What/who gave you the courage to do this?
hazel dell woman files child sex abuse suit against jehovah's witnessesposted: sep 19, 2013 5:17 pm updated: sep 19, 2013 5:27 pm by fox 12 staff - emailvancouver, wa (kptv) - the fourth in a series of child sex abuse civil lawsuits against jehovah's witnesses congregations around the country was filed in washington state this week.
a now 39-year-old woman said she was abused starting at the age of 8 at the hazel dell kingdom hall on 109th street.
What/who gave you the courage to do this?
Unstop! Congratulations!!!!!
I read your posts and I am incredibly proud of how much you've learned about your newfound faith. :) You are so excited and typically using a language I understand which tells me you're geniunely having fun and now you're GETTING it.
Now have fun....
today, and just today i've decided to go over to the dark side.
be forewarned this is an intenesely negative thread.
maybe i had a bad day.
Psssst.... Stauros, your name totally gives your affiliation away.
ones that have themes that come uncomfortabllly close to the cult dynamic.. i already got him to watch the obsolete man on twilight zone.
he sauggested watching some old tz again tonight so i wioll pick where is everybody, and escape clause.. i have heard oters say the movie truman show was a good movie as is the matrix ( though i detest violence).
any more suggestions for my personal handy dandy list?.
I'm adding "Not Easily Broken" to this list... only because of the effects the WTS seems to have on relationships. The mother-in-law personifies the WTS.
not if your spouse is totally indoctrinated but maybe for one with an eyelid open?....
i was asked to watch the movie "not easily broken" with morris chestnut and taraji henson.
i believe my focus was supposed to be on the results of a couple losing sight of the proverbial threefold cord but as the movie progressed, i was struck by something quite different.. the wife is completely caught up with the perceptions of her peer group, the husband has grown weary of fighting for his wife's attention and affection and lastly we have a meddling mother-in-law whose influence over the daughter heavily contributes to the downward spiral of the marriage.
Not if your spouse is totally indoctrinated but maybe for one with an eyelid open?...
I was asked to watch the movie "Not Easily Broken" with Morris Chestnut and Taraji Henson. I believe my focus was supposed to be on the results of a couple losing sight of the proverbial threefold cord but as the movie progressed, I was struck by something quite different.
The wife is completely caught up with the perceptions of her peer group, the husband has grown weary of fighting for his wife's attention and affection and lastly we have a meddling mother-in-law whose influence over the daughter heavily contributes to the downward spiral of the marriage. For me, the mother-in-law was the personification of the WTS.
If you are experiencing challenges in your relationship as a result of learning TTATT and haven't seen the movie, imo, it's worth watching. If your spouse has an eyelid open, they may see the parallels. I'm a female but very much so identified with the husband so the movie transcended gender identification.
If anyone has seen or watches this movie, please let me know your thoughts.
i got this from this link.
http://users.adam.com.au/bstett/jwblooddoctrineorigin10.htm here is the information.
after reading it all, it really made how the doctrine developed look very ridiculous.
for me it is the smugness.
it's their inability and refusal to admit they are wrong....ever...even in the face of irrefutable evidence.
isn't pride a sin?
I am a non-jw who was visiting the KH in hopes of reaching JWs after learning as much about TTATT as I could. Listening to the self-righteous comments about non-jws made me physically ill. It also made their door-to-door work a total hypocrisy. Why even go to the doors to talk to those you hold in such contempt?
Luke 18:9-14 makes me think with sadness of my experience in the KH.
do we really need an organization and need to be in subjection to it as god always chose leaders (abhraham, moses, jesus, apostles)?
what are your thoughts?
how can you reason this out?.
Hi Miss,
I'm with Crazyguy... in 1 Cor. 3:18-23, we see that folks were already becoming followers of men. Paul is VERY clear about identifying oneself as a follower of men in this passage. He tells us that the wisdom of men is foolishness (folly) to God and not to boast in men.
I don't believe that the collective wisdom of 8 mortals in Brooklyn, NY is any more impressive than the wisdom of 1 in Vatican City. If you find yourself arguing about which man is more right, you've completely missed the point.
pages 1744 thru 1746 feature a chart of the kings of the southern kingdom, ending with zedekiah in 607.. praise the new bible and all of the teaching aids .... draw attention to kings list and how convenient that is ... but, strangely, i decided to look up information in an encyclopedia about the different kings, and the dates are not the same ... so i checked a couple of sources and they are all different than the chart in the bible .... why would that be?.
For those who do not have the new Bible, is the RNWT chart online?
i've been out of the organization for quite a number of years, and still feel that uneasy feeling that was washed into every cell of my being by wt indoctrination since birth.
never seems to go away completely, does it?.
i use to feel the need to talk about my experience in the organization to others, to worldlies, and they never quite seem to understand.
I completely understand her. I, too, had no exposure to what was taught in your KHs. Now I feel like I know too much and it's crushing my relationships with those who are JWs.
I'm going to assume you're no longer in so hopefully she will never have to be where I am.