I have what is called MCS or Multiple Chemical Sensitivity. Basically, I'm allergic to most pollutants in the air. I'm allergic to most types of smoke, but particularly all the cigarettes, e-cigs, vapes, and pot smokes and I'm most allergic to wood burn. This has been a tough year, having lived in Denver during one of the worst burn seasons on record. I have had this for decades. I have a mask that has a filter that works with chemicals which are smaller than particles. It is a stronger filter than the N95. It is expensive. The mask is 75$ and the filters are 15$ each. The particulate filters are cheaper. All of those protect against Covid.
The medical masks and gaiters and bandanas that people wear will not protect them from Covid. Never have, never will. They will mitigate the risks nominally. Wearing multiples of these masks will do nothing more than wearing one will do. They will make it harder to breath and to be understood when talking.
What would actually do some good is if people would wash their hands with soap and water more often, whenever they have the chance of catching germs from transference. That means that if you touch a surface after someone with a contagion touches that surface and the contagion is still potentially alive. The chemical process of turning soap into bubbles actually destroys Covid. So, the best thing to do is wash your hands with soap and water after touching a surface that could carry a contagion. It really is that simple. And this has been the truth of it for centuries. It is nothing new. This is how contagions spread.
What wearing a mask in public does, is to encourage people to be considerate of others and to take precautions. When someone wears a mask you don't know if they are contagious and you are more likely to wash your hands after being near them and you are more likely to keep your distance from them. We have been conditioned for these behaviors for decades. So, again, it isn't anything new.
If everyone wears a mask, then people will take precautions around people they don't know, and who could be infectious. That is the most we need to do. Because Covid is a virus. It is the same as other viruses we have been around. We all learned how to live with HIV/Aids. We all learned how to live with other viruses. And we will learn to live with Covid.
Quite frankly, the US is way behind other countries when it comes to taking precautions against infections. You see it in TV shows and movies from other cultures. Because of this, people are being stupid. They are getting riled up with fear because they don't know what they should already know about sickness. Nothing we are learning right now is new. Not one bit of it. If you want to know what to do, educate yourself on what sickness is, how it works, and how to mitigate the risks. Stop acting like it is a conspiracy because you are being asked to do things you should have been doing anyway. And be smart enough to know when what you are being asked to do is stupid and being encouraged by morons. Yes, even governments can feed into fearmongering and get stupid.
Everything in moderation.