JoinedTopics Started by Sentinel
Do You Remember Me?
by Sentinel init's been ages since i posted on this forum, but i was curious to see what is happening these days.
appears to be much of the same going on in this arena, with those still "in", those "out", and those "in-between".. the one constant is that everyone really does care about the other for the most part.. for those of you who remember me (sentinel) i've truly come such a long way in seven years time since my very first.
Someone out there, please....
by Sentinel in...if you are looking for a like-new home in northern virginia, very well situated for travel to all major areas, without all the congestion of newer developments...please consider our home that is for sale.
it went on the market right when things took a turn; the market seems to be flooded and our home isn't selling in the time we had anticipated.
we really need to sell our home in prince william county,and are hoping that someone who has a need will see this posted here and take a look.
Sunpar's Words - May 21, 2006
by TuningFork insunpar's words - may 21, 2006
the bible is just a book of clues to jog your memory in the age of dna activation (the cellular remembrance of who you are).
clues are just that, clues.
Tower of Babel is a Star Gate
by crizlee inaccording to genesis 11:4, people constructed the tower of babel, it was a ziggurat.
ziggurats, which means to be elevated, were built on top of mountains.
now there was a scripture that tells of a ladder appearing from the sky and an angel of the lord came down this ladder to speak with jacob and then went back up it to the heavens.
by vitty inwe often talk about unconditional love on the forum.. how our parents and members of our congregation only love, conditionally,and we condemm them.. but does god love us unconditionally, ive come to the conclusuion he doesnt so why are we surprised when his followers dont either.. so whos to blame, the witness who want to do everything by the "book" and feel there pleasing god regardless of the pain it causes them,or is it god himself who expects more than we can posssible do.
one day i believe and want to believe in him the next minute i dont.. when he looked down on the events of these last few days, did he feel sorrow for all those people who lost there lives.
was he proud of all us humans, flocking to help them, with money, volunteers and more important empathy for our fellow man who are suffering?.
The damn Egyptians liked way older women
by gumby inbuncha damn dirty old men i tell ya!.
that's right.....pharaoh liked 70 year old women and so did his buddies ( princes).
gen. chap.12 tells us when abraham entered egypt, the egyptians beheld the woman( sarah ), was "very fair".
Another Delicious Canadian Thanksgiving
by Happy Guy :) inin keeping with our family practice of celebrating on sunday and using the holiday monday to allow for a psyllium fiber treatment, we had a wonderful dinner this evening.
we'll be eating left overs for a many days.
to my fellow canadians who celebrated this wonderful seasonal weekend, once again: happy thanksgiving!
When are JW's going to realise the GB's not writing books anymore?
by sleepy inwhen are jw's going to realise the gb's not writing books anymore?
jw's have got to be wondering why there hardly any new jw books coming out anymore.and most of the newer ones are just edited versions of old books.
Is Mt. St. Helens Ready to Blow Again??
by Gretchen956 inhas mount st. helens awakened?
small earthquakes rattled mount st. helens at the rate of one or two a minute monday, and seismologists were working to determine the significance of some of the most intense seismic activity in nearly 20 years.
nervous scientists fear the slumbering giant, which hasn't had any kind of eruption in 18 years, may have awakened.