I will not watch it. I know I wouldn't be able to handle the images that would be left in my mind. Just the thought of what happens saddens my heart.
JoinedPosts by scootergirl
Do NOT watch this...
by blacksheep ini know i was warned.
i had to see for myself the berg video.
saw it at work this am.
What quality do you look for in a friend?
by WildTurkey in.
what quality do you look for in a friend?.
to me loyalty is very important, i can?t hang around ppl i don?t trust.. what is important to you?
LOL Gary! That made me giggle!
For me, it is:
- trust
- honesty
- integrity
- respect
- unconditional support and love
So, Ona, are you braggin' or complainin'? hehe
Thanks, and yes, looks what happens when you leave the door open! But w/me, I usually am bringing some sort of baked goodie w/me!
Ah, yes, me and Kate.....soul sisters in deed w/our bikes! LOL.......I couldn't last 10 minutes on her kinda bike! Plus, I'd miss the vibrations of mine
Hey OFC! Nice to see you too! No, I haven't been around for awhile, was busy w/something else, but I figured it was time for me to poke my head up and say hello to everyone! No, I haven't had the bike out since September and probably won't for a few months. Damn MN weather! If I didn't like it in the woods so much I'd probably move some place warmer!
And thank you dede, such nice things to say about me. And YES, I am only a phone call away always if only we could get the right phone numbers down and not lose them! lol
(((dede))) we are all doing fine here. Each and every one of us. Looking forward to warmer weather though!
LOL...and you never have to be skerrid of me.....
Family Coat Of Arms: Does Anybody Have Them?
by ColdRedRain in.
my family has 3, and i'm considering getting a tattoo of one of them on my right arm.
which one do you like better, and do you have a coat of arm's?
Of my geneology, this is what I found.
Can a pedolphile reform?
by Bonnie_Clyde ini need help soon - i was molested by my brother when i was about 9 or 10 and he was about 15 or 16. it has been about 50 years now.
the only way i got him to stop was when i threatened to tell my parents.
since then, i was completely quiet about it.
Interesting article if anyone is interested:
Sexual abuse is a very complex issue w/many underlining factors that come into play. Often times it isn't just a physical attraction per say but a control issue of sorts that add to the mix.
Can pedofiles be "reform".....I would say yes-I believe it is possible, but the likely hood of continued abuse is high. But, like Reborn asked, would even if I felt that a pedofile "reformed" would I allow my children to be alone w/a "reformed" pedofile? Absolutely NOT.
You Might Be An Apostate if..........( pure fluffy fun) : )
by LyinEyes inyou might be an apostate if...........you find your forsaken bookbag , covered with mold,,and the issues of the wt dating back to 1975,,,,,and the end didn't come.. you might be an apostate if.........you have a wiener roast and use the bound volumns to start a bon fire in the front yard for all the elders driving by to see.
sumpin,,,,,,,,along those lines........i am sure ya'll can come up with some things better than this .
but , ya get the idea.
You might be an apostate if you attend an Apostafest and afterwards watch the "Ten Commandments" and see the similarities of the Apostaparty and Moses coming down the mountainside and laugh your ass off (after shaking the heebeegeebies)
Tell that other Seeeeeeeeeester of ours to call me I thank( southern accent for ya) I lost her number,,,,,,,again, and yet again. She is gonna kill me
Hey Dede.....um, guess we are up a creek w/out a paddle because I tried calling the other day and got the WRONG number! LOL Check your hotmail, I sent my phone number AGAIN.
Marriage Advice...
by Tuesday infor all the ones that are married out there.
i'm newly married, but i think there's a problem.
i'm just going to go over the morning and say that this is a typical day.
Yikes.......8 months, eh? Only marital advice I can give is to remember that the first few YEARS are an adjustment. Also, and I told my hubby this before we got married, that as spouses we are not responsible for the other's happiness nor meeting all of their needs. I don't want to lay that responsiblity on him, and I certainly don't want to be on my shoulders either. Usually, for us anyway,when we "pick" at each other (which isn't very often, there is some other underlying problem that is just manifesting itself sideways. Key is to find out what is and sometimes step back and respect your mate enough to figure out it themselves.
Weddings are easy, living happily ever after is hard. And getting thru the tough times and riding thru the easy times is what makes a marriage in the end. How many people married 50+ years look back and say "it was so easy......we never had problems". It takes a lot of hard work and determination.
I have also found that communication is a big key. Keeping the focus on me and not "you did this......you did that"......because that comes across so accusitory and also makes a person defensive. And there is always the art of knowing when to speak up and when to shut up and wait till the right time to speak.