Question: What changes were made in the Rev book?
Answer: Everything
there was a time they preached the great tribulation was a short period of time between the fall of babylon and jesus coming back to save them, now they realize there are difficult years ahead of us, watch this latest morning worship video by per christensen on this subject .
Question: What changes were made in the Rev book?
Answer: Everything
hi all , i just had another call by a an elderly jw ,let's call him ian.. only about 3 months ago i had a young jw call and trying to talk to him i had to tone it down a bit because he did'nt seem so theocratically bright as he only offered a tract and not much else , and i've had others call since covid.. so it seems around here they are making regular calls but not like back in the day when i used to auxillary pioneer where we would go over this turf every 1 to 3 weeks in the 80's.. but back to my caller ian ,on his own , but out with a group of jw's he was quick to get around the pleasantries and and so i interrupted him tactfully to slow him down.
started with a bit of my history easing into the fact that i had my first contact with jw's with my soon to be mother-in -law who was an invalided jw ,we had many good talks about her beliefs in the early 70's.. at this point he jumps in and wants to know if i would want a study again because i told him that i once did a study with jw's back.
i carefully steered him into telling me about those days ,what was he was doing back then.
Wozza, if I was still in, you would be on my "CALL LIST". Your facts are refreshing to hear!!!
lets imagine the watchtower idea of armageddon really does happen in the next couple of years.... and afterwards jehovah says to the gb.
" right guys--ive done my part--its all over to you now.
see you again in 1000 years time ".
At least they could build a wall around their country (made of contribution boxes stacked very high).
on february 22, 2023, anthony morris iii was officially removed from the governing body of jehovah's witnesses.
a few months later it was revealed that the watchtower bought him a house in lumberton, north carolina.. however, and correct me if i am wrong, since leaving the gb nobody has reported seeing tony attending jw meetings or participating in field service.
in fact nobody has reported seeing him anywhere, not even at a local liquor store.
It has been an impressive disappearing act that would impress David Copperfield. I suspect that he has gotten help from WTC who certainly does not want to EVER hear from him again. His NDA must be a work of legal beauty.
perhaps we could post the pictures the wt have presented in their literature that depict their version of paradise here for comment/discussion:.
from: spirits of the dead—can they help you or harm you?
do they really exist?.
Things never seen in WTC illustrations:
1. A leg of lamb being slow cooked
2. A wedding scene
3. Teenagers holding hands (or being counseled for unclean conduct)
4. An organized sports event
5. A good looking girl in a 2-piece
6. Public execution of someone who disagreed with WTC
lets imagine the watchtower idea of armageddon really does happen in the next couple of years.... and afterwards jehovah says to the gb.
" right guys--ive done my part--its all over to you now.
see you again in 1000 years time ".
A dream to be sure! - - - - of the nightmare variety.
WTC fantasizes that scenario, getting control over ALL people. At least we would never have to worry about over-population...many people would rather die than be subjected to the cruelty of WTC.
new york times 9/5/24.
" there are only two shakers left.
they've still got utopia in their sites.. "by jordan kisner.
WTC would like for the members to believe that they are new and are "turning the page" with New light. NEWSFLASH: WTC has been in the drivers seat for 145 years (1879 - 2024). If they had anything substantive to offer, they would/could have done so 100 years ago.
the hospital liaison committee (hlc) for jehovah’s witnesses does not pressure members to refuse blood transfusions.
rather, their role is to support jehovah’s witnesses in adhering to their pre-existing religious beliefs, which include a strict prohibition against accepting blood transfusions based on their interpretation of biblical scriptures.. jehovah’s witnesses are well-informed about their stance on blood from an early age, and refusing blood is a deeply ingrained religious conviction, not something imposed during a medical crisis.
the hlc’s purpose is to provide assistance in accessing bloodless treatment options, facilitating communication with healthcare providers, and helping ensure that the patient’s choices are respected.. while the hlc strongly supports adherence to the beliefs of jehovah’s witnesses, the ultimate decision remains with the individual.
Road to nowhere - the local elder overstepped (as you probably figured out). Privacy rights DO NOT require that publishers contact the HLC for direction. It is their choice if they feel that they need assistance but it is NOT required. Even suggesting that could land WTC in deep hot water. The HLC is not licensed to be a requisite part of healthcare discussions.
apparently, the downsizing is still happening and from what i read those let go are over 50!.
sad because these people expected to be lifers.
now they have to make their way in the world at an advanced age with no education or desirable skill!..
I recall a JW who was killed in a storm while at home when the congregation was meeting miles away in the local KH. The comments during the meeting implied that if she had been present at the KH, she would still be alive. The audience seemed to have no compassion for the death of their sister.
Later, a KH was the target of a terrorist attack, and a few JWs lost their lives. No one offered that they might still be alive if they had stayed at home that morning.
JWs forget Jesus words regarding the ones who died when a well known tower fell. It seems so simple to understand but JWs do NOT understand. Why? Because they have forgotten what genuine affection is. Instead, every tragedy is an opportunity to belittle others, elevating themselves as they bash the unfortunate souls who cannot defend themselves.
which name does the evil faithful slave's literature demand that you focus on - jehovah or jesus?.
do jesus & the bible agree with the org's obsession with the name 'jehovah', or was jesus just being presumptuous?
(matthew 10:22) and you will be objects of hatred by all people on account and whoever receives one such young child on the basis of my name receives me.... (matthew 18:20) for where there are two or three gathered together in my name, there i am in their midst.”.
In Hebrew and Aramaic, the name Jesus means “Yahweh saves” or “Yahweh is salvation” As Slim wrote, the name refers to the God that the Jews recognized.
As of today, there are still no discovered manuscripts of the Christian Greek testament (Matthew to Revelation) that use the name Yahweh. I am not aware that any excluded books used the divine name either - someone correct me if you know something otherwise.
The message seems obvious that Jesus became the focus of salvation, by the Father's own intention/direction. WTC ignores this of course, inserting the divine name translated into Latin into the Christian Greek Scriptures repeatedly. When asked for the basis on which they took this liberty, they respond with a 50,000 word essay on why it makes sense even if no manuscripts have ever been located to the contrary. With that many words, they must surely be right...............