Does anyone know anyone who actually died from COVID? I know of people harmed by the vaccines, but the supposedly deadly virus? It was media hype.
Yes. I know a lot of people who died from COVID. Here are just a couple of examples. My stepbrother got COVID during the lock-down. He died within a week. I knew a very elderly woman who died of it. Then her son contracted it and killed himself. I know a lot of people who worked on the front lines and saw a ton of death. It was, is, and will always be real. But then, so is the flu and pneumonia, and bronchitis.. all of which used to kill a lot of people before we had the medicines to mitigate the risks. My very good friend, who was only 48 years old, died of complications from pneumonia in 2018. While you cannot deny that it was real, there isn't any good reason to freak out about it and make it into more than it is.
I have a different perspective on vaccines, apparently. I'm a child of the '80s. Everyone I knew growing up, were always thankful for vaccines. It meant we didn't get measles, polio, scarlet fever, small pox, and etc. I had grandparents that still talked about how scary it was to get scarlet fever and small pox. I knew how lucky I was to not have to worry about getting those diseases.
It wasn't until I was much older that the idea that vaccines cause autism started. I never understood why people could be so stupid about that idea. If it really causes autism... why aren't there more cases of autism? Everyone, every single baby and child was required to get the standard vaccinations, but the number of autistic babies is quite low compared to the entire population. It doesn't even make sense. It isn't just JWs that don't have logic skills.
In the US, you couldn't work in certain fields if you didn't have the standard round of vaccinations. None of that is new. I came up knowing this was a requirement. It boggled my mind when people thought it was some egregious new law that they couldn't work in some places or ways if they hadn't been vaccinated. To me, that was just people being dumb.
Vaccines have been around for a while now. Yes, some people have reactions to vaccines. That's true of all medicines. But I'm also not afraid of COVID or monkeypox or whatever will come next. There is a shit ton of crap in the air that can kill me. What's one more? What's a dozen more? Either it will get me and I will die or it won't. It isn't the worst way to die. It isn't the nicest way either. But it certainly isn't any scarier than anything else. I fear death. I hope to go in my sleep. I hope not to be violated and dismembered and cast into an unmarked grave by a serial killer. Fearing dying of COVID falls under 'dying from some awful lung complication'. I do not understand why it is so much scarier to people than any other way of dying.
To me, that was the worst part of COVID... the sheer mass stupidity by people, companies, and the government. Quarantine and lock-down was understandable. The last time we had an outbreak like that was the Spanish Flu of 1912. I get why people were freaked out. It's been a while since people had to remember that quarantines and lock down are actually nothing new.
I think conversations like this one are weird. I don't get what all the fuss is about. I don't care about the stupid and weird antics of the politicians. When aren't they trying to influence journalism and control the social narrative? I just don't see why there has to be such melodrama about it all.
Whatever it was, it wasn't informed consent.
No, I think it falls under implied consent... at least for people in the US. The lock-down, quarantines, required vaccinations, work regulations around vaccines... it is all historical standards. If you live in the states you expect to abide by the law both as it stands and as it is enacted during times of crisis.
It wasn't 'informed' consent because people didn't do their due diligence and have all this self-righteousness about their rights without actually knowing their rights and their responsibilities. During COVID, people were watching the fearmongering on the news and in social media. They weren't informed because they chose not to be informed. Being informed doesn't mean that you get the information spoon fed to you by someone else. It means that you learn everything you need to learn to make a good choice. You don't get that from people in social media. You get that from your own research, your own due diligence.
I gave informed consent. I was eager for the vaccines. I like vaccines and I trust them. But if I didn't, I still live in the US and I know what the government requires of me to live and work here. Just by living here, I agree to abide by the law during a crisis. That is implied consent.
Edit: Since some people are indicating their vaccine status:
1976: Diphtheria, Tetanus, Pertussis, Polio (OPV), Measles, Mumps, Rubella,
1990: Measles (due to outbreak in area)
2013-2023: 10year pneumonia, annual flu shot
2021: COVID Janssen & COVID Pfizer
2022: COVID booster
2023: Flu shot, COVID shot
2024: Prevnar20 lifetime pneumonia vaccine