There is both good and bad in Jwism, to leave and separate oneself from it, it is best to acknowledge what they are.
A part of the good is leaving the sins of the WTS. which may even cost you your life, then no one wins.
working with my brother who is still a jw that jwism is a disaster for it's people and even life threatening by it's rules.
and to live a true free life, the best is to thing to do is leave it..
There is both good and bad in Jwism, to leave and separate oneself from it, it is best to acknowledge what they are.
A part of the good is leaving the sins of the WTS. which may even cost you your life, then no one wins.
the truth that leads to eternal life at a church rummage sale.
1968 printing and a 74 printing of god's eternal purpose now triumphing for mens good.
i know the truth book has some things in it that are a bit damning.
Some of the JWS/WTS greatest opponents are the literature the WTS published previously.
Brings up the posed question if these men running this publishing organization were really chosen by god or did these men make that proclamation by themselves for themselves.
being pimo i attend the meetings regularly over zoom.
( i have to as my wife is a dyed -in - the wool, and stick-in-the mud pioneer witness.
i have no possibility of leaving as it would create havoc in my life and at 68 years of age i just don't want the hassle of having to cope with the ramifications of disassociating myself.
Teaching fear, ignorance and stupidity by the Watchtower Corporation /JWorg carries on .
A matter of fact they will Zoom it to you via the inter-net..
Want to join ?
You can also become arrogant, self righteous, cultlish and share in the sins of false prophet charlatans (GB members) who proclaim they are god's chosen ones.
Mind you you wont make Jehovah or Jesus Christ happy for doing this.
if it is a non-jw who did this as a result of their pandemic campaign (letter-writing and telephone calls), jehovah’s witnesses really need to check themselves.
they have been directed by their new york headquarters (since last year shortly after the start of the pandemic) to send letters to only people they know.
people don’t like receiving unwanted, unrequested, unsolicited letters and phone calls, especially from jehovah’s witnesses.. if it is a former member who received a letter as a result letter-writing pandemic campaign- most former members do not like being harassed by active jehovah’s witnesses and have been directed by their new york headquarters to send letters to and call only people they know.. .
I find it hard to believe that any random resident with do this.
Teenagers pent up in the homes, where their parents have repeatedly stated oh those annoying JWS are here again.
Not really
if it is a non-jw who did this as a result of their pandemic campaign (letter-writing and telephone calls), jehovah’s witnesses really need to check themselves.
they have been directed by their new york headquarters (since last year shortly after the start of the pandemic) to send letters to only people they know.
people don’t like receiving unwanted, unrequested, unsolicited letters and phone calls, especially from jehovah’s witnesses.. if it is a former member who received a letter as a result letter-writing pandemic campaign- most former members do not like being harassed by active jehovah’s witnesses and have been directed by their new york headquarters to send letters to and call only people they know.. .
Its not the first time a JWS Kingdom Hall has had graffiti sprayed on it.
Jws are still perceived as annoying people who call on people's doors early Saturday morning.
seeing on another post here about former jws throwing away literature.
i am curious as to the various opinions on there value.. for me i have been inactive for 3 years almost 4. i still have alot of books and of course all their bibles ever produced (except a few from the 1800s.).
in my opinion i think there are four books the jws produced that are useful:.
The WTS/JWS self glorify themselves upon how many publications they make worldwide and how many different languages too, unfortunately their written articles or doctrines were all unscriptural bullshit.
They have the audacity and arrogance to call other religions false religions which adds to their inherent hypocrisy and corruption.
so you've probably heard of the ethical dilemma question which is a thought-experiment where you imagine there is a runaway train-trolley, a junction with a lever that you can pull and two tracks - one with 5 workers on it and another with just 1, but no way to warn them.. all you can do is pull the lever, or not, thus allowing 5 people to die or through your direct action sacrificing 1 to save them.. what should you do?.
this sort of thing may seem silly but it comes up in real life.
should a self-driving car for instance, faced with a certain collision, chose which pedestrians to run over?
Is there the option to derail the Trolley before it hits any people ?
Well that's what I would try and do..
jehovah's witnesses used to state other christian denominations go to war and in fact that their religious leaders bless such wars.
they see this as one reason why all other christian denominations are not true christians since they kill one another at war and therefore they don't love one another as stated by jesus in john 13: 34,35.. for example when a roman catholic go to war, he/she is bound to kill a fellow roman catholic in the cause of the war.
therefore roman catholic can't be true christians since its member don't love one another and kill one another at war and as such god cannot be in support of such wars where his worshippers kill one another.. the question that comes for consideration is, has jehovah ever supported wars between his own worshippers?.
Apparently Jehovah in the past supported wars with non believers from different civilizations and taking virginal girls as captives, this makes Jehovah a very poor Christian.
The WTS once showed and made the reference that Christendom supported wars, such as priests blessing the guns of the solders before battle.
There have been many Christian based faiths that through their own doctrines will not participate in warring combat, the JWS are just one in particular.
being pimo i attend the meetings regularly over zoom.
( i have to as my wife is a dyed -in - the wool, and stick-in-the mud pioneer witness.
i have no possibility of leaving as it would create havoc in my life and at 68 years of age i just don't want the hassle of having to cope with the ramifications of disassociating myself.
Eyesight is getting worse so a bigger screen might be a good idea.
Bigger screen doesn't mean sharper and clearer text or images.
Look at a monitor with a 4k resolution and low pixel pitch number for sharper text
like this one
the reason i ask is because on the wt library (2005) the second of the two study articles from that mag has a blurb at the end that i found rather bizarre: .
published by jehovahs witnesses but now out of print.
Religious charlatans (WTS) publishing legalities