I am with flip, I was not wrong about the "Truth" my parents were and still are. I was given no choice as to what to beleive, I was seldom if ever allowed to be exposed to the so called "False teachings" of the rest of the world.
what effect has having a whole section of your life proved to be a falsehood had on you?.
anybody that has been a witness will understand the time, effort, comitment and money that it took to be a member.
the way it dominated our lives, affected every decision we made and shaped our future.. some have left and turned to other faiths and some (like myself) have lost all religious faith (and i make no appology for that).
I am with flip, I was not wrong about the "Truth" my parents were and still are. I was given no choice as to what to beleive, I was seldom if ever allowed to be exposed to the so called "False teachings" of the rest of the world.
you know has returned!.
here's his latest:.
: in all probability, terrorists already possess wmd, but have up to this point been prevented from using them by jehovahs restraining angels.
Speaking of the 700 club, I get a laugh out of them and a few other TV Christian shows, but anyway the 700 club. Here is a classic interview from the 700 club, these guys are as bad as the Jduds:
JERRY FALWELL: And, I know that I'll hear from them for this. But, throwing God out successfully with the help of the federal court system, throwing God out of the public square, out of the schools. The abortionists have got to bear some burden for this because God will not be mocked. And when we destroy 40 million little innocent babies, we make God mad. I really believe that the pagans, and the abortionists, and the feminists, and the gays and the lesbians who are actively trying to make that an alternative lifestyle, the ACLU, People For the American Way - all of them who have tried to secularize America - I point the finger in their face and say "you helped this happen."
PAT ROBERTSON: Well, I totally concur, and the problem is we have adopted that agenda at the highest levels of our government. And so we're responsible as a free society for what the top people do. And, the top people, of course, is the court system.
hi everyone,.
i am a new poster who is putting off their own personal story of finding this site for a while..... i find alot of people here utterly fascinating, and would like to know..... exactly what is everyones professional field of work?.
i would like to be a full time poster on this forum, but alas, the $$$$ are quite light in that field of work.. apologies if this has been asked before.. just curious.
I run a dating service for the natives here on the island, out my grass hut, located on the beach so as I can check out the scenery from my office (the grass hut). he he he he,
Acutally I manage, operate, and maintain the automated baggage system at the airport, I was an industrial/comercial electrician, until I decided I wanted a higher paying job, and didn't want to work as hard. LOL
there are two things.
in the early and mid 80s there were witnesses saying that the cartoon characters the smurfs were not acceptable for witnesses.
i had two smurf cartoon books and my mother made me throw them away.
WHEW.........panting with exhaustion........ that was a long thread, I got a kick out of just about every one of the posts he he he he.
Now let me see if I can reach back far enough and pull up a few.
When growing up in Southern California, in the mid 60's I remember we were ot allowed to eat a McD's cause there was blood added to the hamburger. My mom told me a brother took the meat to a lab and had it tested (I'm sure this was hear-say), So I never had a big mac until I was about 16.
Also do any of you remember the song that had the lyrics in it "somebody's knocking" I don't remember who sung it but it was a woman, but her voice was very masculine. So at one public talk the elder was using this song about how it was promoting homoseuality, becasue of the line "...Devil in blue jeans.......". I was really puzzeled and after the meeting I went up to brother K*** and asked him if he had any idea who sang that song, he said no, I said well it was a woman not a man, he just shrugged his shoulders and walked away.
I got a kick out of the idea that they had about heart transplants. I remember at one district assembly, they talked about how part of the brain was actually attached to the heart, so if you get a transplant from a criminal you will take on that persons personality, or if a man got a womans heart, he would become very feminine.
My wife (now ex) was telling me about this quija board she had when she was studying with the Jduds and how she was told she had to destroy it, as it was demonic. She said she took a saw to it and it would not cut it, she tried to burn it and it would not burn, so she worked on it for a few hours with the saw and got a small cut in it then her and her sister put it between 2 bricks and jumped up and down on it till it cracked. (I never asked her if the way was sharp)
I had a friend of mine (JW) who parents would always make him play his music for them before he got permission to listen to it. It was always funny to have them try to interpet the songs. LMAO he told me he couldn't listen to Chicago, becasue 25 or 6 to 2 was a song about sex and fornication, hmmmmmmm.
Jehobah is providing fine protction for us that he has commanded that we not have blood transfusions. Think of all the lives this fine protection has saved from diesies in transfused blood. (Now lets go hop in our car and drive to McD's for a blood burger.)
Although it didn't get started with the Duds, but I remember the Procter and Gamble thing was taken very seriously by many.
Richard Nixon said in a speach to the nation ".....and we now have peace and security........" WOOOOO that was in like early '74, what a rise that got, "the end most certanly is near."
Ok nuff for now, I'll think of a few again later he he he, what idiots these Duds are at times.
i don't know if this has been posted on this site yet, but i came across something that indicates that congregations in germany were sent a letter of explanation (or rather, deception) about the societys un connection.. scroll to the end of page -- .
can someone do a better translation from german to english?
Now someone correct me if I am wrong, but I remeber reading somewhere that even as privite citizens you can access the UN library, via local UN locations throughout the world, no membership needed. Also If my memory serves me correctly, the WTS did disasociate themsleves, but it was under threat that the UN's DPI office was going to do it for them, they just beat them to the punch.
i don't know if this q has been brought up on the forum, if so i apoligize, but i was just thinking about this today, and wondered how many here left or are thinking about or trying to leave the b-org as result of the un fiasco?
how many do you know of that left due to this?.
Welcome to the board.
been wondering about this lately.... what proof (outside the bible, of course) do we have for the "historical jesus"?.
in my earlier days (post jw to "born again christian") i remember reading that the one thing that differentiates christianity vs. "all the others" was that we had secular historical proof that there was a man that was called jesus, who died on a cross and was resurrected.
now i am wondering just what that proof is/was?
The prophecy of Babylon is not a very good example of prophecy coming true,
The day of the Lord is at hand; it shall come as a destruction from the Almighty . . . Behold, I will stir up the Medes against them . . . And Babylon, the glory of kingdoms, the beauty of the Chaldeans` pride, shall be as when God overthrew Sodom and Gomorrah. It shall never be inhabited . . . neither shall the Arabian pitch tent there, neither shall shepherds make their flocks to lie down there. But wild beasts of the deserts shall lie there. (Isaiah 13:6, l7, 19-21)
Behold, I will raise up against Babylon a destroying wind . . . Babylon is suddenly fallen and destroyed . . . Prepare against (Babylon) the nations, with the kings of the Medes . . . Babylon shall become heaps (ruins), a dwellingplace for jackals, an astonishment and an hissing, without inhabitant . . . The broad walls of Babylon shall be utterly overthrown, and her high gates shall be burned with fire . . . O Lord, thou hast spoken against this place to cut it off, that none shall dwell therein, neither man nor beast, but it shall be desolate for ever
Now first off, I would like to point out that the Medes and Persians did not destroy Babylon, in fact, they kept it and settled in it, it was still a major city up to an including the time of Alexander the Great. The bold portions in the above quotes say it shall be imedeitlly and utterly destroyed and shall not be inhabited for ever, yet it was not, infact some of the digs in Babylon indicate that there was still a thriving community well into the 1st milleniun AD.
So again that was not a good example of a prophecy coming true.
joseph f. alward, posted the following:.
i believe there are many on this forum who are not aware of the many online bibles from which they could almost effortless copy verses to paste into their arguments.
when one refers to a particular verse in a particular book, few readers have the patience to go seach through the whole book.
For those that would like to research the Catholic versions of the bible, there are two versions online, The old Douay-Rheims version, and The New American Bible, from the USCC. Also is the complete Catholic encyclopedia, that the WTS just loves to misquote from. All this and more can be found at http://www.newadvent.org/
i'm longing to hear news of some of my old friends.
from new hampshire or vermont, norman and jane beauchene, frank and carol walker, the lewellyn family.
from pennsylvania, sue and bob buehler, craig and barb curley, donna hertel, kathy keers, irene lapchak, laurie maser, bob and helen neiman, diane schell, jack and maryann thorn.
Hi Evelyn,
Welcome to the board. If they were or are JW's have you tried this site http://www.watchtowernews.org/findexjws.htm you can list yourself as well and see if you get a response.
i think the old men at brooklyn are in a bind when it comes to the blood policy.
so many jws have lost their lives from this policy that if the borg suddenly did a 180 and allowed transfusions, there would be thousands of mad family members asking too many questions and probably too many law suits.. i think they know it's a dumb-ass policy but their overpaid lawyers are probably telling them to stick with it to avoid massive class-action suits.
like everything else in brooklyn, the all-mighty dollar has the final word.
Freddy said
So many people lost their lives because of blood transfusions
Hmmm if it is a loving provision, as I was told when I was in the borg, that jehobah has us abstain from blood, because of the dangers that go along with it, then why do Jdumbs drive cars, surly Jehobah would protect you from driving a car, as 100 times the number of people die from driving or riding in a car then do from blood transfusions. The benifits WAY out-weigh the dangers.