I know several that were reproved + df'ed a total of 5-6+ times.
JoinedPosts by seawolf
Do you know any JW's that were Disfellowshipped or Reprooved over 3 times?
by booker-t ina girl i work with told me the other day that she is going to the elders and ask them to "reinstate" her for the 4th time.
i told her she must be out of her mind.
why would any jw go through all of that headache?
The green bibles???????????
by vitty ina couple of years ago we where told by the co that some people were still using the green bibles.......shock horror!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
and that we shouldnt as it was showing that we didnt appreciate the latest ones...black or maroon.
ur what???????.
Dan-O, Interesting question. I still have several green ones. I never knew there was anything different between them other than the colors of their covers. In terms of Freon, the ozone hole is good for me since I'm always too white and needing a bit of a tan. :)
thank you....you are at least ONE anti-bush person on this board that is willing to admit kerry is no different on the issue of wmds/iraq. i might not agree with you, but at least you dont have the same idealized view of kerry that blinds so many others.
They aren't any different on the WMD/Iraq thing it seems.
I don't like bush at all (and I was glad when he got elected, too, so you can see my opinion of him as gone straight to hell).
fwiw, I think things will be worse if Kerry gets elected...
Kobe, what does the new evidence make you think about what happened?
by DaCheech in.
Has anyone read the transcript of Kobe's initial questioning by the police? The guy is a scumbag who thinks anything he does can be fixed by paying off.
Hours after his sexual encounter with a hotel employee in Colorado, Kobe Bryant told investigators that Shaquille O'Neal, his Laker teammate at the time, had paid up to $1 million to women to keep them quiet about "situations like this," according to a police report. http://www.sun-sentinel.com/sports/basketball/heat/sfl-929kobeshaq,0,5796320.story?coll=sfla-sports-heat
CO visit: what's the big deal?
by M.J. ini'm an outsider who was once told by someone at the local kh that the whole cong.
was abuzz with activity because the co was there to visit that particular week.
the whole meeting schedule was changed for the week, people were putting extra hours in service, etc.
First he read Proverbs 25:25 which says: Like cold water to a weary soul is good news from a distant land.
Then Matthew 10:42: And if anyone gives even a cup of cold water to one of these little ones because he is my disciple, I tell you the truth, he will certainly not lose his reward.
Lastly Matthew 25:34,35: Then the king will say to those on his right, come you who are blessed by my father, take your inheritance, the kingdom prepared for you since the creation of the world. For I was hungry and you gave me something to eat, I was thirsty and you gave me something to drink, I was a stranger and you invited me in.ug. I swear I need one of those Star Trek universal language translators to translate this klingon stuff to me.
It looks spot on the money to me.
War Photography ***Warning: Graphic photos****
by SixofNine injust beautiful.
blood is every bit as vivid on a good digital camera as it was on kodachrome.
i was going to say something smartass, like "guess which of these four kids goes on to hate america enough to do violence" but then i read the text, and that kid died too.
I saw this picture being posted around and thought would put it in here. If the information posted is correct, the kid's family was caught in a crossfire. Mother was killed, dad gravely wounded, four year-old shot in the eye, and the baby in the pic was hit with flying shrapnel.
Israeli Spy at the Pentagon...
by dolphman inhas anyone heard anymore on this issue.
someone in the upper ranks of the pentagon was working for israel, giving them memos on our possible actions against tehran.
the problem is, the person is also suspected of being the conduit from which we recieved those bs reports of iraq developing nuclear weapon technology.. it shows how uncomfortably close we are with israel's politics and policys, and how they can manipulate us.
It shows how uncomfortably close we are with Israel's politics and policys, and how they can manipulate us. In other words, Israel may have been responsibile for giving us the final "push" of evidence nescessary to go into Iraq.
yep. There is sooooooooo much Israeli spying going on in D.C. that I don't even know where to start.
I brought up Israel and the war on this board back in early 2003....
How Come The US Media is Silent?
by Kent in.
how come the us media haven't mentioned a word about us troops abusing children in iraq, in their prisons and on cuba?
it's all over europe - but inside the us the subject is never mentioned.. so much for the "land of freedom" (for war criminals!
Simon and Englishman
I've watched US news channels and they are seriously lacking.
Lots of flashing headlines and dramatic music & graphics ... no content or *real* inofmral analysis.
Give me Paxman and Andrew Marr any day!
There is a European version of CNN that's nothing like the US version, I'm told.
You're correct. For example:
The propagandistic nature of the war coverage was made crystal clear by AOL Time Warner?s CNN a few weeks after the war began in Afghanistan. CNN president Walter Isaacson authorized CNN to provide two different versions of the war: a more critical one for the global audience and a sugarcoated one for Americans. Isaacson instructed the domestic CNN to be certain that any story that might undermine support for the US war be balanced with a reminder that the war on terrorism is a response to the heinous attacks of September 11. P. 380
Does the U.S. need its own version of M.I.5??
by Crazy151drinker inour current domestic intelligence is gathered by the fbi, which imho sucks at it and should stick at what it does best- ie handle federal crimes.
the fbi and the aclu are concerned that if kerry wins, he will push for the establishment of a new dept.
maybe we can call it central reconnaissance and protection aka c.r.a.p.