For me, it came down to my priorities. The truth about life and death will never outweigh my priorities in treating people in an ethical manner and in being true to myself. The JWs, as both a social standard and in their doctrine treat people in an unethical manner and they ask most people to be untrue to themselves. I cannot live that way. The offer to live in a future paradise with people who live that way is not a promise I want made to me. It comes as a relief that I will never have to live with the JWs in any way, ever again.
JoinedPosts by jwundubbed
What made you walk out on the "Truth"?
by Overrated ini had a legal divorce from my ex wife( law of the land).
i was told not to expect to get remarried because my divorce was not legal to watchtower.. my divorce and situation seem to be a talk of gossip and even a many local needs talks.
i wanted to take some more schooling to get a better job, there was a local needs talk on higher education and it's dangers.
Liberal vs. Conservative mental health study - what do you make of it?
by Brock Talon ina pew study from 2020 (but one i just now came upon myself) reported that the more liberal you are, the more likely you are to have a mental health condition.
the worst suffering group are white females, ages 18-29 where over 56% have admitted to be described by their own doctors as having a mental health condition.
conservative females of the same age group suffer at less than half that number (27%).. while women tend to have more mental health problems than men (don't be mad at me for saying it, this is what the study reports) it is notable that liberal men have a higher percentage of mental health conditions than conservative women in the same age group.
I don't tell my general physician my political leanings. It has never come up. I've never told any counselors or therapists my political leanings either. That also did not come up and it wasn't one of those questions doctors of any kind ask as part of the paperwork.
Sounds hinky to me.
I have a tee shirt idea
by mickbobcat ini have an idea for a jw tee shirt.
jehovah's witnesses redefining words since 1914.
Jehovah's Witnesses - predicting the future since 1914
Jehovah's Witnesses - we don't just knock on your doors, we predict the future!
Non Believers, how do you respond ?
by Phizzy ini recently had this in a message from a jw, a lovely person, but mind controlled, he wrote " a life without hope is no life for me".. how should i respond to that ?
i am an atheist, but want to respond in as kindly a way as possible.. i was thinking along the lies of saying i got no comfort from what i knew to be false hope, but need to say it in a kindly way.. ideas please ?.
"I'm so sorry. There is a big difference between being hopeless and not needing hope to sustain you. Both are a life without hope but one means that you aren't dependent on a fragile emotion to give your life meaning. I hope that you find a life that is independent and free of the need of hope so that you can enjoy it when you have it and won't be devastated when you don't. I'm not sure you will find that kind of life, the kind that I have, in your current circumstances but I'll keep hoping for you anyway."
Are you 'super-straight'? lol
by LoveUniHateExams inapparently , some bright spark has created a new sexuality - super-straight - and posted it on twitter.
it's a new sexuality that means people who are exclusively attracted to cisgender males or females.
it was made because some people are saying you aren't straight if you don't date transgender people.
No. I'm not a bigot either.
Can a person resign from being one of Jehovah's Witness?
by RULES & REGULATIONS incan a person resign from being one of jehovah’s witnesses?.
frequently asked questions.
a person can resign from our organization in two ways:.
Yes. We call it 'fading away'.
Prove That Jehovah’s Witnesses Do Not Have The “Truth”
by minimus insomeone is researching jehovah’s witnesses.
they happen to come on to this site.
do the witnesses have the truth??.
Truth is relative - meaning there is no absolute truth.
Truth is subjective - meaning each person has their own truth based on their own experiences.
So technically, no one has the truth... including the JWs.
When was your last Kingdom Hall meeting?
by RULES & REGULATIONS ini stopped going to kingdom hall meetings about nine years ago.
i was fading for the longest time, refused to go out in field service, dropped out of the ministry school talks, no longer answered at the watchtower study, arrived at the meetings the last second, and left as soon as possible.
i couldn't take attending the meetings any longer.
I've been POMO for about 20 years. But I stayed with my mom who is still in just before going back to college in 2011. I went to meetings with her because that was the unsaid price of staying with her but also because it was good for me to know that I could do it. I went for several weeks while I stayed with my mother and I think it is also good to know that muscle memory and nostalgia can be dangerous for us corrupted folk. It was so easy to get back into the routine that I grew up with. While I could hear every ounce of BS and see all the behaviors for what they were, it would still be really easy to fall back into the patterns I learned in my formative years. Before that, I had thought that I might be able to be casual about it like you can be with other religions. But no, it is definitely something to stay away from. That was really good to know.
Profanity on Surrey Kingdom Hall
by lssjr inif it is a non-jw who did this as a result of their pandemic campaign (letter-writing and telephone calls), jehovah’s witnesses really need to check themselves.
they have been directed by their new york headquarters (since last year shortly after the start of the pandemic) to send letters to only people they know.
people don’t like receiving unwanted, unrequested, unsolicited letters and phone calls, especially from jehovah’s witnesses.. if it is a former member who received a letter as a result letter-writing pandemic campaign- most former members do not like being harassed by active jehovah’s witnesses and have been directed by their new york headquarters to send letters to and call only people they know.. .
It is definitelty criminal vandalism. It isn't Grafitti, which is an artform and in which the artists either tag their work or use distinctive style. There is clearly no style and the person doesn't want to be known by their work.
But... I didn't know that JWs are only allowed to call and write to people they know. Most JWs aren't supposed to know non-JWs well enough to know their phone numbers and addresses. So, does that mean they are just calling on each other? If I were still in, I would probably call and write to every witness I knew every week and count the time since that is what they are being instructed to do. But you can't grow numbers by advertising to yourselves. Could COVID be how the organization goes down? If they are only witnessing to people they know, then they won't grow. If they are only witnessing to each other, then they will annoy the crap out of themselves. That would be hilarious if that was what it took to bring down the org.
Changed From "Disfellowshipped" to "No Longer One of Jehovah's Witnesses!
by Atlantis ina friend is trying to figure out the approximate date or letter, which indicated a change from the wording of public announcements.. they changed from saying the person has been disfellowshipped to saying that a person was no longer one of jehovah's witnesses.. i thought it was around the time of the bulgaria scandal.. could you help us out to remember when this change took place?
if we could remember the approximate year, we could look up all the boe's for that year and might find the letter.. many thanks!.
I remember hearing the 'no longer a jw' from the platform in 1993. I remember being confused and having my family explain what that meant.