That was a very brave and heart felt letter, you can almost feel the pain and agony that caused it to be written.
I find that the 2 witness rule that is used by the WTS to be very outdated. If you figure 2,000 years ago when Paul reinforced the rule and moses instituted it 2,000 years prior to that, there was no real scientific way to investigate crimes. But today we do have these things and the need for 2 witnesses is not always necessary and often should not even be used. If there is an accusation of this kind of crime, there should be no doubt as to have it properly investigated by the local authorities, if the accused is innocent they will find that out, as well as if he/she is guilty.
They say that "Gods Word" is unchanging, but think about it, parts of it are over 4,000 years old and the laws it uses often conflict with modern methods. This law being one of them. Now I'm not saying that the laws were not needed in thier day, but some of them are not aplicable to our day and time. For instance if your house was broken into, do you want the authorites to drop the investigation if they cannot find two people that saw the intruder? Or do you accept the fact that the finger prints that they lifted belonged to the neighbor kid down the street and push for him to be punished. Well under the law of moses he is innocent, there are no wittnesses, but under modern law it can be proven that he was the one that did the crime and will be punished.
The same applies to the sexual abuse, most rapests are not convicted on an additional wittness, other then the victim. The convictions usually come from scientific evidence, the reason is, most of these crimes are without wittness other then the victim themselves.
Perhaps the "Word of God" is unchanging, but the way it is applied should be, and much of it should be taken as principal rather then literal.