The God of the bible how ever you want to pronounce his name or just call him GOD or LORD, what ever is and always has been a ruthless dieity, right from the get go. Look at the first book of the bible, genisis, when he created man he gave him free will, my ass he did, free will is to do what you want freely, make up your own mind as to right and wrong. His first command to the first couple was to not eat from some tree to give them knowlege of good and bad, well hold on here, that's a catch 22, because if they didn't know bad already then it could not have been bad to eat of the tree because they didn't know bad (evil in some translations). I've heard evangilists try to justify this gods thurst for human blood as loving, the point that comes to mind is the comments by Patty Robertson about the killing of Canaanites as being loving, because if he didn't they would have grown to be millions in the next few generations and then he would not have to kill only a few thousand of them but millions. STUPID reasoning, if he was loving he would have stopped it at 2 (Adam and Eve). The bible is filled with nothing but blood and gore, ethnic cleansing, and sexual perversions of all sorts. This YHWH is not a loving god, in giving free choice to all mankind, he gives you 2 choices, choice 1: Worship me with all you have, choice 2: Death if you don't. WOW that's what I call freedom.................NOT!