I read Sharon's story on a website recently. Her experience really touched me, and I was terribly saddened to learn that she had died.
What was written in the card is truly a reflection of the narrow-mindedness of the writer, and the JW community at large. He probably thinks that to ascribe Sharon's defection from the JWs to a physical ailment (like brain cancer) is a loving way of giving her the benefit of the doubt for her actions. I would ask him, if you do end up writing to him, whether this belief of his would be sufficient for the congregation to reverse its decision to disfellowship her. After all, disfellowshipping is supposed to be a means of disciplining a wilful sinner; and if you have cancer in your brain which interferes with your thought processes, it hardly constitutes a 'wilful' deliberate choice.
I've seen this happen a few times, in my own case as well. Several years after I left the JWs, after going through 2 years of hell at their hands along with post-partum depression, my mom commented that she 'knew' that I quit because I was depressed, completely ignoring the horrible treatment that I was subjected to by 'brothers' and 'sisters'. Her belief is that because I had a chemical imbalance in my brain, I must have imagined all the other stuff that happened. In other words, I was 'crazy' and 'not responsible' for my choice to leave the JWs.
It's their way of clinging to the notion that it there is nothing wrong with them or the organization; that only someone who is out of their mind or just plain evil would want to leave of their own accord.
The single most offensive line in that letter (IMO) is "Anyway she paid the price Rom 6:23". I would certainly ask him that if we are still required to "pay the price Rom 6:23" then what was the point of Christ's ransom? Didn't he die to take sin away from "the world"?? I really wish they would get off their blankety-blank high horse and listen to themselves talk sometimes.
Love, Scully
It is not persecution for an informed person to expose a certain religion as being false. - WT 11/15/63