Well, to be honest, that is one of the ways that JWs draw people in. They call on, send letters to, and visit people who are at risk. They draw in the lonely and people who need help. I saw this happen all the time. It is very possible that an elderly woman received such a letter and carried it in her purse. It is highly unlikely that the person who helped her was the same person who sent her the letter. The JWs often inflect truths with non-truths. That is part of the indoctrination. But it is also true that regular people who are in the cult lie for attention. Seen it and did it all the time. They are harmless white lies in and of themselves. People in dysfunctional lives often lie, for no good reason. Children of dysfunctional adults often make stupid little lies for no good reason. You learn about this if you ever go to an AA or ACOA group. I've personally found it to be true of the JWs as well.
JoinedPosts by jwundubbed
Wife told me a tale about a letter writing experience and my BS meter was like "uhhh ya rightttttt"
by goingthruthemotions inso me and my pimi wife are driving today and normally we don't talk anything about her stupid cult.
because it will end up with me saying something and her getting p.o'ed.
well anyways i have been trying to just ignore the bs and keep my mouth shut.
What to say? Death of an adult child.
by jwundubbed inmy father married b when both her children and his children were grown adults.
b had two children, a son d and a daughter m. my sister db, my brother rh, and myself got along well with m but not at all with d, who was a very christian person but not a jw.
my siblings and i do not have much to do with our stepmother though we are civil and we don't have any hard feelings between us.
@ShotWhileTryingToEscape, @3rdgen, @jhine, @BrockTalon
I am sorry for your losses, but I'm grateful that you are willing to share your experiences. Thank you so much. It has been very helpful to me. I've never been able to have children so I can only imagine what that loss is like.
What to say? Death of an adult child.
by jwundubbed inmy father married b when both her children and his children were grown adults.
b had two children, a son d and a daughter m. my sister db, my brother rh, and myself got along well with m but not at all with d, who was a very christian person but not a jw.
my siblings and i do not have much to do with our stepmother though we are civil and we don't have any hard feelings between us.
My father married B when both her children and his children were grown adults. B had two children, a son D and a daughter M. My sister DB, my brother RH, and myself got along well with M but not at all with D, who was a very Christian person but not a JW.
My siblings and I do not have much to do with our stepmother though we are civil and we don't have any hard feelings between us. She just isn't someone we are particularly compatible with. We are distant relations and we live in different parts of the country. My dad and stepmom and all her kids and grandkids live in Pennsylvania. My siblings and I live in Missouri.
In the last week D was diagnosed with Covid and admitted to the hospital. It happened so fast but he died just a day ago. My father and stepmother were unable to be in the room with him because they are high-risk people. D's children and wife were able to be in the room but had to wear hazmat suits. My stepmother was able to watch on video and talk through an audio link. I know that losing a child is hard no matter the age of life or how it happens but I think it must have been even harder for B to be unable to be by his side.
I'm sending a sympathy card. I know the basics of what to say and that nothing will help, but I'd like to do my best not to say the wrong thing. I grew up as a JW and sometimes my instincts are incorrect in social situations.
So my question is this... to anyone who has lost a child was there anything that was said that helped you feel better? Was there anything that was said that was particularly hurtful? Do you have any advice for offering support at such a time?
Larry King died of COVID
by pistolpete inthe reason i familiar with larry king is because of all his wives.
king became well known for his repeat trips to the altar, marrying a total of eight times .
in the resurrection, which woman does larry get?.
Larry King isn't getting into the new system.
But for the sake of conversation, lets suppose Larry is a good little JW boy. Except he isn't a good little boy. He would have been marked 7 times for getting divorced. And since he keeps doing the thing that gets him marked, he clearly isn't remorseful. He is disfellowshipped.
Lets imagine that he makes large financial contributions to his KH therefore making him immune to being marked and/or DF'd. His first marriage was annulled. So the doctrine would say that his first marriage is the only one that counts. But being that the JWs are allowed to forgo doctrine for a hefty purse... I would guess Larry would actually not be forced to marry any of his previous wives and would instead have his pick of the proverbial litter once he gets to the new system. They could still use his celebrity in the new system after all. Can you imagine the interviews he could give?!
The JWs don't like Chess
by mickbobcat ini can remember when i joined the chess class in middle school.
my mother brought out an older watchtower article about how chess is a game of war.
since i left the cult in 95 i have slowly lost any connection to the cult.
I was raised as a JW from birth. I also left in '95. My father played chess. I was in the chess club in middle school. I knew kids that took small magnetized travel chess boards to play on the way to and during the intermissions of conventions. There was nothing wrong with playing chess in any of the 12 congregations I attended in my youth.
We also played Risk which actually mimics war. What we didn't have that other kids did were games like Candyland (too magical) and Twister (involves bodies intertwined).
Now that you mention it, it seems very strange to me that magic and social games were more censured than games of logic and strategy, i.e. war.
Everyone I knew growing up that could afford it had a Nintendo. My younger brother had a Gameboy. My parents didn't pay attention to what games he had once he started buying them on his own. I'm guessing parents aren't much more involved now than they were back then.
JWs Were Right About Something
by minimus inthey used to say the world governments would turn on religion.
i think this part is coming true.
however they also said since jehovah’s witnesses were going to be the only religion left the governments were going to focus on the “eyeball”of jehovah, his people.
just like everyone else.
Have the Witnesses ever been right on anything???
1. Don't do something just because everyone else is doing it.
2. Don't worry about what outsiders think of you.
What are the Society's rules when confronting a disfellowshipped person at a funeral service?
by RULES & REGULATIONS inwhat are the society's rules when confronting a disfellowshipped person at a funeral service?.
are there specific rules or watchtower articles that must be followed?.
i have been to three different wakes/funerals where a disfellowshipped person attended with different results.. 1. ten years ago my first cousin passed away.
My uncle, my cousin, and my grandmother (100 yrs!) all passed last year. They are all on the JW side of the family. They have been shunning me since I was about 20 years old. I found out from someone on Facebook that they had passed... months after the fact. I'm not even DF or DA. My dad and my brother are DA. My elder sister is inactive like me (we refuse to act like they have any power over us by DAing.) But we all left at about the same time and the family has been shunning all 4 of us ever since. So, I doubt we will find anything out.
My brother was diagnosed with cancer this past year (we just found out he is in remission!). My younger sister is still a JW and she was so incensed and hurt that no one had told her about it. Dude... you are shunning us. If you want to know what is going on, you can't shun us. We can't be dead to you but alive enough to tell you we are dying. Seriously.
Aparently my mother was diagnosed with breast cancer for the second time in 30 years. I doubt I will be told if she dies. I know we wouldn't be welcome at the funeral. I think it makes a difference when everyone in attendance is JW. When it is mixed there is a lot more likelihood that people will behave nicely towards DF'd folks. When just a DF shows up and the rest are JWs it is a lot easier for them to be mean.
But I also agree that it depends on people. My elder sister and I never felt it was right to be spiteful and mean to disfellowshipped people. I never treated them like they were dead to their faces. I didn't treat them like they were dead behind their back either. I just was selective about how much time and what context of activities I spent with them.
Everyone deserves to grieve for their loved ones. Having said that, it is often just better to have a personal memorial outside of the JW funeral. The funeral is used in such a morally wrong way by the JWs to advertise their religion. That isn't what a funeral should be. It should be a celebration of a life and a chance for people to grieve.
You have to admit if there were to be a 2nd coming of the Christ, now would be the time!
by nowwhat? ini'm not talking about armageddon, but a chance for all mankind to "reset" and come together.
just sayin.
i know i'm going to get nailed, but that's ok. i still consider myself a christian..
Why now? What because Americans are feeling it? You should get nailed for that kind of self-centered thinking. The state of the world today isn't much different than it has been in the past. Ebola at it's worse happened when there was more political conflicts happening. HIV/AIDS struck when the Cold War was still going on. If you compare recent events to other similar events in the past... you will find that the world right now isn't worse than it has ever been before. The big difference? US citizens are feeling it. I'm pretty sure God/Christ isn't American. I'm pretty sure God/Christ claims all nations on earth.. not just the most privileged nation on the planet. So until things are worse than they have ever been... everywhere, then NO it isn't a good time for that kind of ignorant remark.
Suing The Music Industry
by Lost in the fog injehovah’s witnesses file copyright lawsuit in response to blundering christmas album - listen, obey, and be blessed.
The appearance of this song on a commercial album immediately raised alarm bells among the religion’s followers who, through their teachings and knowledge of their faith, knew this track shouldn’t have been used in this manner.
That's a whole lot of people listening to a Christmas album.
I know it is part of their doctrine and belief system to be 'separate' and all that, but this issue just underscores how stupid that belief system is.
Most religions have a separatist belief system. "There is only one God' often precludes being inclusive of other religions. But the copyright infringement is not the same issue as the 'being included' issue. The watchtower has filed separate charges in this case; 1. copyright infringement 2. having their song included among other religions 3. having their song used as a Christmas song. GEMA probably did not have the correct permission. They have a lot of lawsuits against them for copyright infringement in the music industry. I knew that before I read the article as their cases come up in news a lot. They rarely win. I think it is interesting that the JWs might get the profits from their song being sold as a Christmas song. Shouldn't that go against their beliefs?
What has SARS Cov 2 been doing since 2004?
by BoogerMan inin 2002-2004 - during its first time around - that "pandemic" killed 774 people worldwide and then "evaporated.".
strange how viruses "work.
SARS, MERS, and Covid19 are all coronaviruses. Covid19 is a strain that directly came from SARS. SARS did not evaporate. It mutated and evolved which is exactly what viruses do. The link below is a good article that explains the history of coronavirus and talks about how viruses evolve.
WebMD article on the history of coronavirus
This WHO web page has a list of years we had disease outbreaks. They go back to 1965 and include other outbreak diseases like Ebola as well as the Coronaviruses. Just select a year and you can see what the diseases were doing.
WHO timeline of disease outbreaks by year
I know if feels good to rail against the system, but it really isn't hard to look this stuff up. I got these two articles within 3 google searches. If you want to understand diseases and how they work, try looking up information easily provided by WHO, CDC, and WebMD... just to start. Medical and university provided information is likely to be reliable.