Scientists often have the same degree of zeal for theories as religionists do for doctrines. I suppose that following the facts as they are revealed is perhaps the most balanced approach AND it allows us to enjoy - not dread developments that challenge current beliefs. Perhaps we will never fully understand all the events of universe’s beginning and if that is the case, then so be it. The alternative is to demonize anyone who disagrees and be left behind as more facts emerge.
JoinedPosts by ThomasMore
My Prediction Regarding New Space Telescope That Will See Back to 100 Million Years From the Big Bang
by Sea Breeze ina new space telescope launched a few days age that will supposedly be able to see to within 100 million years of the big bang.
wow... only 100 million years from the big bang.
that is pretty early given the 12 billion year age of the universe assigned by scholars who adhere to naturalism.
Why are so many Jehovah’s Witnesses Angry and Rude?
by Vanderhoven7 inwhy do you think many jws are hostile and rude?
or is that just my imagination?.
mark jones writes: the vast majority of jehovah’s witnesses are nice people.
I recently experienced the full shunning treatment by family and I can tell you that JWs are conditioned to throw away family if they are told to do so - period. This does not speak well of them as humans and certainly not as Christians.
Did Satan keep on Attracting Demons to his side?
by Lost in the fog inif you still believe in god and the devil.. .
where did the demons come from?.
the wt says that they are the angels who came to earth and had relations with women on earth, who on return to heaven were thrown into tartarus.
It does say that the ones who forsook their heavenly position took the daughters of men, “namely all whom they chose”. How many eligible women were there at that time so that each angel could take a harem? If their offspring were hybrids who could not reproduce, how long would it take before the population would have been in danger of extinction?
There are not enough details in those few verses to determine what/how many/when/for how long. i decided that it was a waste of my time trying to figure it out. Sampling the 31 flavors at B&R was more fulfilling.
Our J.W friends still have issues with beards 2022??Why?
by Witness 007 inour witness friend who during covid grew his beard has been hassled by elders who asked him "why" he chose to have facial growth.
he for real, had to give an answer why.
this is pharasees total rubbish.
Just be thankful that Rutherford didn’t advocate for castration.
questions for those who were once elders
by enoughisenough ini watched some wendi renay youtube videos.
the former elder who was being interviewed mentioned a couple of things i noted.
i would like to know what your reactions were at the time you learned what i am going to relate if you had the same or kindred experience.
WTC did officially teach that NT was written for anointed. This became problematic when FDS was re-identified as the GB. They have made such a mess interpreting scriptures that place them in the middle of all prophecies and explanations. As a result, many who followed their teachings now want nothing to do with the Bible, as if it was responsible for their ludicrous teachings. Word to the wise, don’t stand close to a steel pole in a lightning storm “lest ye get struck”.
WTC has a lot to answer for.
questions for those who were once elders
by enoughisenough ini watched some wendi renay youtube videos.
the former elder who was being interviewed mentioned a couple of things i noted.
i would like to know what your reactions were at the time you learned what i am going to relate if you had the same or kindred experience.
Heard all of it. Rolled off my back like water. Elders were at each others throats so that was proof to me that we were nothing special. What did I do? I left. Will never go back to something I could not teach with a straight face.
Is the WT right that the Lamb's marriage is after Armageddon?
by Kosonen inthe wt org claims that the lamb's marriage will happen after armageddon, despite the fact that revelation 19 very clearly says that the lamb's marriage happens after the destruction of babylon the great.
and that after the lamb's marriage he with heavenly armies will go to destroy the wicked.. the wt claims that the order of events in revelation 19 is not really in that order referring to psalm 45. but i can't find in psalm 45 any explicit contradiction to revelation 19. .
paragraph 10 in the following article shows the wt org's view point:.
D JW - I am certain there was no previous life on Mars because there are no personal storage units.
Return door to door
by Hellothere inany news about how it's going with the return too door 2 door preaching?
are the jws excited about it?
are they facing any opposition to it by householders?
They were in “Service”, not spreading a message of hope and salvation…
Service has rarely been about genuine love for people. When a person devotes their time to please men or just to measure up, it is unlikely that they will be able to convey any sincere love when they meet others that they look down on. It is an example of thrashing wildly without accomplishing anything.
Honest Hearted Ones
by Sea Breeze inthere are certain wt terms that sound biblical but really just puff up the pride.
hundreds of times the wt has used the term honest-hearted in their literature.
it sounds biblical, if for no other reason because we hear it so often in jw circles.
Vanderhoven is spot on as well as the spirit of the post. The term is used to manipulate the thinking through association. “I am honest-hearted so I should be responding to JWs.” “I am a JW so therefore I am honest-hearted”
The use of terms like these divide people into 2 camps - JWs and the Wicked World. There are no gray areas, everything is black and white - even if we know that flawed people exist in both. Elevating some above others has never created unity or a sense of genuine brotherly love. JWs are devouring each other as they compete for the top slot of “most honest-hearted”.
PIMO Bethel Elder Has Special Message & Speaks out
by Newly Enlightened ina pimo elder at bethel has come forward with a special message posted on reddit..
the dated pictures attached are "proof conclusive" that this is for real.
no outside guests are allowed inside bethel at this time.
James Foard is correct. I know because I have lived it. i will not say what my login gave me access to, so let’s just say that they don’t have enough confidence in the R&F to give them access to all the information they have online. And we are not just talking about old publications that many JWs had in their possession or had access to at the KH. WTC encouraged all the congs to destroy those years ago but they were simply relocated to the homes of the “faithful” who could not stomach pitching them into the rubbish pile. A diligent search will provide access to older publications if you know where to look.
What I am referring to is access to directives and info that is intended for heavies - COs, Branch Committee members, Service Dept, HLCs, and more.
More serious though is that this does not include the air-gapped CSA databases that Legal and Service have access to, which if aired, would surely bring the organization to its knees overnight. Don’t believe me? If you can live that way, then don’t and be blissfully ignorant. But know this, many honest and right-minded persons want those databases to be made public, or at least handed over to proper authorities - but WTC will die on the sword before that happens. They surely know that it would be the immediate end for them.