"I was very angry at you when finally remembered in therapy and
told you about Elder DD molesting me when I was a child. I told you about it,
and you were matter of fact about it and not angry. Then when he died, you were
sad and tried to tell me how wonderful he was. That hurt me considering my history
with him."
then a bit later, you say:
"Through thick and thin I could
count on you."
I hate to break it to you, JRK, but your mother was definitely NOT there for you when you needed her to defend you against a child molester, in fact, she idealized him to your detriment. She put other children at risk because she thought this child molester was "wonderful". Who knows how many other kids were molested by this man because she made a choice to throw you under the bus to keep in good stead with this Brother™ and the rest of the Congregation™.
I'm sorry you went through that, and I understand what that feels like because it happened to me too. I still can't get my parents to realize the betrayal I felt when I tried to stand up to the molester and told him to keep his hands to himself. He turned it around on me, saying I misconstrued what he did and concluded that I was the one with a dirty mind, and both my mother and others in attendance at the Book Study™ in our home agreed with him, and scolded me for being preoccupied with sexual thoughts and for disrespecting a Brother™. Sometimes I get nightmares about it and it wasn't the molestation that damaged me, as much as the fact that my own mother threw me under the bus and took the molester's side.
The Elders™ in our Congregation™ played a role in his being assigned to the Book Study™ in our home too. They protected their own daughters by keeping him out of their homes, and sent him our way, because my dad was a Ministerial Servant™, and therefore not privy to the disciplinary actions against this so-called Brother™ who was DFd, not once, but twice (and later a third time) for molesting his own daughters.
Not one of them sees the problem with their actions (or lack thereof), but they insist that I should be Forgiving™. How can you forgive anyone who glosses over their wrongdoing, blames you for causing the problem, and carries on their merry way, as if it was no big deal? I don't get it.