I notice with a huge eyeroll, that nothing was said about Sisters™ being allowed to wear pant suits or slacks to the KH or other JW functions.
Just saying.
i know they're panicking and trying to gain favor with governments, former members, prospective converts & those who are teetering, all for financial worries.
still, the latest update in some ways made things worse, and if there's any jws watching it who are beginning to wake up it should be very disturbing.. starting with dress codes: they say that suits, ties & skirts are no longer required, but in so doing they admit that they were required, something not often appearing as an explicit command in print.
(similar to how lett referred to the "policy on beards" in his video, even though this direct policy wasn't made available to rank and file.
I notice with a huge eyeroll, that nothing was said about Sisters™ being allowed to wear pant suits or slacks to the KH or other JW functions.
Just saying.
i’ve not been paying close attention to watchtower developments, but talking to a jw yesterday it occurred to me the society (yes, still use that term - old school) have been sending out mixed messages in recent years.
from what i gather, a few years ago the gb announced that during the great tribulation jws would be required to preach a “hailstone message of judgement” which involved telling people it was too late for them to repent and they were definitely going to be destroyed.
there were hints that this could be very soon, “any day now” preaching could stop and the hailstone message come in, kind of thing.
Maybe they phrased it the way they did on purpose to leave enough wiggle room for either possibility.
O M G Vidiot! You know they would *never*, *ever* do that! PUH-Lease!!
i’ve not been paying close attention to watchtower developments, but talking to a jw yesterday it occurred to me the society (yes, still use that term - old school) have been sending out mixed messages in recent years.
from what i gather, a few years ago the gb announced that during the great tribulation jws would be required to preach a “hailstone message of judgement” which involved telling people it was too late for them to repent and they were definitely going to be destroyed.
there were hints that this could be very soon, “any day now” preaching could stop and the hailstone message come in, kind of thing.
If you know that WT is spewing nonsense while simultaneously creating a sense of urgency among its followers, why give it ANY of your precious time and mental resources.
Sure, it's nice to know what my JW relatives are being spoon-fed in the Publications™, but should it have any effect on my life? I don't think so.
It's just another shovelful of crap on an already heaping, steaming, smelly pile of crap.
these expressions of god’s will by his king and through his established agency constitute his law or rule of action for the “faithful and wise servant” and for their goodwill companions today who will dwell upon the earth for ever in the new world.
I bet they can cook the books in terms of hours spent going Door-to-Door™ or Publications™ Placed™ etc, even better than the average JW could do on their own. They've just streamlined the process.
Their website counts how many visitors click in, how many Publications™ are downloaded, how many visits look up where Meetings™ are, how many people log in to the Zoom meetings, etc. They don't need individual JWs to file reports, or have Elders™ tally the numbers and send reports to Bethel. It doesn't matter any more, because J-W dot bOrg is doing the counting for them.
i got the internet in my house and realised it's all lies....but as a pioneer/ministerial servant i chose to fade.
see i had family and friends who were fully strict witnesses.
so i played the poor lost soul brother who is not sure what's happening.
Started my fade in mid 1990s by going to college across town. Moved to different Congregation™ and Circuit™ (and, as it turned out, District™), where nobody knew us and nobody would be looking for us (Mr. Scully & our kids).
Nobody from our old Congregation™ bothered to keep in touch. We all made new friends. I got a great job after graduating. Mr. Scully had started his own business and was doing very well. The kids loved their school, loved that they could participate in school activities, and celebrations.
It was a fairly painless process overall, until we moved house to the part of town where we lived before... that's a story that is featured in the archives.
Still very much worth the minor headaches at the time. I'm neither DFd nor DAd. Both sides of the family (the JW parts) have come to realize the damage shunning does within a family. My RC in-laws gave the JW brother in law (former RC) a 'come to Jesus' talking-to, and told him that when he became a JW none of them shunned him and his family, so if he was going to shun us, they would do the same to him. "Family is family" is their motto. He actually apologized to us at the last family reunion.
a department in bethel wants to try to make money from regional conventions by asking local hotels if they will give a special rate and a coupon code to give to jws.. .
they should just keep it simple and not be greedy for dishonest gain.. .
this year some convention sites the hotels said no thank you i think the jws are going to book with us anyway.
This has been a practice for decades - the WTS tells JWs not to book at hotels that have not entered a pricing agreement with the WTS; JWs do whatever they want.
From what I recall being told is that the hotels will offer additional complimentary rooms which were then booked by people who were in the know - Elders™, HLC members, visiting GB, DOs and COs.
When I was still in my late teens, one hotel had "lost" our booking and gave the room to someone else, so they gave us a *suite* for the price that we booked and reserved with a deposit. Best hotel *suite* EVER. The following years, my dad reserved the same room for us. We weren't allowed to tell any of the Friends™ about this room.
It was one of the only things that was a perk for going to the DC.
with what is arguably the biggest change to jw life in recent decades (the scrapping of publishers counting hours) what does this lead to?.
in my mind these are the results;.
1) a massive decrease in 'preaching hours'.
Having left over 25 years ago, I can proudly say that so many of us were ahead of the times!
Cheers to Circling the Drain!
fyi, i posted this prediction on my facebook page last night and it has received 224 likes and there have been 83 comments made.
many of the comments are hilarious.. .
a beard prediction for 2024:.
Next thing you know, braided hair (but not dreadlocks) for Brothers™ will be a Conscience Matter™.
Late to the party,
as the title says i'm having a total hip replacement on monday.
the pain has grown over the years and now i'm using a cane to walk.
after steroid injections and physical therapy, it was decided that a total hip replacement is appropriate.
Grreat Teacher, I think you'll do fine with the surgery and post-op period. Your surgeon will encourage you to get up and walk as soon as possible after the surgery, so please do so! Glad you have the walker and cane at your disposal... just make sure you label them with your name and phone number in case they get misplaced (it happens!)
If you can have some meals prepared ahead in your freezer and arrange to have someone help you clean your living space just before and a couple of weeks after the surgery, that will keep your workload to a minimum.
Finally, when you register at the hospital - particularly if you have been a patient of that hospital system while you were a JW, please, please, please have any mention of your being a JW REMOVED from your chart. That is how the HLC tracks down people in the hospital. They are granted privileges as "pastoral care" visitors and can request a list of people of their denomination admitted to the hospital when they arrive to make their Pastoral Care Visits™.
Best wishes on a speedy recovery!
the short answer is no, it is not.. i have heard one or two proposals that it is, including from langfocus, a usually excellent youtube channel.. but no, english is actually a germanic language which has borrowed many words from other languages.
here are several reasons why english is germanic at its core .... 1. verb forms.
i play - ich spiele.
As for the present/past continuous (I am/was going), well, French doesn't have that.
It does… kinda
while walking = en marchant
while eating = en mangeant
En marchant j’ai vu l’accident. = While walking I saw the accident