This is the calibre of discussion that I expect on this forum. Many of the reasonings are excellent for consideration and I appreciate the spirited, yet civil way that they are presented.
May I add that I do believe in the resurrection, however, I think that WTC missed something critical in their reasoniing about the soul. I believe that their position on an immortal soul is Bible-based, yet they speak very little about the life force that animates the body.
If a person dies and everything deteriorates so that there is no connection to his previous existence, then resurrection can only be duplication. I do not believe that duplication is what any of us would hope for. Imagine that you are presented with a perfect duplicate of yourself and this person has all the same memories and the same biological characteristics. Would you be satisfied to die and let that duplicate version of you continue? Somehow I doubt that you would. There is no connection between you and that person.
The Bible says that the life force came from God and goes back to God. Perhaps this is the connection. It is not an immortal soul in the sense of what many Christians believe, but it is what makes you who you are. I have no inside information as to how this works, but if I am on the right track, the life force could reanimate a duplicate body (spirit or biological) and the connection is established - the person lives again.
If I am wrong, so be it. I am not dogmatic about any particular position. I am only positive that there is a distict difference between resurrection and clever duplication. If offered the latter, I would rather remain in a non-existent state.