....if you notice any new green leaf or the birth of a small bud, you can believe and have hope. I think lots of relationships are held together simply by the belief that the plant is still a flower, when it's actually a tangled mass of weeds.
I built my first marriage on "hope" and I tried to grow something beautiful out of it. I was planted in a bad marital garden. I watered the plant, but the soil was bad to begin with. It was really hopeless. I just didn't want to accept it because I had invested so much of myself into the relationship. Sometimes a flower would bloom, only to quickly die. It was torture, but I was the only one who could fix "me". To do that, I had to leave my garden.
Reading your thread made me think back to those days....and this comes to mind. I don't know who wrote it:
"It only takes a moment. A moment of sanity. Clarity. A moment in which you know, deep inside yourself, that you've had enough. You've lived in pain too long. It's time to change."
I wish you the best.