Down with this sort o' thing
JoinedPosts by BlackPuddingEater
Reasonable question - looking for reasonable responses!
by BoogerMan inwhy are taxi firms still operating during a "deadly pandemic?".
i was shopping yesterday and saw taxi after taxi picking people & their shopping up at the supermarket.
none of the drivers or any of the passengers wore masks or gloves, nor did they keep any distance from each other - in or out of the car.. the drivers all helped to load the bags into the boots/trunks of their must be seriously at risk of catching/spreading covid 19...
One neat blue dog says it okay. One epidemiologist says it's not. That don't make you 50% right.
Do You Think It’s Time For Businesses To Reopen Even Though Coronavirus Is Not Obliterated?
by minimus ini think it’s time for business to reopen and let’s get the economy going again!
what say you??
Business is still running, just not all sectors. For those of you who know your HHG2TG it's the B arkers who are idle at the moment or to put it it today's parlance unessential businesses. That is not to say unvalued, far from it. We need consumers to start consuming much more than we need businesses to start businessing. The negative oil price is not due to hair dresser not using hair oil, it's because people aren't getting in their cars to drive to the hair dressers. Well on a very small scale but hopefully you get my point.
As we bring more normal activities back on line we increase the risk of raising the Basic Reproduction Number R(0) to above a manageable level for our health services. We can asses these risk but until they are active and we have results back from accurate testing we cannot map their impact. Currently key and essential workers are still working to deal with crisis and keep us in food, electricity and Netflix. These points of physical interaction are our current risk factors along with food shopping. Maintaining just these activities we seem to have brought R(0) below 1. So add more risk and that number goes up, go over 1 and you have to reintroduce the social isolation measures you have just lifted. All this while you are running your health service 'HOT'.
An example. DIY stores have just reopened in the UK and apart from selling paint and nails they sell plants and seeds. Garden centres are not open, but DIY shops are selling the same products. It is not that one has a higher risk than the other. Open both and you double the risk.
Open too much too soon and you have blown the work done with the first set of measures. If you are worried that it's going to be hard restarting the economy after one lock-down then you should really be worried that you have opened to soon, your economy can only take a beating once before it recovers.
by Youngaposthate inhey you all, i'm honestly pretty depressed on my own out there.
it's quite terrifying being on your own out there in a lone wolf kinda way.
i'm not sure how much my brain can tolerate this mest up feeling of social abandonment caused by the borg and family.
It's a big price to pay for your freedom from the organisation but that is because it is worth it. It helped me to keep reminding myself of that.
It is great that you have caught yourself just as the dark dogs of depression are at your heals, I read your bio post from last month and it looks like you are wise enough if things don't improve to seek professional help.
The current situation with COVID19 can't be helping but that is temporary. There are many people who have had the perfect birthday and Christmas upbringing who are loosing their shit over this. Use this time as an oasis in your topsy turvy life.
I'm sure you have the mental strength to get through this. Breaking away for family and community for your own preservation takes a lot. I found that the mental strength forged while being brought up a JW to face class mates and going door to door could be turned into a steel hard resolve to push through.
Keeping busy and working towards your future is a great way to heal I found. You write that you are interested in a career in computer science? I am in hardware engineering. Engineering is great, it teaches an analytical approach to life, it has creative elements and engineers in general tend to be social misfits, so we can fit right in ;)
If you have a half decent PC and internet access you can make a great start in self learning. Do you code? I found this youtube channel recently search for on youtube. So easy once things are explained.
You are not alone youngapostate.
Due to Covid-19 a coming Global Government, the Beast of Revelation 13
by Kosonen injust recently there have been calls from heavyweight statesmen to set up a new global authority to tackle the covid-19 pandemic and the economic crisis it creates.they are henry kissinger, former uk primeministers gordon brown and tony blair.former prime minister of uk, tony blair is fervently advising governments around the world how to get the corona virus under control and how to restart the economy after the lockdown.
he is running tony blair institute for global changeon its webpage we can learn about his work with this: ... t-covid-19"create one crisis-management centre.
governments should have already repositioned themselves towards crisis management.
I can't be bothered to watch the video but why is that Romanesco broccoli there?
Covid-19 (Coronavirus) - Status Update Thread
by Simon inthis topic is to focus on status updates & advice (no opinion or politics please).. status.
latest status is that it's serious, probably isn't going to be contained and most large companies are making contingency plans, cancelling large events etc... which i don't think would happen if it was just people being alarmist.
the incubation period means it may have already spread further and infected many more people than are currently known, so expect jumps in the numbers over the coming days and weeks.. tracking.
I trust the guy with the computer. The geek shall inherit the earth.
Keeping the Basic reproduction number, R(0), below 1 now will reduce the number of NHS beds needed over time. That is the simple maths. The hard part is keeping it low while releasing enough people to create a need for currently unviable businesses and their employees, who are at the moment are a burden on our resources and can only be for so long.
There are still a lot of essential businesses like power, gas water, food manufacture, transport and communications still functioning. I go into work, we haven't had and outbreak in 4 weeks. Two meters apart, wash hands, don't touch your face, not hard. Small shops can operate with social distancing in place as well if not better than supermarkets. Schools can open for years either coming up to exams or in transition. Pubs, clubs and restaurants will be much later to open if they can operate profitably with reduced numbers.
I don't feel as though I can describe my situation as locked down, as i say I still commute and i can go up my allotment to hit mud altough for a reduced time. I feel more inconvenienced. In years to come I'm know I'm going to feel pretty stupid telling my grandchildren I lived through the great inconvenience of 2020 when my grandparents lived trough the blitz! We have the internet they had George bloody Formby and the Ovaltineys!!
by justangel ini’m relatively new to this forum but am far from new when it comes to living life as a jw.
i wanted to throw out there my own personal experience and feelings and welcome any conversations (i’m mighty chatty and don’t have much for friends when it comes to jw’s) .
i hit the turning of an era nearly a month ago of legally becoming an adult, raised as a j dub my whole life.
From my heart I wish you every moment of piece your psyche can get.
I've been there, my choice was to cut and run. Leaving home at a young age without family support is hard. I suffered in my early life for it both financially and emotionally. Living in low rent accommodation, limited mobility, limited social contacts, limited access to education, limited prospects. That alone is bad and what many have to face but at a young age a personality is very fragile and JW upbringing is not meant to prepare you for life in the big wide worldly.
That's the scary. The pay off is freedom. I don't regret doing what at the time I had to do with the resources I had. I recognise that good fortune and finding good friends played a part and things could of gone very wrong for me if I hadn't found ways to cope. Thankfully today there is the internet and that not only gives you access to self learning for a career or otherwise but to places like this so you don't have to face things alone, listen to and evaluate advice but don't take anything as an instruction. Have a plan you are happy with and be prepared, check it with people who's opinion you trust. The path you have ahead is neither easy or quick but it is a rewarding one.
Covid-19 (Coronavirus) - Status Update Thread
by Simon inthis topic is to focus on status updates & advice (no opinion or politics please).. status.
latest status is that it's serious, probably isn't going to be contained and most large companies are making contingency plans, cancelling large events etc... which i don't think would happen if it was just people being alarmist.
the incubation period means it may have already spread further and infected many more people than are currently known, so expect jumps in the numbers over the coming days and weeks.. tracking.
Unfortunately I don’t find that hard to believe at all. If my life has taught me anything it is that people will behave in a funny old way once they have an idea in their head they think is right.
I was talking to my allotment neighbour who has worked in domestic abuse and she said the language the government has use is similar to that of an abuser, not that the government is abusive but that it is grooming the public slowly to tolerate an intolerable situation. I know what she means, I keep getting the feeling that I know the announcement before its announced. We are facing the very real deaths from the pandemic, an economic depression that will also have a toll on health and the one that I am most concerned with getting right, maintaining order in society.
We were told yesterday in the UK by Chris Whitty “Until we have those (vaccine and drugs), and the probability of having those anytime in the next calendar year, are incredibly small, and I think we should be realistic about that, we’re going to have to rely on other social measures.” I don’t think that the presence of the army when this was finally reviled was a coincidence.
Two other quotes I took note of from that briefing.
From Dominic Raab “for many countries around the world, including modern democracies, the site of their military on the streets in a national emergency could be a cause for concern or even trepidation. But for the British people, the site of our armed forces working side by side with our brilliant NHS staff offers a calm reassurance that the task is at hand and that we will come through this crisis.”
And finally from General Nick Carter “Our armed forces are drawn from every part of the United Kingdom and much of the Commonwealth, and they take great pride in serving the communities that they are part of.”
Born in, left when I was 16 moved out of the family home at 17. Achieving my life goal at such a young age I've been bored the 36 years since. With the prospect of a further 2 to however many years of celibacy and (sorry sisters) the lacklustre reward at the end I gave my teenage hormones the casting vote.
COVID-19 - Would It Work to Allow People to Sign Away Rights for Treatment Like JW's Do for Blood?
by RubaDub inpeople want to get back to work, back to "normal" in many cases (whatever normal now means).
even trump is encouraging protesters in 3 states.. but with the covid-19 thing, this is not just a matter of a person taking a risk, as a person may do who smokes, takes illegal drugs or in other ways lives an unhealthy lifestyle.
in general, most (not all, since cost of insurance and public hospitals may be involved), but generally you are not putting the lives of others at risk.
Refusing medical treatment is your right and unfortunately this does get used by some to rack up martyr points for their petulant godchild.
I would like to put forward the premise that while you or I can be treated for the coronavirus our societies need to be treated for the pandemic. If you wave all rights to treatment and by your action make yourself a high risk individual then you are working against curing society. So for individual self governance as you suggest I would argue that no society would willingly allow that sort of contract.
However should communities who could isolate themselves be allowed make a group opt out and be allowed to socialise as they wish within that group? Now you decide, do you want to live with the barn raising hat wearing beardies or the pot smoking free loving beardies. Nether have NetFlix!