they have walked away completely.
To be fair, "honesty" is not at the top of the job description for PR flacks in any corporation.
gb sanderson reminding the member what the russian war is all about.
Pudge McGee thinks because he can haltingly speak at a Russian 202 level, he is the direct-from-Gawd pipeline for all information related to "the king of the north".
have received news of the passing of alan fuerbacher today having just turned 70 years of age.
alan was an earlier and frequent poster on this forum and was a strident critic of wt bible chronology.
i enjoyed the continuous debate on matters relating to 607 bce and will miss his intellectual contributions and his scholarship even though i disagreed with much of his contributions on this subject.
Here is the original post:
i'm sick, i can't attend meetings.
Oh, here's another puzzle:
The "Health Notice" is supposed to be posted at the Kingdom Hall.
Wouldn't that mean it is.....drum roll.....in writing?
Why are group overseers only supposed to share it "orally" prior to anyone going to the Kingdom Hall?
The inconsistency is remarkable. Unless, of course, the entire point of the "Health Notice" has nothing to do with "health" and everything to do with "hey, Mr. Unbelieving Mate, don't even think about a wrongful death lawsuit because your JW wife went the KH and got COVID and died".
i'm sick, i can't attend meetings.
Yeah, that language in the "Health Notice" about "confirming" you haven't been "exposed to COVID 19 in the past 10 days"....
Given how many people (vaxed and unvaxed) are asymptomatic carriers, it is completely impossible for anyone (unless living in a plastic bubble) to "confirm" what the statement says.
This smacks of the legal department scrambling to catch up to the GB's reckless directive with a CYA statement.
So, in the case my "superspreader" supposition really does prove true, and thousands (or 10's or 100s of thousands) of JWs get sick after attending the Memorial, no one can sue the congregation and/or the WTS because everyone there in person "confirmed" they were not recently exposed to COVID. The onus is on the individuals attending the event, not the sponsor of the event.
It is simultaneously alarming and stomach-churning.