Just this week in the congregation I attended, another long time raised in the borg stayed in all his life JW died. This is the third JW over 70 that died in the last 5 months from the KH I attended. I know many of the older ones that were very good friends with them. There are a few with very strong doubts as far as if they themselves will see Armageddon.
It is sad to see so many people give up their lives for an organization that has drummed up lies and deceived people for a profit, or was that false prophet?
For the WT to bring in a new date, it would seem they would have to revamp their chronology to fit the date. To do this would mean out with the old books and in with the new. This would mean every faithful JW buying new books to keep up with the new light. This would mean more money generated for the WT and those making the money who actually own the corporation, whoever they may be. This is the main concern of those who control the interest of the Society. A new date may discourage some, but incourage others, especially the younger witnesses and those new to the untruth. The Society will always have supporters, the reason, there are just to many ignorant people out there in the world that need a crutch and need something besides relying on common sense to guide them.
Just my thoughts on this.