But, I mean, jeepers! How is Santa going to know where to deliver my presents if his compass does not work anymore??
Joe Hoba will guide him.
warning-potential depression ahead!.
this is without a doubt, the most depressing article i've ever read.
yeah, i make a great saleman, huh?
But, I mean, jeepers! How is Santa going to know where to deliver my presents if his compass does not work anymore??
Joe Hoba will guide him.
april fool
I was hoping you were going back to the meetings!*
* April fools
i just had surgery(gall bladder) this past week.
i am fine, thanks.
anyways, it hurts when laugh.
Chapelle's Show--raunchy, offensive, and always off-color!
Is Wayne Brady gonna have to choke a bitch?
i've been lurking sorta kinda and in the chat a bit, but anyways, i thought i'd formally introduce myself.
not really, but i'm paranoid, so you can call me 'thy.
It makes me wonder just how many JW kids are coming to this conclusion (that its all crap) and just keeping quiet.
I think quite a few. I never quite bought it when I was younger but just went because I had to. Tried to convince myself but couldn't. Most can't really talk to find out what others think because all hell will break out if it's found out that they're questioning anything...
i've been lurking sorta kinda and in the chat a bit, but anyways, i thought i'd formally introduce myself.
not really, but i'm paranoid, so you can call me 'thy.
Welcome Apathy!
what was your most embarrassing moment as a jw?.
i was in 7th grade.
my science teacher was a jw.
I went to jump off the stage (instead of taking the steps) and I tripped and fell. lol
as many of you know, my son lives in colorado with the babymama.... ...and i can't take seeing him only a few times a year.... so, after this school year, i'm leaving my texas home.
i have a few prospects lined out in the denver area, and one will pan out for me.. i'll miss the texas apostate district, and all you fine folks that made me feel so welcome.
i wouldn't have gotten this far without you.. i'll visit though.
God willing...I still would like to join the Sea Level Club
quit undressing me with your eyes!!
he's always been a hero of mine.
his new cd is called "has been" and it's an _incredible_ album.
aimee mann, joe jackson, henry rollins guest star in it.
Anyone remember the pictures of him taking the pictures of the naked woman for Playboy? They were pretty funny lol
kingdom ministry - april 2005
week starting april 18th
15 min: living w/ soundness of mind in an electronic age.
Apparently too many are getting caught looking at porn so this timely article, chock-full of life-giving all-you-can-eat buffet of fine spiritual food is needed.
today, i bought one of those nifty shower heads that come off the wall and have pulse/massage type settings.
well, i didn't follow directions and i ended up snapping it right off the pipe....oops.
so, i took it back to the store and said..."i don't know what happened.
There are far more things in life to have guilt over!!!!!! My advice "put that baby on pluse and move on to greater sins!!!!!!!!!!"
AMEN, brotha, AMEN ! 4 out of 5 apostates agree, pulse action on the shower head !!!