My first presentation in Field Service™. I was around 10 years old, my partner was the daughter of the couple who Studied With™ my parents. A man came to the door, and yelled at me that if I ever showed up at his door again, he would get his gun and shoot me. I was terrified.
About 5 or 6 years later, I was in high school, first day of 9th grade. I went to the assigned classroom and after everyone was sitting at their desks, the teacher strolled in. It was the very same guy. Thankfully he didn't recognize me (or so I thought), but I was on my best behaviour in that class, barely spoke because I didn't want him to recognize my voice.
At the end of the school year, he approached me and asked me to babysit his kids, and I politely declined, saying that I lived too far away. He said something about thinking I lived in his neighbourhood, and that's when I realized that he remembered me, and I'd just confirmed to him that he was correct. I was even more terrified of him after that, but because I'd planned on taking the next level of the class he taught, I couldn't say anything. I just plugged away and got good grades in that class so he couldn't criticize my work.
He died a couple of years ago and it was announced on my high school's FB page, and a long forgotten burden came to mind, and then was gone. I'd outlived the bastard.